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Write a funny caption for this photo

What’s going on in this picture? What is this Lego Scout doing and what is he thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

Thanks to “Lego-Dude” for this great photo.

Click here to write captions for more funny photos.

1,425 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Just taking pictures for the LEGO magazine 🧱

  2. Um, we’re not lost. Just, in the wrong lego set.

  3. Anonymous // May 18, 2021 at 8:59 am // Reply

    “Mom can we go camping?”
    “We can camp at home”
    *camping at home*:

  4. hello and my name is scout master builder Emmet and today I’m going to teach you how to use a bow and arrow , oh no! it’s a bear! run for your lives!

  5. i dont understand this, its just not funny

  6. Alien Warrior 101 // June 25, 2017 at 7:05 pm // Reply

    Is this how you “Go Green?”

  7. I did a fabulous job on this lawn. Perfectly symmetrical.

  8. Jack is duh one // March 22, 2017 at 4:45 pm // Reply

    To much red!!!

  9. Lonely, I am so lonely, I have nobody, for my own 🙁

  10. Mario Maker Extraordinary 300 // January 25, 2017 at 6:09 pm // Reply

    Where should i start?


  12. Thinkaboutit // December 3, 2016 at 12:51 pm // Reply

    Okay, the map said to turn left at the bump to get to the big green lego field… But it also said to turn right at the bump to get to the big green lego field.

  13. puppy dog gamer // November 27, 2016 at 5:56 pm // Reply

    i clean so much.

  14. TravelByTrain // November 25, 2016 at 4:47 pm // Reply

    How is this suppose to be funny?

  15. karatemastero // November 6, 2016 at 12:26 pm // Reply

    man I wish that could my bath time! Plus he doesn’t deserve the money

  16. Um.. anybody there?

  17. Don’t shoot your bow and arrow at the grass!!

  18. what was that

  19. karatemastero // October 1, 2016 at 8:06 am // Reply

    I got a broom stick and I am not afraid to use it!

  20. Abe Lincoln :) // September 19, 2016 at 12:12 am // Reply

    Where did my plants go?

  21. Shark Master // July 25, 2016 at 12:43 pm // Reply

    So…so… GREEN?

  22. At this moment he knew. He messed up.

  23. How did I shrink? Well, s’mores will be giant, so I don’t care. Yum!

  24. Lambo lover // May 23, 2016 at 9:03 pm // Reply

    Lets go plow the field. My way!

  25. what is that giant? hmmm

  26. I’m on an adventure!

  27. gamersc0ut22 // February 26, 2016 at 8:10 pm // Reply

    i tried to start a fire and now the forests gone!?

  28. Leave no trees!

  29. Stay… Cheerful… Oh my gosh What am I supposed to do?

  30. I guess more s’mores for me than.

  31. Um…. Where am I?? The scout leader told us to meet here?!?!

  32. okay, am i early, or is mr. hendreson late?

  33. Where am I? A plastic world???

  34. Where Is Waldo?

  35. Um Mr. Burrito?

  36. CapsLockCat // July 10, 2015 at 10:07 am // Reply

    Can’t stop smiling

  37. is r2-d2 around?he cluod help me with his holrcoron.

  38. I wish I was bigger.

  39. worst place for a hunger games ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. Oh, I knew the would leave me………
    LETS PARTY!!!!!!

  41. This is one of the BORING hikes I’ve ever been on. Plus, I’m lost, even though anything and everything can be seen for at least a mile around.

  42. if i AM lost why am i smiling?!

  43. stormy the boss // July 6, 2014 at 7:31 pm // Reply

    weird I thought there was going to be trees

  44. Wait. WHERE IS MY TROOP!?!?

  45. parakeet squackbox 846 // May 24, 2014 at 9:08 am // Reply

    fire at will!

  46. Finally got to take a selfie in 1 billion years I couldn’t take a selfie. Yes!!!!!!!!!!

  47. the lost scout

  48. Jimi is lost. No one knows where he is until… HIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!

  49. Aha! Off to my next destination! Which is in….Wait…..oh no…. im lost. drat.

  50. where’s everyone

  51. Wait, what was I supposed to do again?

  52. I gotta look around this area. It’s just plain green. I have no idea.

  53. great my leader left now i can go home

  54. Where is the pack?

  55. boysarecool // January 1, 2014 at 5:06 pm // Reply

    Where am I going?

  56. hut two three four…AHHHHHHH! I AM LOST!

  57. what is that squierrel doing

  58. I LIKE WHALES // December 23, 2013 at 2:43 pm // Reply

    well better get building

  59. umm i think im lost

  60. why am i in a green desert?

  61. where is everyone

  62. This is not the fertile land I was hoping for!

  63. telescopeguy // November 21, 2013 at 2:16 pm // Reply

    Please tell me that’s a flying trash can! (Exterminate!)Nope it’s a dalek! Better run for my life.

  64. telescopeguy // November 20, 2013 at 7:47 pm // Reply

    Hey! Where did camp go!

  65. Small me, big world

  66. It’s 2013! No way! That means I missed 365 days of lunch and dinner!

  67. Man, I am soooo late for hiking, everyone left me with nothing but a stick.

  68. ok. where’s the bricks to build with?

  69. fgvvvbfbb ,n // November 1, 2013 at 8:29 pm // Reply

    wheres my 100 arrows

  70. I’m sure arcery was here. Oh. My map was upside down.

  71. My work is done here.

  72. One small step for brick, one giant leap for brickkind

  73. Man am I talented or what? I swear to god I make the coolest looking lego grass!

  74. Where is my buddy?

  75. Guys…? Guys….?

  76. Where is everybody? Isn’t this archery practice? Oh well I guess I gotta go home!

  77. Wait a minute… where am I?

  78. Hey, where is everyone?!

  79. I knew archery practice was at 3:00!

  80. Just me and myself and my… my… um, my… And my…

  81. I have my bow and arrows….BUT WHERE IS MY TARGET!!!!!

  82. Did you take my house apart?

  83. Every thing looks clean

  84. I am a lego scout so stay back!

  85. trackstar1616 // August 5, 2013 at 12:12 pm // Reply

    where did all the trees go?

  86. Im lost in an 8×8 green board 🙁

  87. I thought it was right here!

  88. frankly I wish I could walk by myself.

  89. I’ve passed here 100 times already! Where’s the campsite?

  90. I rented a 19×19 plate to camp on… Is that wide enough?

  91. manman1292 // July 24, 2013 at 2:43 pm // Reply

    haha so funny… not

  92. im lego scout so beat it

  93. ” Hi, I’m going to the wizard of oz! Want to join?!”

  94. YankeesMan19 // July 23, 2013 at 2:04 pm // Reply

    Where exactly is the campsite again?

  95. got lost , i uh better go.

  96. then the brick separator got them! guys? guys!?

  97. skythekidRS // June 27, 2013 at 9:11 pm // Reply


  98. iamchucknorris // June 1, 2013 at 2:59 pm // Reply

    my lego bow is broken, it has a built in arrow

  99. this is not hiking IM ON LEVEL GROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  100. Scout2012 // May 26, 2013 at 7:28 pm // Reply

    Where did everyone go?

  101. isaw a bear // May 23, 2013 at 9:28 am // Reply

    this would be easyer if i could move

  102. slenderman536 // May 22, 2013 at 8:57 pm // Reply

    man! we barley got away from that bear huh carl? uhh…. carl?

  103. duuuuuuuude // May 21, 2013 at 11:32 am // Reply

    Here I go, of to NEVERLAND!

