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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? What is that lion doing and what is it thinking?

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. benjamin nimajneb // March 13, 2016 at 10:47 pm // Reply

    i don’t eat too much food…

  2. Not A Giraffe // March 13, 2016 at 10:00 pm // Reply

    the giraffes will never notice me……….thanks to this box I found in the grocery store! They ran away from me though

  3. From the makers of Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing comes… Lion in Giraffe’s Clothing!

  4. Any mad scientists around? I have an experiment for them.

  5. DerpyPotatoClanPrez // March 13, 2016 at 1:51 pm // Reply

    I’m Grumpy Lion, Grumpy Cat’s substitute.

  6. That’s the last time I’ll go boxing with a Giraffe!

  7. Who me? I have no idea who ate the giraffe’s food.

  8. The packers put the wrong words on the box!

  9. don’t judge me I can be what ever i want to be as long as i wear this box

  10. don’t judge me i can be what ever i want to be:)

  11. Legoman 48 // March 12, 2016 at 4:07 pm // Reply

    Okay, who opened the top and let the giraffe out?

  12. nobody recognizes me! i wonder why.

  13. lion, hide-and-seek champion 2016!!!

  14. lion, hide and seek champion 2016

  15. NAPSTABLOOK03 // March 12, 2016 at 1:49 am // Reply

    Oh, oh, yeah, *cough cough* of course I’m a giraffe, can’t you read?

  16. Nice hat you got there friend where did you get it from?

  17. My life is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. luckykiller777 // March 11, 2016 at 9:41 pm // Reply

    hey bro do you want to come be my meal, I mean my guest at dinner!

  19. Hello Fellow Giraffes!

  20. i should never have gotten into that car…

  21. The cone of shame…er, the BOX of shame…

  22. Well, I might not be king of the lions, but this time, I will be king of the giraffes.

  23. Hey, guys, Im Solid Snake…. except I may need a new box soon!

  24. Pixel Fire // March 11, 2016 at 6:58 am // Reply

    The cat trap worked!

  25. Don’t you ever get tired of this giraffe game?

  26. Get this thing offa me!

  27. I will never fit in.

  28. how dare they humiliate me! I will contemplate revenge!

  29. Yes, my camouflage blends in with the others.

  30. Im a real giraffe, really just look at my collar.

  31. Nobody Knows // March 10, 2016 at 3:52 pm // Reply

    I must really give myself a pat on the back for this disguise.

  32. Finally! I hope the giraffes will now accept me into their group! Unleash the Evil

  33. you know the saying you are what you eat i’m a giraffe

  34. i ate a very strange looking giraffe

  35. Don’t look at my face… look at this box…

  36. i am awesome // March 9, 2016 at 8:09 pm // Reply

    whats up with the tiger being a giraffe


  38. Awkwerd!!!! // March 9, 2016 at 6:28 pm // Reply

    This is sooooo humiliating!!!!!!

  39. I Think that the Giraffe got away… maybe. But I like this box! At least it will remind me of the giraffe I never ate.

  40. Where’s the Giraffe again?

  41. Have you seen my name tag?

  42. I guess they were right when they said I had a stiff neck

  43. abc123123abcd // March 9, 2016 at 10:03 am // Reply

    he is a giraffe wanna be!

  44. You were lion when you said there whas food in here!

  45. I am not “lion”, I am just always feeling boxed in doc..

  46. #terraria1029 // March 8, 2016 at 10:45 pm // Reply

    I. Hate. My. Vet.

  47. kubz scoutz // March 8, 2016 at 9:54 pm // Reply

    Either i am a lion or a giraffe… can you tell whick one I am?

  48. Where’s the beef?

  49. Winston_Churchill // March 8, 2016 at 8:19 pm // Reply

    Day 30: The graffes still do not suspect me, thanks to my rather cunning disguise.

  50. foxtrot 883849593738493 // March 8, 2016 at 7:52 pm // Reply

    anyone like my new SCARF ?

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