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Write a Funny Caption For This Photo

What’s going on in this picture? What is that balloon dog doing or thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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52 Comments on Write a Funny Caption For This Photo

  1. “I should lick it…”

  2. I can tell that we are gonna be friends[jack johnson]

  3. _LightningRider_ // March 4, 2018 at 3:36 pm // Reply

    Don’t worry! I am safe!🤥

  4. I hope this doesn’t hurt!

  5. This looks interesting

  6. Trees are so last season.

  7. Don’t do it, Timmy! You have so much to live for!

  8. POP goes the weasel – or rather, the poodle.

  9. Not to close but still close.😳

  10. “Should I kiss her or should I not? …”


  12. *Sniff Sniff KA-BLAM

  13. 3799 forever // February 24, 2018 at 7:29 pm // Reply

    HUG TIME…..

  14. Dude! Green clashes with pink!

  15. Hi friend! lets have a hugging party!

  16. Hi friend! lets hold hands!

  17. Hi friend! Lets play!

  18. All my life, Death has been my constant companion, and now I will see his prickles.

  19. old chicken poodle // February 20, 2018 at 8:22 pm // Reply

    should I, or should I not, that is the REAL question

  20. When I talk to him, I never know how he’s gonna react.

  21. PancakesAppleJuice // February 17, 2018 at 4:38 pm // Reply

    “You’re a terrible man mr. cactus. I can hear the shots of a gun, oh wait,that’s no gun its a-” POP!!!

  22. What is he doing

  23. foothillwaffles // February 14, 2018 at 5:59 pm // Reply

    Welcome to the Arizona state border.

  24. Somebody start some “pop” music please.

  25. Well, this sure is a prickly situation.


  27. Boyslife is amazing!! // February 12, 2018 at 10:15 pm // Reply

    Popping noises – ballon sayz: Bye bye:D.

  28. Boyslife is amazing!! // February 12, 2018 at 10:11 pm // Reply

    K get to the point says cactus. Popping noises. Pop goes the balloon

  29. MordorWyvern // February 12, 2018 at 5:14 pm // Reply

    And then, poor Jimmy took “Hug Day” too far.

  30. “I thought he was my friend, but when I went over to his house….”

  31. Ok. I see the point no need to stab.

  32. elephants are fast // February 9, 2018 at 5:01 pm // Reply

    You know, I want to give you a big hug!

  33. elephants are fast // February 9, 2018 at 5:00 pm // Reply

    Hi! I’m Olaf, and I like warm hugs!


  35. Troop303RYANT // February 8, 2018 at 5:27 pm // Reply


  36. Loading...??? // February 7, 2018 at 10:18 pm // Reply

    It was sure nice of Bill to give me this plant

  37. The female poet // February 7, 2018 at 7:59 pm // Reply

    Well, you see, my mom thinks you’re a bad influence.

  38. The female poet // February 7, 2018 at 7:57 pm // Reply

    Be careful, pops.

  39. The female poet // February 7, 2018 at 7:55 pm // Reply

    Stephen, Ma always told you to stay away from those.

  40. dudeperfect fan // February 7, 2018 at 7:53 pm // Reply

    want to play cheese touch!

  41. Uh o- “POP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  42. Why can’t we be friends?

  43. PenguinsAmillion // February 7, 2018 at 9:45 am // Reply

    Maybe I’ll pop you this time!

  44. ZombieHunter999 // February 6, 2018 at 6:35 pm // Reply

    this is a cucumber, right?

  45. What does this do?

  46. Turtleboss64 // February 5, 2018 at 8:09 pm // Reply

    No! No! I’ll tell you everything! DON’T MAKE ME TOUCH IT!

  47. laprasrules12 // February 5, 2018 at 7:30 pm // Reply

    Not the kind of relationship I had in mind………..

  48. C0debreaker 564 // February 5, 2018 at 7:27 pm // Reply

    we meet again, enemy!

  49. hmmm wonder what this feels like

  50. Should I “go” here or go?

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