  104. How did I get here

  105. gmod look it up // May 19, 2013 at 1:33 pm // Reply

    This is not hikeing

  106. zombie-man // May 4, 2013 at 9:27 am // Reply

    that bear is such a bully>:(

  107. Uhhhhh, Guys???

  108. i rule the entire… grass

  109. Jedimaster4559 // April 25, 2013 at 6:09 pm // Reply

    I see it… the dimond pick axe.

  110. sethyy12345 // April 23, 2013 at 6:25 pm // Reply

    I’ve been waiting for 4 hours for rick i hope he’s not lost

  111. LASHMASTER // April 22, 2013 at 5:54 pm // Reply

    Hey,where is everybody!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT,HMM.

  112. weres my quarter

  113. cookiemonster1 // April 21, 2013 at 10:54 am // Reply

    is that a bear?

  114. Hello? Civilization?

  115. rovio angry birds // March 28, 2013 at 4:10 pm // Reply

    this forest looks funny and I forgot to bring my water bottle!

  116. Boy scout#1 // March 22, 2013 at 5:31 pm // Reply

    HEY! Oh, that only works on TV.

  117. Help me!!!!!

  118. i ate everthing i brought with me and im lost

  119. I memorized my path but I think i’m lost. Let me see if I am. My troop is gone, a billy goat ate my map, a real tiger crushed my compass, a real bear ate my buddy, and a blizzard threw me off track. Yup i’m lost. (scout blows safety whistle)

  120. Want Happend to the Food?

  121. No magic can stop me! I’M PLASTIC!!!!!!

  122. Uhhh… you sure McDonalds was this way?

  123. To bad my arrows are plastic !

  124. I like trains

  125. lagoon monster // December 20, 2012 at 2:33 pm // Reply

    What happened to the tree.

  126. I wonder how Steve is doing in Minecraft?

  127. Don’t forget the bear!

  128. wheres the cattle? i know what will bring them back!!! Bah Bah Black Sheep Have…
    Oh wrong song. Yikes!!!!!

  129. What did you Forget to build

  130. Ummm… how did I get so yellow?

  131. Scouterofpopcorn // October 11, 2012 at 3:48 pm // Reply

    Hey!!!!!!wheres my Troop?

  132. SOS. I am lost!!!

  133. So much for camouflage….

  134. where is my tent? wait a minute.

  135. Jason, get back here.

  136. oh dang middle of nowhere!!:(

  137. Darth ME, duh // September 10, 2012 at 9:31 am // Reply

    Where the heck am I! o_O

  138. I love nature

  139. MarioKartFan28 // September 6, 2012 at 9:51 pm // Reply

    This is a bad place to play hide and seek…… maybe I’ll hide in the grass!!!

  140. MarioKartFan28 // September 6, 2012 at 9:48 pm // Reply

    Ok. Now I have to make a fire. Now where did I put my Lego fire piece?

  141. O.K. what are these people staring at.

  142. Broncobot#2 // August 7, 2012 at 3:07 pm // Reply

    LEGO comes out with a new game LEGO boys’ life rated E for everyone!

  143. Oh great! the troop sent me on a wild goose chase, AGAIN!

  144. Finally! Now I can be “At Piece” with the world!

  145. Oh,awesome now I can get my “turn into a Lego “patch! 🙂

  146. Looks like someone for got to make me a a part of time.

  147. supersmasher // July 7, 2012 at 7:24 pm // Reply

    Ah! So now I know how to go green.

  148. Looks like the lego scouts archery range set was a TOTAL rip-off…

  149. webelo from pack 295 // June 25, 2012 at 8:14 am // Reply

    keep the planet green:)

  150. im ready for war general grant.

  151. seaniepic664 // June 10, 2012 at 7:06 pm // Reply

    Ugh, Were’s my Troop again?

  152. I think i forgotten my lunch

  153. TheGmanOfLego // May 26, 2012 at 3:14 pm // Reply

    I feel like I’m forgetting something important……Oh my buddy that was eaten by a bear!

  154. I told you it was a left to the archery range!!!

  155. Someone forgot to build me a target!!

  156. bossness // May 1, 2012 at 3:28 pm // Reply

    where is everyone

  157. animalman10 // April 24, 2012 at 4:26 pm // Reply


  158. fire-builder // April 11, 2012 at 1:11 pm // Reply

    this stinks. i cant rub my arms together to make a fire

  159. trainman44 // April 1, 2012 at 8:20 am // Reply

    Hey , guys where are we again ? Guys? ……….. GUYS? Man im a blockhead!

  160. Am I the only Scout HERE??????


  162. jackrocks12 // March 27, 2012 at 11:45 am // Reply

    hey where is my home i went on a hike in the nothing but green plains and my home is gone I AM LOST

  163. ok where should i start planting?

  164. Okay, I’m at the shooting range. Where is the Cubmaster?
    Cubmaster:”OVER HERE!!”

  165. lego geek who has lots of legos // March 21, 2012 at 4:21 pm // Reply


  166. Im stuck. Well thank you mr oveous

  167. why haven`t they invented a lego truck yet! at least not lego cub scout

  168. Where is my building patch?

  169. evil penguin // March 17, 2012 at 10:57 pm // Reply

    Im trying to get back to my camping tent but i cant move!!!

  170. YOU AGAIN

  171. HELP!!!!!!!!!!DIM BEING CHASED BY A BEAR!!!!!!!!!!.

  172. AwesomeMan710 // February 5, 2012 at 3:24 pm // Reply

    Wish i were a real boy. ):

  173. Oh no, not another nightmare with giant hands!

  174. That strange lens pointing at me doesn’t LOOK like it’s made out of legos… Hmmmmm…

  175. Iceland is quiet this time of year… sadly there are no deer out.

  176. Darn it! I’m such a brickhead!

  177. I like Cheese // January 25, 2012 at 6:02 pm // Reply

    25 rows down, 75 to go!

  178. Oh shoot, I’m stuck in the tall grass again! Hopefully there’s not any wild Pokemon around…

  179. Suddenly I feel all blockey ….

  180. bestcaptionever // January 20, 2012 at 8:13 pm // Reply

    now, what came after “turn left at green?” oh yeah—turn right at green. ok, so… wait. was i over there? or was i there? no, i was there. wait a second…

  181. flabergasticticklebear // January 4, 2012 at 5:41 pm // Reply

    green, green, green! there ain’t no color out here!!!!!!! (0_0)

  182. curses! i don’t come with a map!

  183. Canvas rider 13827 // December 22, 2011 at 4:20 am // Reply

    Man, Pinocchio is lucky…….I cannot get this stick off of me!

  184. Im doing achery!!!!!!!!!!

  185. Now where did that target go?

  186. Man why can’t I take my cellphone out of my pocket

  187. And now, LEGO brings you it’s latest game, LEGO Boys Life!

  188. Strawberry Fields for- oh. It’s just green plastic

  189. Dang it! Lost again! I KNEW I should have taken that orienteering patch.

  190. uh, its not a sun bern. not a sickness. why am i yellow??

  191. Nice lego man.

  192. Harry Potter, wherever you are, poof me to Miami.

  193. N ow where is the path? I must have overslept!Oh my.I’ll never get home in time for our scout meeting.

  194. I’ve been turned into a lego man! Help!



  197. Hey! Where did Every-lego go?

  198. HELP I’M LOST! [:0] Gotta call Hero Factory with my cell. [0_0]

  199. help! im stuck! scoutmaster? Scoutmaster help!

  200. I,d beat up the robot i built to make another one.

  201. I knew I shoud of went camping in my back yard.

  202. so much grass so little time

  203. green’s in style but have you considered remodling?

  204. what the flip, where did you peeps go, oh dogs

  205. LOVE CATS AND PIZZA23 // September 16, 2011 at 5:50 pm // Reply

    I have to get My Building Patch!

  206. Firs lego batman, then lego star wars, then lego pirates, and now lego boys life? Oh wow…

  207. BSL-Boy Scouts of Legoland

  208. why am i lion bate!

