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Write a funny caption for this photo



What’s going on in this picture? What is that dog doing and what is it thinking?

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. What’s wrong with you move it!

  2. davisdiggers // December 16, 2015 at 1:15 am // Reply

    move it squirel

  3. nah nah, take that pigeon!

  4. I Call Shot gun. ROAD TRIP!!! WOOOOOF I mean YIPE!!!!!!!!

  5. Get in the back.

  6. The new way to chase cars and actually catch them.

  7. Honk Honk!! I’m driving.

  8. #dog rights. // December 10, 2015 at 8:53 pm // Reply

    I see the light!!

  9. Officer you brought my friend police dog how nice to see y…BARK BARK BARK!!! Ok ok Ill get out 🙁

  10. Get in, the F.B.I. Are right there dude.They have m-66’s.

  11. I love this Mack!

  12. Why are people staring at me? They drive me drive

  13. Creeperdude75 // November 29, 2015 at 5:22 pm // Reply

    Woof woof?! I mean honk honk!!

  14. Hey, you! Don’t leave ya droppins’ by my truck, ya hear? I’m talkin’ to ya, Pidgedo!

  15. spiderman worrall // November 28, 2015 at 5:17 pm // Reply

    whats up dog??

  16. What did I miss

  17. ‘Sup brah.

  18. look out

  19. Hey, watch out, buddy, you’re going to crash into me!

  20. xXx__DodoDudemark5__xXx // November 25, 2015 at 6:11 pm // Reply

    I told you already! I’m driving!

  21. Do you have a problem with a dog driving a truck?

  22. My sister is 18 and she failed her driving test. This rig is what sets us apart.

  23. hey!!!! thats a parking free zone!

  24. No I told HIM to sit in the back

  25. Hello officer, it’s not what it looks like.

  26. But officer, h-he said i could drive!

  27. i can finally get to the moon

  28. they see me rolin they hatin

  29. That’s right, I own this diesel

  30. hey you sqiurel are you nuts i am trying to back up

  31. No, I don’t know where Dallas is, but the Cocker Spaniel over there might

  32. Jakinator2005 // November 11, 2015 at 9:38 pm // Reply

    I can finally outrun my squirrel enemies!

  33. What? Is there something out of the ordinary going on?

  34. Man I don’t really like this job!!!

  35. this ones clean

  36. Mr.yorkie is going to new yorkie

  37. I think we have to press this, oops! Now turn this Knob and pull this?

  38. get back to work

  39. Ok, see you at 7 sharp, Owner! Be nice to the fellow humans!

  40. darn… the police caught me!

  41. Does it LOOK like my guardian is here?

  42. Squirrles here I come!!! (Oh and cats too)

  43. how did they drive this?

  44. Whadda you looking at! I mean I am only a dog driving my semi.

  45. Kids, don’t try this at home! Bandanas can be dangerous you know.

  46. “And….. He drove off into the sunset!” (Laugh track )

  47. Hey I gotta pee to you know.

  48. WinterWolf120 // October 8, 2015 at 12:38 pm // Reply

    In dog years I only need to be 5 to drive

  49. HAHA they never said I could teach the dog to drive the semi!

  50. Can i drive?

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