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Write a funny caption for this photo



What’s going on in this picture? What is that dog doing and what is it thinking?

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. ReadingLover2014 // September 27, 2014 at 7:46 am // Reply

    I Drove All The Way Across The country And Got pulled Over 5 times to see my best friend, and now I can’t get down.

  2. hey boss whos driving me or the dutchhound

  3. “Hey, if your done doing your Business, can we go now?”

  4. Hey, Mom, I finally got my license! Now you owe me $20!

  5. Someone let me out! Cat! NOOOOO, its getting away!

  6. I told you to go BEFORE WE LEFT!!!

  7. Hey man watch were your going

  8. Did I use my hairballs for wheels?

  9. How am I doing back there scooter. Scooter wake up! We have to get this couch into my dog house.

  10. Excuse me,I’m just looking for directions to the cemetery. I’ve heard the place is LOADED with bones.

  11. Hey, guys, I need to get out… but it’s a long way down.

  12. i finally caught the squirrel

  13. there is no law saying that dogs can not drive

  14. Let’s drive this baby out o’ town!

  15. ha ha ill send you a postcard

  16. Finally, I just finished parallel barking!

  17. But wait officer I’ve got a dog licence

  18. Who says you need opposable thumbs to drive this thing!?

  19. Driving a truck… Yeah thats what im talking about

  20. Hmmmm…. If I read the instruction manual, oops, ” not to be driven by people 21 and under.” I’m 7

  21. So long Lassie

  22. All I need now is a chauffeur.

  23. Am I chasing the car or is the car chasing me?

  24. I am a road DOG

  25. “be quiet im trying to drive”

  26. Hey! I have a license you dumb dog catcher!

  27. Sorry officer. There was this squirrel….

  28. hop in! we’ve got some deliveries to make!

  29. Doggy Thoughts: “Thanks Dad!!

  30. Doggy Thoughts: “Yup, I’m in a truck.”

  31. Farmer! we are goin’ to be late for the meeting!

  32. Bark! Honk! Bark!

  33. Hurry up I’m driving

  34. Try and run now mailman mowhahaha!

  35. Hi Der It's Me! // September 23, 2014 at 4:55 pm // Reply

    Now Lets See If The Humans Chase Me And Eat My Bumper And License Plate!

  36. How do you like my new rig?

  37. Lucky is about the only dog who chased a truck and then actually caught it.

  38. Fido! I said fetch the duck, not truck!

  39. Ha, I bet Lassie can’t do this!

  40. Speeding? But officer, I can’t reach the pedals!

  41. Making a major detour, finally got a squirrel to turn left.

  42. I’m bad to the bone!!!!


  44. You throw 1 stick, I fetch 1,000,000

  45. I have no clue what I am doing.

  46. My dog takes chasing car to a whole new level…

  47. Hey, you left your passenger light on.

  48. tobywonkienobie // September 21, 2014 at 6:16 pm // Reply

    why pull me over?! i have a drivers license! look.

  49. sggob recneps // September 21, 2014 at 6:11 pm // Reply

    I don’t even need the horn, what are you talking about!!

  50. LOL!!!!!!!!!

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