  209. where is the tent

  210. Awesomeness // August 27, 2011 at 3:43 pm // Reply

    Uhhh guys?

  211. i’ve heared the phrase “go green” but this is ridiculous.

  212. So much for mowing the lawn.

  213. where are you Harry Poter

  214. i am a lego scout

  215. This takes the whole fun out of hunting, i mean where are the animals? Have the lego people made lego animals yet?!?

  216. okay people we have covered about 3480 miles of green. only 1232465500 more miles to go then we have to go back home the same way unless we take an airplane.

  217. No Cheese Fer You // July 28, 2011 at 7:26 pm // Reply

    Okay gu…DANG IT!They abandoned me!NOOOOOOO!

  218. Is that a bow I see?

  219. ohhh So this is what global worming is.

  220. So I says to the guy, It’s in Matthew chapter 7 not chapter 2! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Wow. You lego pegs are a tough crowd.

  221. hey look mom I’m hunting chewbaca

  222. henry viii // July 20, 2011 at 10:46 am // Reply

    I’m from Lilliput.

  223. No matter how hard I try, I can’t get rid of any of these green stubs!

  224. CRAZY DUDE // July 13, 2011 at 9:09 am // Reply

    Wait a minute this is a crossbow,awww I wanted a rock!

  225. i’m hunting wabbits

  226. This is a rake!!! I wanted a torch!!!

  227. I wish I could move my legs on my own…

  228. trebuchet guy // June 26, 2011 at 6:08 pm // Reply

    I thought this was the right time and place

  229. BoyScout943 // June 25, 2011 at 4:59 pm // Reply

    Okay. I think I can make a fire now. I just have to figure out what a stick looks like.


  231. webelos 149 // June 24, 2011 at 9:16 am // Reply

    hey where is everybody! not funny guys!

  232. That lego is looking at me in a strange way.

  233. “Our giant, human god is makina another person!”

  234. why did i have to get this silly bow i wanted a gun

  235. yugioh1232 // June 12, 2011 at 4:56 pm // Reply

    how can I breathe on the green moon in space?

  236. trainman44 // June 11, 2011 at 4:49 pm // Reply

    okay lego dudes thats 1 mile down 77002200 and 7744 miles to go on our hike

  237. masterchief // June 1, 2011 at 4:49 pm // Reply

    if i see any more green, i’m gonna fall to pieces!

  238. out of the way fellas

  239. I wish I had oposoble thumbs.CURSE YOU GEPPETO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  240. Bowser Jr.&Sprinter // May 26, 2011 at 3:41 pm // Reply

    Okay,Lego dudes,do you want to take a hike?
    It is 999,000,000,000,000,000,999,23 miles!

  241. Aaah! A giant camera! Turn off the Flash!

  242. lego man says // May 25, 2011 at 1:40 pm // Reply

    why is this grass so bumpy

  243. HUNGRY MOB // May 25, 2011 at 9:27 am // Reply

    where did my target go? wait where did everybody go?

  244. Cool dude // May 21, 2011 at 1:39 am // Reply

    Next time I should bring a map.

  245. Halo Wars // May 16, 2011 at 2:59 pm // Reply

    I’m walking in the middle of nowhere!!!

  246. Where is my toy car! I put it right here!

  247. GreyWolf // May 8, 2011 at 1:33 pm // Reply

    So, he said 3 pegs to the left and 19 BACKWARD? Lego math is so hard.

  248. 100acrewood // May 6, 2011 at 6:46 am // Reply

    I wonder why I never have to cut the grass…

  249. Well i geuss my cleaning service project is done. It’s so clean there is nothing left.

  250. Sk8 dude // May 1, 2011 at 5:36 pm // Reply

    “Oh my gosh, green was my favorite color now there is WAY too much of it!”

  251. Here’s a lego guy that is not starwars but can use the force.

  252. where did every one go??????

  253. Okay I got a how do you make fire?

  254. cool person // April 26, 2011 at 1:59 pm // Reply

    If I had a dollar for everytime my legs were stuck to the ground!

  255. cool person // April 26, 2011 at 1:57 pm // Reply


  256. i’ve heard of go green, but this is rediculus!!!!

  257. I have been walking for an hour and still I am on a bumpy platform

  258. where did all my veggies go!?!?!?!?!?!?!

  259. Eagle Scout 44 // April 18, 2011 at 3:34 pm // Reply

    This is a forest!!! those little things on the floor must be trees!!!

  260. Huh. This is odd. One minute you’re walking in the woods the next you’re in some guys field.

  261. Hike,Camp,Have fun // April 13, 2011 at 12:24 pm // Reply

    I think the deer went that’away

  262. where’s my farm!!!!!!!!!

  263. hmm…Where should i start?

  264. wy is that bear stareing at me?????i’m going to shoot it!!!!!!

  265. They call this grass………

  266. I knew I just had the other peices right here?!!

  267. Steelers07 // March 27, 2011 at 6:44 am // Reply

    Now, where is that deer?

  268. Steelers07 // March 27, 2011 at 6:43 am // Reply

    Ok, ok. Just follow the yellow brick road.

  269. Fly boy No. T // March 26, 2011 at 9:47 pm // Reply

    Maybe I can use this stick thing to get me free.

  270. RedBaron23 // March 26, 2011 at 9:26 am // Reply

    Hey! Where did my tent go?

  271. Can somebody help me? I’m kinda stuck here…

  272. im haveing a good time haveing to find you guys seareosly guys come out!!!!!

  273. “HEY! Oh man, I probably shouldn’t have gone outside on Prank Week… always remember that!”

  274. D is Awesome // March 9, 2011 at 11:19 am // Reply

    Darn! Wher did the trail go!?

  275. MOONMAN200 // March 8, 2011 at 4:40 pm // Reply

    I WISH I HAD BB’S IN MY GUN!!!!!!!!

  276. Darn it! i still have 10 lawns to trim and only 2 days before the big meeting. even worse, i’m 5,784 miles away. OMG! I’m stuck to the floor. Hey, why am i holding a stick? Was there a battle? Who won? i think i’m stuck to the floor. LEGO! LEGO! I’m lost! just help me! (Sorry it’s so long, just collecting my greatest ideas into one massive caption.)

  277. i most be in the woods, i dont know

  278. where am i

  279. who won the war? somebody froze me here.

  280. Why am i yellow

  281. I think I’m holding a stick… I’m not sure.

  282. I’ve been standing here for three days, I hope no one got paassed me!

  283. I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore!

  284. Probably should’ve hunted in hunting SEASON… note to self: listen to the wife once a year (a new record!).

  285. To think, I get paid by the pound and nothing is here

  286. It must be earth day everywhere!

  287. I THOUGHT the campsite was here!Oh, the map was backwards.I see.I’m, like, 5,784 miles away from it.DARN!

  288. hey where am i and where is every one they all dissapeared and why are there no trees

  289. Wheres my MOMMY?!

  290. What happened to my troop!?OMG!

  291. Annoying Jr. // February 22, 2011 at 5:43 pm // Reply

    Wait get back here this grass isn’t going to cut itself.

  292. im so lonely

  293. man this plastic surgery is making me so stiff.

  294. Ann.E.Ruption // February 16, 2011 at 5:04 pm // Reply

    Take…the…picture… .I`m so stiff, I feel like I`m made of bricks!

  295. Can`t…move…


  297. so all of this is bricks?! how can people make us like this

  298. Almost done! Only 15 more lawns to cut!

  299. superscout437 // February 7, 2011 at 8:39 pm // Reply


  300. Lego mini man

  301. hey where did the hotel go?

  302. awesome 3000 // February 2, 2011 at 6:35 pm // Reply

    Someone, Anyone!!!

