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Write a funny caption for this photo



What’s going on in this picture? What is that bear doing and what is it thinking?

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51 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. THENAMEISNOTIMPORTNT // February 21, 2014 at 6:39 pm // Reply


  2. dude ready to go fishing

  3. How do I steer this thing???

  4. With this no fish will ecape me.

  5. This is how real bears get to the fish.

  6. I call it Titanic.

  7. I’m ready for Northern Teir.

  8. I couldn’t bear to see this boat go to waste!

  9. Do I smell flesh?


  11. now i can get more fish

  12. And they said the boating merit badge was hard to get!

  13. Man of Bananas // February 21, 2014 at 2:26 pm // Reply

    This is better than getting my paws wet!

  14. The Rowing Merit Badge Counselor is a real bear.

  15. where’s the water?

  16. you got any fish i could “have”

  17. Sorry I fell asleep in a boat last night and now I’m kind of um stuck

  18. I love my new lounge chair.

  19. hop in!

  20. just enjoying the day by the lake

    oh wait let me get that fish first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. PLEASE, give me some FOOD before I leave!!

  22. A little privacy!!!

  23. Hey, could you be doll and give me a push?

  24. sure I’ll take you across the pond, but it will cost you big time.

  25. The paddles are missing!

  26. sup, want to take a ride?

  27. FunnyCommenter:) // February 20, 2014 at 10:00 pm // Reply

    Let’s go fishin’.

  28. I sprung a leak and blew an engine
    time to go again

  29. I always knew bears would take eating fish to the next level, but this?

  30. I do not always lay here
    but when I do It is for no reason

  31. one second I was eating my fish
    and the next I am sitting in a dried up boat on shore

  32. I hope the 2,0000 pound bear dose not sink.

  33. I wish I could go fishing.

  34. diamond steve // February 20, 2014 at 7:45 pm // Reply

    papa bear: ahhhhh. i have always had memories of catching fish in a boat. i started when i was just about your age, little bear!
    little bear: uggg! here we go with one of dads boring stories! (sarcastically) yayyy!
    papa bear: well, back in the olden days,…

  35. hey, what you looking at? I the best seat the house, or boat that is.

  36. I need this boat because I’m a beary bad swimmer.

  37. No humans want to fish with me!

  38. Hey buddy, get into the boat. No questions.

  39. Can’t wait to show the rest of the bear cubs my boating merit badge!

  40. Just taking a Paws on the side of the river.

  41. Looks like I’m going fishing

  42. Hey why isn’t this thing moving! I saw the other guy do it why can’t I?!

  43. Up for some early morning fishing anybody?

  44. Hmm… how do you move this thing?

  45. And now boating school with the bear.

  46. whats up?

  47. This is now my boat ‘kay?


  49. Whats up bro

  50. Just bearing the ship sir.

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