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Write a Funny Caption


What’s going on in this picture? What are those stormtroopers doing and what are they thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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50 Comments on Write a Funny Caption

  1. I am your Father!!!

  2. I’ve been cloned!

  3. A random guy // August 26, 2015 at 9:01 am // Reply

    Nice disguise rebel.

  4. baconface163 // August 25, 2015 at 10:12 pm // Reply

    Yes! Jimmy were out of the star destroyer!

  5. am i a father.

  6. They are playing at the park that’s so cool 🙂

  7. teddy bear 664 // August 25, 2015 at 4:30 pm // Reply

    you look different have you lost weight?

  8. Looks like Vader has some explaining to do

  9. Jimmy! What have they done!


  11. my little baby storm trooper is the cutest!

  12. DoctorWho10yrs // August 17, 2015 at 6:55 pm // Reply

    Big Stormtrooper: Storm-ba!

  13. Sorry for nothing

  14. copycat

  15. Comic maker // August 14, 2015 at 7:57 am // Reply

    My cute little Lego baby!

  16. it’s alive!!!

  17. Daddy! Daddy! NOO!

  18. awwwww, you wittle baby stoom tooper…

  19. What have you done?!?

  20. cool guy gamer // August 11, 2015 at 8:41 am // Reply

    you are a little to small to go to work with me son

  21. its to hot out here oh look a giant lego i shall use it as a shield to block the sun

  22. I am your father.

  23. bob i am your dad

  24. yay hi dad

  25. Legodawg213 // August 8, 2015 at 2:35 pm // Reply

    Tommy I technically am your father even though were all brothers

  26. jackskyrunner // August 8, 2015 at 2:20 pm // Reply

    This trooper makes my head glow!

  27. This is my baby?

  28. mrheobrine // August 7, 2015 at 8:08 pm // Reply

    Love you my Lego

  29. You too, my son, will never be able to shoot anything!

  30. baby shield

  31. therealdeal221 // August 6, 2015 at 10:19 am // Reply

    My lost son.

  32. Now Thomas, I told you drugs were bad. You should do better.

  33. stormtrooper // August 5, 2015 at 10:53 am // Reply

    Daddy I saw the Jedi they look cool.

  34. BrightBoy972 // August 4, 2015 at 8:18 pm // Reply


  35. My little baby boy!

  36. Sliver fish 112 // August 4, 2015 at 6:48 pm // Reply

    Why’d I buy a oversized LEGO miny figure

  37. SteelBreaker // August 4, 2015 at 12:43 pm // Reply

    What have you done little brother? Have you been sticking lightsabers in your legs?

  38. Die Tiny Cousin

  39. cRAPSTER mANnnE // August 3, 2015 at 11:39 am // Reply

    Use him as a sheild!

  40. cRAPSTER mANnnE // August 3, 2015 at 11:38 am // Reply

    I TOLD you that stuff wasn’t good! But did you listen to me? NOOOOO!

  41. Let us go and defeat the Rebels small me.

  42. Back to the future, huh?

  43. what did i do daddy

  44. Hi!, dad!

  45. “I told you we should have shrinked an object instead of you! You even have holes in your feet now!”

  46. the cool kid20 // July 31, 2015 at 8:22 pm // Reply

    Son you have failed me, Now we go to the park

  47. whovianboy // July 30, 2015 at 10:53 pm // Reply

    don’t go to your new post at the death star! i have a bad feeling about it!


  49. my baby, you’ve turned Lego now!?!?!?

  50. hay small me looking good

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