  303. guys?guuysss?GUYS?I THINK IM LOST! OK NOW IM SCARED!!!!!!!!!!

  304. I can’t move!!! Lego, Lego!!!

  305. big dady go cart // January 30, 2011 at 4:36 pm // Reply

    Ahhh, Im stuck to the floor.

  306. help any one well i guess i can hunt for scouters or be laze

  307. OK, I’ve been hiking for 40 HOURS, and I haven’t found a single squirrel or a tree. What kind of nature reserve is this?!?!?!?!?!?

  308. How did this happen? I’m surrounded by circles!

  309. hello,I uh,can’t see how good I look,there’s no mirrors out here.

  310. “good news is im in the middle of no where ” shoot!

  311. Huh, I have a green thumb, a green hat, green pants, oh and a green world!

  312. Hey guys im camping out in the woods with my friend bob. Hey, bob wheres the tent? BOB! oh great my mom took me to the WRONG campsite. you probly think i can just go home but my MOM left.

  313. Pedro? is that you? oh yeh they havnt made u as a lego yet

  314. UH OH GOTTA PEE!!!IS THERE AN OUTHOUSE?!Wait, I got tons of white LEGOs. I’ll build a toilet!

  315. Aw,great. How do I make a campfire without wood. Who cares, I don’t have a hachet anyway. Where’s home?

  316. Hello! hello! theres a lifeless object just standing there!!!

  317. dude wheres all the fun in being lifeless when your a scout???????

  318. cheerleadergirl204 // January 23, 2011 at 2:59 pm // Reply

    ok,here i am standing here with my troop..wait..Scoutmaster?hello?great i am lost again

  319. if only i can walk

  320. going on a hike…. hey! GUYS! BEAR!!!!!!!!

  321. gamemaster101 // January 20, 2011 at 11:07 pm // Reply

    shhh! Andys coming! places everyone! what where are you guys!

  322. …and now for the fun part of shooting a bow!Bring in the targets!

  323. Huh… how come I always wake up as a lego?

  324. Aten-Hut….. hey were did my other scouts go.

  325. chub rub man // January 19, 2011 at 8:32 pm // Reply

    Now where are those dang woodchucks chuckin’ my wood!!!

  326. “Hey! I think I finally found camp!”

  327. After many long hours Bob finally noticed that the shovel wouldn’t work on the ground made of Legos.

  328. Not again! When ever I go to the bathroom I get lost.

  329. BSA TROOP 13 // January 18, 2011 at 3:42 pm // Reply

    Hey look, Bob is playing with a wild kitty, oh crud

  330. I should have showered before coming on this campout…

  331. Where the heck am I?

  332. hykmlngfkmfgksjojngf // January 18, 2011 at 7:44 am // Reply

    hey the camp is missing, i must be geting old

  333. what happened to STRAWBERRY fields forever? this is just grass!

  334. I think I saw Bigfoot.

  335. Where oh Where did the other guys go, Oh where oh where could they be!?!

  336. So…much…lawn…to…cut!

  337. I’ve come in pieces.

  338. sonic the armadillo // January 16, 2011 at 11:10 pm // Reply

    get off my lawn you *bleep*in kids or i’ll shoot your *bleep*in head off

  339. “Where is the tent?Wait, HELLO? ANYBODY?”

  340. Not again!

  341. Heh, they don’t know what there missing.

  342. super dooper1234567890 // January 16, 2011 at 7:38 pm // Reply

    were the heck am I =<

  343. ultrasonic2000 // January 16, 2011 at 4:32 pm // Reply

    Okay….Where did I put my tent?

  344. I wonder how much a bushel these green lego’s will bring on the open

  345. when does this field end i have been walking for two hours and found nothing

  346. I knew I should’ve taken that left turn in Alberquerque.

  347. DaffyDopey452 // January 16, 2011 at 2:55 pm // Reply

    Where did everybody go????
    I’m a lost toy!!!!!!!!!

  348. Tiger=Awesome // January 16, 2011 at 2:53 pm // Reply

    With this stick, I shall create fire!!

  349. grate I lost harry again voldamorst going to be real mad at me! ware is the troop?

  350. That brick is getting closer

  351. Where did everybody go?

  352. Wow, a field of green ! Let’s explore! Green, green, green and more green? This is boring. Buh- bye!

  353. im confused wat do i do? um guys?………………..

  354. Oh Boy! Archery is fun! I bet I could shoot a mountion lion from here!

  355. weres the camp

  356. funny guy 121 // January 14, 2011 at 9:28 pm // Reply

    hey! whered they go?

  357. Why am I always getting lost after I use the restroom?

  358. awesome town guy // January 14, 2011 at 6:32 pm // Reply

    where the heck is the rest of my troop?

  359. Aahhh. Broom horrible broom. I can’t beleave they got me to sweep the grass again!!!:(

  360. man, it was a bad idea to go to the woods on new years.

  361. there has to be a tree somewhere…

  362. Is that north, or is that south?

  363. Hey Scoutmaster, what’s the name of this plant? Scoutmaster? Great I’m alone in the woods.

  364. Leg godt (play well) // January 12, 2011 at 10:50 pm // Reply

    Great. NOW where did Scoutmaster and the rest of the troop go?

  365. Hmm… now where did I put that camp

  366. Um…Guys? I’m New.Wait Wheres the bathroom again?

  367. “why do I have to clean the minewer fields?”


  369. imagination4812 // January 12, 2011 at 6:30 pm // Reply

    A bears right behind me, isn’t he?

  370. awesome dude123 // January 12, 2011 at 6:28 pm // Reply

    “Why are you all running away and plugging your noses?”

  371. left no right oh not again

  372. ” I’m getting hungry out here guys!”

  373. grizzelybear // January 12, 2011 at 12:29 pm // Reply

    GREAT. They ditched me again…

  374. grizzelybear // January 12, 2011 at 12:23 pm // Reply

    I could really go for a cup of chocolate milk……….

  375. grizzelybearrrrrr // January 12, 2011 at 12:10 pm // Reply

    Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells! Jingle All The Way……….

  376. awesomedude101 // January 12, 2011 at 8:44 am // Reply


  377. If you eat too many beans before bed, they’ll desert you.

  378. I wonder why scout master Max out here?

  379. According to my hiking stick, this is where we will find water.

  380. hey guys wait for me i had to get my legos to build my tent…hello?

  381. DuckTapeManiac // January 11, 2011 at 6:54 pm // Reply

    Hey Guys this isn’t funny I thought we were searching for the man-eating cyclops…..

  382. The grass is always greener on the other side

  383. now to take out my compass and…My Compass!!!

  384. when they said going green this was not what i expected.

  385. Anyone else see the need for a tree planting service project?

  386. hoe hoe hoe im santa weres the snow


  388. They never told me we got this much snow in Greenland!

  389. “Hey, where are the trees?”

  390. ” Hey, I couldn’t see the deer on the hill either.”

  391. And I forgot how many tree stumps I counted already. DANG!!!

  392. am i lost?


  394. The guys said that snipe would be around here, but all I see is green! Oh, well must have taken a wrong turn!

  395. I guess the parade route turned left a few blocks back…?

  396. I C THE LIGHT!!

  397. I could use some ramen noodles right now…

  398. this boyscout got hit with a rock and started dreaming and said”lets set camp here”

  399. First Class Scout // January 9, 2011 at 7:22 pm // Reply

    “I told the gardener to dig up the weeds, too!”

  400. Uh, guys? where in the world are you?

  401. Now where did that bear go?

  402. Now whear is my ennemies.They are late agian.

  403. DJ Coleslaw // January 8, 2011 at 9:25 pm // Reply

    Maybe I should aim for some visible targets, if there are any?!

