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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? What is that bison doing and what is it thinking?

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52 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. First Class Scout Jonathan // November 8, 2015 at 7:15 pm // Reply

    VRM! Sorry guys but i have to go 0.001mph don’t blame me its the buffalo state law for me, but for you its 30mph.

  2. The car companies are coming up with more unique models of cars every year!

  3. 11yearoldscout // November 8, 2015 at 5:55 pm // Reply

    I am not sure what design that one is.

  4. look at me on my invisible bike hold traffic up yay

  5. SeriousWhovian // November 8, 2015 at 5:38 pm // Reply

    Cool your engines, people! I’m walking here!

  6. i thought you were powerful

  7. Now the bull from the statefarm commercial is back to make us have statefarm

  8. hmm… which is worse; the car horns, or mine?

  9. The Doctor Percy // November 8, 2015 at 3:36 pm // Reply

    And so son, this is why we don’t bother people, and why they don’t bother us.

  10. I’m walk’in here!!

  11. This 5 o’clock traffic is the worst!

  12. “The new Chevy Buffolato is the best in its class in grass milage…”

  13. Can anyone tell me where Yellowstone park is?

  14. Just got the best number 1seller

  15. geometrydashexpert // November 8, 2015 at 8:57 am // Reply

    i had just better hope it isn’t buffalo hunting season!

  16. MustacheMan004 // November 8, 2015 at 8:50 am // Reply

    I told you I could run this fast!

  17. Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’ RAWHIDE!

  18. Is it just me or did they make a new (Weird) model of a car.

  19. “Give me a home, where the automobiles roam…”

  20. fabulously_normal // November 8, 2015 at 12:23 am // Reply

    Wow, the herd sure is noisy today

  21. My air freshener came from a REAL tree, folks.

  22. MustacheMan004 // November 7, 2015 at 9:34 pm // Reply

    “Why did I have to lose a bet.”

  23. beep beep! what does a bison have to do to get to the bison grocery store!

  24. Gonna be some slloooowww traffic.

  25. Darn. My 1993 Bi-sonTennial doesn’t work. Guess I will go on foot.

  26. Just cruising with my new Dodge

  27. Get a Horse!

  28. Just be patient, will you?

  29. Please pull over to the side of the road!

  30. Hey, I’m causing traffic

  31. Load em up and move em out!

  32. i hope i make a good disguise

  33. I heard this was where the buffalo roam, but this is ridiculous!

  34. Traffic today is heavy, due to bison cars.

  35. Caution: Wide right turns

  36. Hey! I’m late for my 8:00 meeting today!

  37. Pink panther // November 7, 2015 at 11:50 am // Reply

    isnt there enough room for a buffalo in buffalo,NY

  38. I thoght this was the bison road

  39. “Aw man, all these Sunday drivers are killing me!”

  40. Bison have a right to the road tooo!

  41. Sense when was highway 372 the Oregon trail

  42. “It’s the Bison shuffle” bum,bum,bum…”take two steps to the right!”

  43. This is some MAJOR road rage waiting to happen!

  44. Where’s the driver, mom?

  45. Sorry! I don’t have GPS!

  46. were did’a get that car

  47. Hey don’t change at the red light

  48. I think he ate the caveman

  49. Beep Beep

  50. come on come on i have a meeting at 3 today!

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