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Write a funny caption for this photo



What’s going on in this picture? What is that dog doing and what is it thinking?

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52 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. This sled is operational… when the snow comes.

  2. Hey Jim wheres the snow?

  3. i found this sled ….can i go to a hill it looks kinda steep

  4. bobthebobsled // November 17, 2014 at 7:02 am // Reply

    Hey, Ive seen the Jamaican bobsled team do this

  5. Hey, Ive seen the Jamaican bobsled team do this.

  6. bring on the snow

  7. dudes or dudets // November 16, 2014 at 7:15 pm // Reply

    Maybe i need a steeper hill

  8. Sled, check! winter coat, check! Now I need a sled team and some snow!

  9. Is it just me, or is it really hard to go sledding without snow?

  10. Mush, Rudolph!

  11. Weeeee!!!!!!! uhoh! Where is the snow.

  12. flamethrower // November 16, 2014 at 5:49 pm // Reply

    c’mon SNOW!!!

  13. bobthebobsled // November 16, 2014 at 5:44 pm // Reply

    Hey, I’ve seen the Jamaican bobsled team do this.

  14. Hey, I’ve seen the Jamaican bobsled team do this. So I’ll will be team Jamaica.

  15. Hey cats! The dogs just improved!

  16. hey faster . what no snow.

  17. Hello? Does anyone know how to steer this thing?

  18. You can go to bathroom later, now start pulling the sled!

  19. Only a few more months now…

  20. how long until winter

  21. Random Human Being // November 16, 2014 at 9:26 am // Reply

    Well… That’s a problem… I knew I should have waited for snow…

  22. hey cats I’m coming for you

  23. Maybe I need a Axial commpresser. Or a centrifugal commpresser. I should have taken the aviation merit badge

  24. If only I had some wheels attached.

  25. Do I need a oar or something? A propeller? An engine?

  26. It’s not my fault I’m slow! It’s my reindeer!

  27. All I need now is some snow and some humans to pull my sled.

  28. Dang it, I asked for a LUGE not a sled! How am I supposed to reach 90 mph now?

  29. I think I have too much drag. Maybe I need to lay down.

  30. banana appley pie of pieness // November 15, 2014 at 10:34 pm // Reply


  31. Mush human! Mush! Uh hello? Anyone?

  32. mobster_toad // November 15, 2014 at 8:04 pm // Reply

    Is this what you mean by “sled dog”?

  33. I’m going to the championships!

  34. Can you please take me for a ride??

  35. Well? What are we waiting for? Let’s get going already!

  36. Where’s the snow? I’m gona get that CAT!

  37. So long suckers, I don’t thing I’m moving.


  39. Don’t I look great on this thing, too bad there’s none of that white stuff that I sometimes see outside

  40. deadpool is awesome // November 15, 2014 at 5:07 pm // Reply

    they said i was crazy but i will ramp into space… aaaaaaahhhhhhh

  41. The Best Around // November 15, 2014 at 4:56 pm // Reply

    Now we just need to find a way to catch those sneaky squirrels.

  42. Where’s the snow, I’m ready to go…………

  43. On Dasher, On Dancer……..

  44. *Sigh* I wish I had huskies instead of……….Chihuahuas!

  45. I should have known that weather man was a cat person!

  46. N01 pætęł // November 15, 2014 at 1:09 pm // Reply

    Ohhh….So this is how it feels to trade places with the other species for a day.

  47. Faster! Faster! We must outsled the cats!


  49. Maybe I need a bigger hill…..

  50. super duper dude // November 12, 2014 at 11:44 pm // Reply

    haha!! check out my new human sled team!!

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