  404. What the heck?!?!?!?! Why are my feet stuck to the ground and where did every body go?!?!?!?!?!?

  405. It’s all right I know where I am. I am here.

  406. Wheres your Scout buddy?

  407. were did i park?

  408. AstroTiger123 // January 8, 2011 at 5:43 pm // Reply

    Okay, where should I set up my camp/paradise?

  409. hiking stick were not in kansas anymore

  410. wheres the lodge?

  411. look at me im santa hoe hoe hoe wheres all the snow

  412. “HMMM…I wonder were the boss wants me to go?”

  413. Vaughnathan // January 7, 2011 at 6:01 pm // Reply

    Trade my bow for a green shovel and I will have finally gone green!!


  415. Where is everyone

  416. hey guys where did you go … i havnt found that deer

  417. so wheres that wolly mammoth you saw … wait where are you?

  418. uuugg.. cant pull the string back on this bow to shot the arrow i dont have bendable arms

  419. walking in a winter wonder land… hey wheres the snow

  420. omg i lost my backpack and now this

  421. Thoughts: I knew using a long pitchfork would get stuck in the ground!

  422. i cant beat this game.opi // January 6, 2011 at 8:01 pm // Reply

    Where did the guys go,they where just here a second ago?

  423. fanolegos46 // January 6, 2011 at 7:27 pm // Reply

    It’s times like these that i wish i wasen’t 2 inches tall.

  424. Um? Where am I???????

  425. randomnickname // January 6, 2011 at 5:41 pm // Reply

    Help I’m stuck!. I can’t move because of my feet attaching to the ground!

  426. Well guess I`m going to eat now.

  427. Omega Knight // January 6, 2011 at 11:24 am // Reply

    I never should’ve bought this Outdoors GPS. >_<

  428. AGHHHH! stuck in the hedgerows again!

  429. Now where am I.

  430. hummmmmmm, were’d i leave that dog bone?

  431. This is a strange planet where the grass blades are THICK!

  432. robot giy3ooo // January 5, 2011 at 1:09 pm // Reply

    and that ends my demonstration on how to bury a dead skunk and…hey! where’d everybody go?

  433. I need to get to archery practice. I wish I could move my feet!

  434. Hmmmmm. so on monday I was a police officer, then yesterday I was a construction worker, and now they’re making me be a boy scout?!

  435. Oooooohh great, so Im out here trying to complete the requirements for my wildlife merit badge, and now Im lost.

  436. thefunnyman II // January 5, 2011 at 11:43 am // Reply

    1/2 wayy to the next camp for ST1. speaking of which, WHAT IS ST1!!!!!

  437. Who stole all my trees?!

  438. Now is when that orienteering Merit badge would have paid off

  439. Over the river and through the woods…

  440. Secret Angent G // January 4, 2011 at 10:01 pm // Reply

    Hmmmmm… I knew Everest is around here somewhere…..WAIT!!! Where did th climbing crew go!!

  441. Its going, its going. Darn missed it! Looks like the arrow flew off the table.

  442. where did my ride go

  443. the only time i forget my indiana jones hat for a trip

  444. hes going fishing

  445. Hey, where are the mountains?

  446. Random Pineapple // January 4, 2011 at 6:59 pm // Reply

    “Gah!!!!! I’m surrounded by poison ivy!!!!!!!”



  449. Hm this shovel appeares to be made of the same substance as this so called “ground”

  450. C’mon this shovel wont dig through this stuff

  451. Well I guess i will build my civilization here.

  452. okay, according to the cornmaze map I should turn right here

  453. the ground is always so bumpy!

  454. oh no! megablox is stealing our idea.

  455. Were here Troop! Troop…Troop…..TROOP!!!!!!!!!!!

  456. Go green!

  457. Mr ranger yogi stoll my pin-enk basket

  458. I’ts awkward how everything fits perfectly in my hand but still my hands are deformed like claws.

  459. hey guys, when do we stop for lunch? guys? guys!! I’m lost

  460. I need to find a hamburger tree!!!!! (seriously)

  461. WHY JOE WHY!? Wait is this a vision? I have a bad future.

  462. I HAVE to rescue my cows from the aliens!


  464. Hey dad, where did you say the deer was?

  465. I’m hunting

  466. TOO MUCH GRASS! MUST … find … shelter !

  467. Hey Frank wheres theeeeeeee house we’re in the woods.

  468. Where are the archery targets?

  469. LEGOlover301 // January 2, 2011 at 2:55 pm // Reply

    Why can I not belong to a theme!?!

  470. Who glued my feet to the ground?

  471. I got a new gun now where are those deer.

  472. LEGO MANIAC 11 // January 2, 2011 at 8:39 am // Reply

    …………Why am I talking to a stick ??? MY MOM’S CELL PHONE IS IN THERE….. she is soooo going to ground me.

  473. UHHHH…. where did every one go?

  474. why is there a crater where our campsite is supposed to be?!?!

  475. I didn’t know godzilla lived here. wait, no don’t touch that!

  476. LOOK!

  477. heygus come take a look at that deer!!!!!!!

  478. [now for the skit about the riflemen patch]

  479. only two more bulls-eyes to get the patch!

  480. I got the hiking patch!

  481. here little squrile

  482. Jediknight432 // January 1, 2011 at 4:18 pm // Reply

    I can`t hit that apple on that kid`s head yet.

  483. Northstar11111 // January 1, 2011 at 3:43 pm // Reply

    Whoa! That’s the last time I follow the North Star to camp!

  484. Oops! I didn’t see that ‘KEEP OF THE GRASS- FINE $50’ sign. hope no one saw me!

  485. were the heck am i?

  486. jack skellington // January 1, 2011 at 12:16 pm // Reply

    I’ve got my hunting game face on!

  487. so were did my troop go again

  488. I dont think that my crops grew all i see is green!

  489. OW!OW!!There are to many bumps!!

  490. I wonder if I stare at teh end of my rifle if it will burst into flames?

  491. monocallahan // December 31, 2010 at 8:57 pm // Reply

    oh no i, out of arrows and ive been turned into a lego. hmmmmm

  492. Well, I think I cleared a big enough camp site.

  493. no way im a lego guy awesome!

  494. Will these rows of green dots ever end?

  495. Why am I in a never ending field of yellow purple and pink fish–on land?!?!?!

  496. That deer looks like a tiger… I’m gonna shoot it

  497. yogi!I want my picnic basket back!

  498. I am gazing into space thinking about how cruel it is to hunt poor animals

  499. cool hike

  500. I dont get it

  501. fire at will

  502. This is a great hike!


  504. I suppose Lego monkeys live in plains?

  505. I’ve got that wasky wabbit in my sights know

  506. NINJACHICKIN5000 // December 30, 2010 at 5:18 pm // Reply

    If I was ninja I could get out of this

  507. Where did the rifle range go

  508. Trainline240 // December 30, 2010 at 5:01 pm // Reply

    Oh man, I am so lost. I’m also so thirsty… and hungry, and I’m in the middle of nowhere. Hey, look a WalMart.

  509. waiting for someone to bulid me a atv i am tired of walking…..anyone

  510. indiana jones // December 30, 2010 at 4:03 pm // Reply

    SHHHHH bob where going to get us some deer, huh where did you go.

  511. trying to defeet the clone army.

  512. Dagnabnt! My buddy ditched me again!

  513. awesomeguy185 // December 30, 2010 at 2:11 pm // Reply

    i thought i parked my car right here.. wait i parked ten miles in that direction ‘sigh’

  514. What happened to my cookie?!!? Wait. I ate it.

  515. ”Help, I can’t feel my legs…or the rest of my body for that matter!”

  516. EXPERT ON PEE WEES ARCRY CALLENGE // December 30, 2010 at 9:52 am // Reply

    what? I can’t eat out here?

  517. dear lord, i need more money for crops.if you don’t belive me look around!

  518. where’s the trash?

  519. What just happened?

  520. storm aqario // December 29, 2010 at 7:28 pm // Reply

    Just need to aim the rifile and…DEER!

  521. why is there an elephant in the forest?

  522. EXPERT ON PEE WEES ARCRY CALLENGE // December 29, 2010 at 7:16 pm // Reply

    HEY!Where did my house go?!?!?!

  523. Evil Gummy Bears // December 29, 2010 at 7:02 pm // Reply

    Hey, is that a flesh-eating Chihuahua?

  524. Gookaaaaaaay // December 29, 2010 at 6:47 pm // Reply

    Why must I always be smiling…IM A PIECE OF PLASTIC STUCK TO SOME GREEN PLASTIC COVERED IN CIRCLES!…with a brown pole

  525. Now where did Gaz go
    I was ready to destroy him

  526. Heyyyyyy! Who took my picnic basket?

  527. Why is the grass so flat and the hill so square… IT’S A DREAM COME TRUE!!! Or… am I just having another Lego dream.

  528. look over there

  529. whered everybody go?!

  530. Plazmazoid3000 // December 29, 2010 at 8:19 am // Reply

    what on earth did every one go?


  531. i wonder what to do with this shovel? i wonder why im a lego? i wonder why im just standing here do nothing whyal people star at me? you now what,im going to tell the geny to turn me back.

  532. golden eagle // December 28, 2010 at 8:34 pm // Reply

    I still say the trowel would’ve been easier to carry!

  533. God, you there? I need some professinal help!

  534. cool scouter // December 28, 2010 at 5:09 pm // Reply

    if someone doesn’t find me soon i’ll fall to pieces!!!

  535. what is this hot glue

  536. A COKE MACHINE! Shoot. I hate BUG JUICE!

  537. he`s cleaning

  538. “Ok, it’s about time I head back to camp. So if the campsite is west, then I have to go-Wait! Where’s my compass?”

  539. Dingbongyoshi // December 28, 2010 at 10:19 am // Reply

    If im a giant and this is tall grass, did everyone sink?

  540. I wonder if that moose ate my food and fire and tent and boyscout troop.

  541. A VENDING MACHINE! Oh great. Its full of stuff that makes me GAG!

  542. Why, my head is shaped like a cylinder, I’m holding a stick in a hand shaped like a can, I’m all yellow, and I’m standing out in a field full of green lumps! What could be worse? Wait. Did that lump just move?

  543. Help!Were are the other scouts and why do I have a stick stuck in my hand.By the way hhheeelllppp!

  544. supercool man // December 27, 2010 at 6:03 pm // Reply

    hey what happened to my car “POLICE POLICE!”

  545. I got the spear, now wheres the bison?

  546. Whoa!?!?!? Were did all the tents go!?!?!?! And the grass is green were’s the wheat? I’m not in Kansas anymore

  547. “It’s at times like this when I ask myself:What would Pedro do?”

  548. “Now if I only had some popcorn.”

  549. Where is Spider Man when you need him!

  550. Look, A squrill!!!

  551. what should i do next i areready got turned in to a lego its not fun

  552. There’s the bathroom!And I really need to pee!Now!!!!!!

  553. Now,where did my Harry Potter broomstick go?

  554. When I asked santa for legos, I never knew he would turn me into one.

  555. Why are my feet stuck to the grass…

  556. Just gotta aim the rifle and…………………. SQUIRREL!!!!!

  557. Finally! I finished digging!
    Wait, whats that behind me?

  558. I wonder which spell will get me out of here?

  559. hmmm wheres bulbusour i want to hit him

  560. where did i put my shovel?

  561. were is the cat? I AM LOST WITH ONLY 10 VIDEO GAMES AND 1,0000 BAGS OF POPCORN!!!!!well i better get playing those video games.

  562. I wish I could put this flag in the ground. Unfortunatley I’m missing that piece.

  563. When I told the fairy I wanted legos, I didn’t mean this much.

  564. ultrasonic2000 // December 26, 2010 at 2:48 pm // Reply

    Where are those arrows?!?

  565. oh yea! i forgot my sleeping-bag. Time to go back.

    (He Has walked a Thousand Miles).

  566. how did i end up here…

  567. know where did that deer go?

  568. funnymaster#1 // December 25, 2010 at 9:53 am // Reply

    “Where’s camp again?”

  569. Creator,can you help me move,I’m stuck to the grid!!!!

  570. this isn’t a dessert! MOMMY! you lied to me!

  571. soontobeeagle // December 24, 2010 at 9:07 pm // Reply

    Rats, I was told to stad here and count to 900, but I’m at 600,665.

  572. Now, where am I supposed to shoot my bow again?

  573. I coulda sworn I parked my car here…

  574. Well, look on the bright side. You have a stick for company……

  575. Where is everyone?

  576. I guess this is why you don’t try to play ‘Survivorman.’

  577. Where is the mouuntain? I need to hike one for my badge.

  578. Hey… where’s the trash? And where’s the trash can?

  579. were did my arrow go?

  580. Tiger=Awesome // December 24, 2010 at 4:05 pm // Reply

    Here… Kitty,Kitty,Kitty,Kitty,Kitty.

  581. now were did i park my RV?

  582. ah the lovely field of our … wait where is the camp site

  583. A VENDING MACHINE oh I don’t have money

  584. awesomeguy185 // December 24, 2010 at 6:49 am // Reply

    Hey a coke machine…no just a mirage ‘sigh

  585. I don’t think I’m in Kansas anymore…

  586. pizzaScywalker // December 23, 2010 at 9:28 pm // Reply

    Hmmm… all this map says is to lay in the grass pointing my head W.E.S.T… Plastic legos, point your heads Weest!

  587. I thought Colombus said the world was round!!!!!!

  588. Where is the target? Is he practicing?

  589. insanelycoolscout // December 23, 2010 at 8:36 pm // Reply

    hey!! where did all the archery targets go!sigh.

  590. o.k who took pedros alfrado mix!!!!!!!

  591. I thought there were trees out here!

  592. were am i !?!?!

  593. He is doing archery!DUH!

  594. Where’s a toilet?!?

  595. Lego Schmeggo // December 23, 2010 at 5:54 pm // Reply

    OK… 205 steps East, 56 steps North, then 120 steps East.

  596. I spy something … green!Hey its just a bunch of green bumps.

  597. Where is my house…green as far as the eye can see

  598. um scout master i think i just saw a dragon and the loch ness monster

  599. Hey dude, what would happen if we counted all those green nubs?

  600. Now where did that tent go?

  601. Albert, why can’t we dig somewhere else?

  602. now, where was that land mine i just buried?

  603. i think i’m lost

  604. I could have swore that I planted that beanstalk here.

  605. Who’s the next varmit who wants to get in my way!

  606. bear scout is bear // December 23, 2010 at 2:34 pm // Reply

    this gun… in my hand… I can’t “lego” of it.

  607. Those Lego camouflage trucks should have been here by now!!

  608. Hey! This isn’t New York!

  609. Holy Legos!!!!

  610. Whats this white thing following me?

  611. What happened to all the trees here? I was just here yesterday.

  612. the treasure map said that it was RIGHT HERE

  613. Hmmmm… I THINK I’m in the Twilight Zone. Just a thought…

  614. where did all the trees go?

  615. Hey is that a candy bar? No, just another tree

  616. I lost my mommy!

  617. I ost my mommy!

  618. I thought I parked my car right here…

  619. I cant belive I finished survaying all this land …wait… where is my wallet ”sigh”

  620. they diched me…

  621. electronics832 // December 23, 2010 at 10:52 am // Reply

    I knew I put my green tent around here somewhere…

  622. here we go up a row to a, where were we going?

  623. where are the trees?

  624. “Mom,wheres the flower garden?!”

  625. well bubba,looks like we’re going home with nothing tonight…hey,where is my CAR!?

  626. Lets play I spy. I spy….. A TREE! Okay my turn. I spy……A TREE!!! etc….

  627. I wish other scouts wouldn’t use me for there building badge.

  628. lets see. what can i hit with a stick

  629. what did I do to scare evreone?

  630. “Did i scare everyone away?” “I really should work on my greetings”

  631. Ok, I remember, if I get lost a should hug a tree…

    Uh, where’s a tree??

  632. All right look to both side what do you see?

  633. where am I?

  634. I’m lost!

  635. No!A field of green(green here green there Everywhere is green!)

  636. What happend to that 1,463rd tile?

  637. La la la just walking around with my pen…

  638. nitro Alo 578 // December 22, 2010 at 8:56 pm // Reply

    “Ho he hum….I lost my map and my gum…. Hee hee hee. Hey WHY AM I LAUGHING WHEN I’M LOST

  639. Ok I’m here. Now where do I go?

  640. darth vader 101 // December 22, 2010 at 7:15 pm // Reply

    Where is that Lego city helicopter?

  641. can i get a tree over here or what

  642. a random person // December 22, 2010 at 6:49 pm // Reply

    They never mentioned everything being bricky in the handbook

  643. SUPER FREAK! // December 22, 2010 at 6:25 pm // Reply


  644. this census of the studs will take a while

  645. Hey, you Yogy bear, stay away from my lunch!!!

  646. i SWEAR i saw a finger right over there!!

  647. hey, where bob?

  648. where was that lego stud?

  649. lego man 687 // December 22, 2010 at 4:47 pm // Reply

    okay kids lets count how many dots are on the ground *sigh*this is going to take forever!!!!

  650. Ah darn it,shoud of been prepared

  651. master,master look at what i got A STICK!!!

  652. MAN I should have listened to my master “stay in groups of two.”

  653. sammy the bear // December 22, 2010 at 4:15 pm // Reply

    hmm what is that big green thing… AHH aligator!!!

  654. Bleg-bleggit // December 22, 2010 at 4:14 pm // Reply

    This is the land of greenness…isn’t it?

  655. is ther an out house anywere

  656. The S.S. SCOUT! // December 22, 2010 at 4:01 pm // Reply

    This nature walk is boring do you think so guys? Guys? Guys?
    AWWW now it’s really boring.

  657. “Lets hunt.Hmm, I see a tree, a bush, grass, a flower… GASP! a squirrel.

  658. Bubble Gum Man // December 22, 2010 at 3:04 pm // Reply

    Where did the rest of the guys go?

  659. where are all the trees?

  660. red and green must be christmas

  661. oh no im lost

  662. starscout123 // December 22, 2010 at 1:05 pm // Reply

    I know that arrow is somewhere around here…

  663. where im I Ahhhh green bricks

  664. hey what’s that! wait its just another green tile…………….

  665. why do I have to plant all this

  666. “Hey, this isn’t where I parked my car. Oh great, I LOST IT!”

  667. okay lets exploring… another tree,ANOTHER tree!… ‘sigh’

  668. I thought they had a marked trail out here.

  669. help!

  670. Eavesdropper228 // December 22, 2010 at 8:42 am // Reply

    Hmm,should I shoot the deer or the tree?I’ll shoot the tree.

  671. wow.. im never going to see anything in this open field…wait! never mind thats just an elevation change.

  672. im bored of taking a hike

  673. funnyman12345 // December 21, 2010 at 10:29 pm // Reply

    now remind me NOT to go parachuting agin

  674. Okay lets go exploring… another green tile, ANOTHER green tile!… ‘sigh’

  675. My mom said he is.

  676. Is he a scout .

  677. to funny

  678. OK! OK! come out guys this joke has gone far enough

  679. meeeeeeeeeee // December 21, 2010 at 8:50 pm // Reply

    what? the brochure said ‘full of life’

  680. everythings so plastic

  681. “Hey!Where did the target go!

  682. Hes`s gonna stick the aero in his foot…EASY.

  683. MagicPockets // December 21, 2010 at 7:19 pm // Reply

    Dude, where’s my car?

  684. MagicPockets // December 21, 2010 at 7:16 pm // Reply

    Okay, it was one-hundred bricks from camp, around the brick tree, thirty bricks to the hill…

    …now, was it twenty bricks to the left or to the right?

  685. MagicPockets // December 21, 2010 at 7:12 pm // Reply

    Hey guys! I found my arrow! Guys!


  686. The S.S. SCOUT! // December 21, 2010 at 6:57 pm // Reply

    Uhhhh…. Hello??? The schedule said to meet here…..

  687. where am i!!!!what hapened to all the trees!!!!! why is everything so green!!!!and why am i holding this stick!!!!oh my gosh wheres fred!!!!!!!!!

  688. dang, I shouldn’t have eaten that 4th helping of baked beans for lunch!

  689. its the desert all over again!

  690. Where’s that wascally wabbit?

  691. HEY where am i aint I supposed to be at the meeting…RIGHT NOW

  692. where did everybody go

  693. Where are the rest of the dear hiding?

  694. darth chicken // December 21, 2010 at 3:07 pm // Reply


  695. darth chicken // December 21, 2010 at 3:05 pm // Reply

    WHOAH scouts left me:)

  696. Stat back, I’m armed!

  697. 999/1000 of the lawn left to mow

  698. Boldy Flap Jack // December 21, 2010 at 12:14 pm // Reply

    Imagine that! lost in the wildernwss!…again!

  699. No, I refuse to cross the road with the chicken again.

  700. I don’t see Pedro anywhere!

  701. where’s a tree i got to go to the bath room

  702. level 1000 beat, wait last time i looked up i was in the city where is my scout leader

  703. can you hear me now?

  704. …..well kids… I don’t think the nature hike was a sucsess…

  705. when are my den mates going to find me?! I’ve gotta go to the bathroom

  706. Hey! Where’s my Tent! Oh Crud!Get back here With my tent

  707. Hey! Where’s my house! Oh Crud!

    • its quiet. to quiet. wait a second where are the trees?! what was that. omg its an alligator!!!!!!!!! i have to get out of, oh its just a squirrel.

  708. Were is the land scaping crew.Heck were are the trees!


  710. I’m lost. Everything looks exactly the same.

  711. aim and fi… wait wheres my gun

  712. It’s a bird! It’s a plane! Oh, it’s just a goose.

  713. I’M LOST!!!!!Does anyone know where i am?!

  714. ahhhhh!I I think I’m lost!

  715. come on, I know Drew was right behind me before I stopped to tie my shoes, now where did he go?

  716. tenderfoot#1 // December 20, 2010 at 1:26 pm // Reply

    Should have know when my tag was cheap the guy there said there’s a deer behind every tree now it makes sense.

  717. Who has eaten my lawn?!

  718. What meat can I find here. Ahh!!!!!!!!!!! a bear

  719. wears my scout leader?

  720. OMG! this roblox update is AWESOME!

  721. bowser pq ak-47 // December 19, 2010 at 10:07 pm // Reply

    duck season.

  722. Now that i have my game… where’s my compass to get out of here

  723. nice sunny day!

  724. Now where did Mudley go?

  725. Where’d the target go?

  726. star wars dude // December 19, 2010 at 7:16 pm // Reply

    where am I? the ancient temple?its in terrible condition…

  727. OK, who has the map?

  728. Wow! I just shot a banana!

  729. the living dictionary // December 19, 2010 at 6:28 pm // Reply

    It’s so easy to kill those deer. All I have to do is look through this telescope thingy and pull my index finger back.

  730. girl scout caddete // December 19, 2010 at 6:09 pm // Reply

    i think i’m lost again

  731. hey!where are all the deer?i think they are christmas shopping.

  732. I don’t want to hunt for a living… I’m a vegitarian

  733. Jingle Bells // December 19, 2010 at 4:37 pm // Reply

    I’m gonna spear my presents out of Santa’s sleigh!

  734. where am I!!!. oh yeah I’m bird shooting!

  735. My bad!

  736. were did everybody go they told me to meet them here for the hippie meeting.

  737. MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!

  738. it’s grass season

    • Bleg-bleggit // December 22, 2010 at 4:20 pm // Reply

      so, what is do you think the best way to stalk grass is?…Larry…you still there?…OH NO the terrible Crab grass must cave gotten him!!!!

  739. “Ok where did they go?”

  740. “Now, which way is right and which way is left?”

  741. Did I leave the cooler in the car again?


  743. Okay, I’m all set. I’ve prepared, got my gun, my lunch, my lukcy green hat, I’ve driven 3 days stra… alright. Where am I?

  744. i parked my atv right here, where did it go?!

  745. Duck season

  746. blufyrescout // December 18, 2010 at 1:03 pm // Reply

    ahhhhhhhhh… i’m plastic and i can’t stop smiling

  747. But how do I guard?

  748. Boldy Flap Jack // December 18, 2010 at 11:55 am // Reply

    Hunting for air?

  749. I cant take off my hat

  750. Lego Scout says: OK i didn’t mean to hit you i was aiming at the apple.Good thing this is just a BB gun.

  751. now where did mom go?

  752. ok he wants to get eaten by a bear!

  753. Take that mega blocks!

  754. Is that a penguin? Nah,it’s a bird

  755. This isn’t the archery range!

  756. ok now where do i put the dead man

  757. If only I could find a block that I could build a lodge on…

  758. I can’t stop smiling!

  759. be bewy quite i’m hunting wabbits

  760. where did the target go?

  761. what the heck. where is my group?

  762. wheres the nearest gas station?

  763. What am I doing here,and why am I holding a stick?

  764. I don’t like snipe hunting.

  765. Hey Nelo where is the lawn mower so this will be easier!!!!!!!!!!!!

  766. quick mermaid man! to the invisible boat mobile! wait where did i put it?

  767. Guy: Now watch as my magical wooden stick turns into a snake right before your eyes. Crowd: O.o We are still waiting.

  768. harry potter! harry potter! uhh!

  769. ok i forlod the map whate where am i

  770. ready aim fire

  771. Tons of Lego // December 15, 2010 at 6:53 pm // Reply

    (Sigh), lost, with a shovel. Ok, isn’t this weird, I mean like, all I have is a shovel! Darn,(Sigh).

  772. Hmm…. Where did my campfire go Joe. Joe? Joe?

  773. hmmmmmm needs some red, to much green

  774. now were is my hat

  775. where’d my tent fly to

  776. Great place to build a Lego City hey Jim. Jim?

  777. blackdragont103 // December 13, 2010 at 9:15 pm // Reply

    im such a lame dude. holding a stick like its my friend and naming it Fred.

  778. Now were did I park that car?

  779. Okay I’ll give you five more seconds and then you have to build me a house

  780. arn’t you going to move me so I can work?

  781. I imagined some flying cars and teleporters , but no! I mean come on, we still have WEATHER!

  782. bassman4ever // December 13, 2010 at 2:00 pm // Reply

    “No honey i dont need to ask directions!! Uh honey?”

  783. i dont have a tree to hug 🙁

  784. I thought I was in a Wi-Fi hotspot!

  785. Chocolate

  786. You pased the limit [Five seconds later] I’ll never hit you again really ”Ouch”

  787. I’m burning daylight here so why doesn’t this stick become a torch?

  788. A bear!

  789. Hey guys… Guys? Where are you?

  790. I don’t remember anything about green plastic fields in Wilderness Survival

  791. monkeyman234 // December 12, 2010 at 5:02 pm // Reply

    Hey guys, I am getting tired of this. Seriously, tell me where the campsite really is. Guys? Guys???

  792. Camping nine to five

  793. breath the fresh air look all over. don’t you just love the outdoors. guys? guys?! oh no! they did it again!

  794. NINJA CHICKIN5000 // December 12, 2010 at 1:29 pm // Reply

    Is that a giant coco taco I see

  795. why am i the only one that can never find firewood?

  796. come here puppy,time for a drink!

  797. hey,where is everybody?

  798. mort's potato // December 11, 2010 at 10:35 pm // Reply

    O.K.,where was I supposed to dig that hole to china?

  799. KIRBY SO ROCKS! // December 11, 2010 at 10:32 pm // Reply

    well, I have NO idea where I am, SO… might as well stand around
    like a dope.

  800. minicoopjames // December 11, 2010 at 9:32 pm // Reply


  801. Ohhhh! Dorothy said the YELLOW brick road…

  802. THE AIDAN ZONE // December 11, 2010 at 7:44 pm // Reply

    sticky i dont think were in kansas anymore

  803. I said I want some legos, I don’t want to be one!

  804. No one will see me with this uniform. Now all I need is some leaves and a tree and it’s commando time!

  805. it is weird that I am wearing a hard hat in the middle of nowhere,
    or, is it to the left of nowhere?

  806. Do not worry, I come in pieces.

  807. im in the middle of nowere!

  808. COOL! Where did you get that red liquid dripping from your body. Did that bear give it to ya? Cool!

  809. What’s this? A crossbow or a stick?

  810. Rabble Rouser // December 11, 2010 at 12:37 pm // Reply

    What is that elephant sized creature in the distance? Probably nothing. AHHHHHHH ant! On my stICcKK!

  811. Oh shoot. I’m lost

  812. Yes a campfire!

  813. boysliferules // December 11, 2010 at 10:14 am // Reply

    Okay guys, the scoutmasters tent is clear. Do you guys have the fish to put in his sleeping bag?

  814. I guess we kinda forgot the tent bricks…hehe……..sorry

  815. Ann.E.Ruption // December 11, 2010 at 9:48 am // Reply

    “I’ve gotten so hungry on this hike, and I’m way ahead of the other guys…Hey! I could sing a song!Over the liver and through the foods to canberry eggs I go!”

  816. Black ops coverate agent // December 11, 2010 at 9:28 am // Reply

    I am stuck in this green thing why am I holding a stick. weird

  817. alright now guys Hey WHERE DID YOU GO? Are you behind the greenblock again!

  818. Call the Ranger, someone cut down the entire Forest!!

  819. Where’s my campsite? Where’s my buddy? Where am I?

  820. Come out,come out little Harry.

  821. I hope my shovel can dig though plastic

  822. Wabbit season!!

  823. I wonder if I’m strong it almost feels like everything is made of bricks

  824. whare did the ring go

  825. let me out of this invisible cage!!

  826. time to clean up the dew-dew!

  827. dont mess with my rattlle

  828. Percy Jackson // December 9, 2010 at 10:54 pm // Reply

    They said the bathroom was by the green brick…

  829. No, seriously, am I on “Punk’d”?

  830. I don’t think our advertising for the restaurant is doing so well

    just a hunch……

  831. Lego my badge!

  832. … The way it looks from here, it would have been better to lose my phone in the Grand Canyon.

  833. somthings wrong ahhh bear!

  834. the water bufallo // December 9, 2010 at 6:18 pm // Reply

    wow, its going to be hard to do the nature merit badge here!

  835. Where did all the set pieces go? I thought that we were supposed to be shooting the next lego movie

  836. Well… No trees equals no fire… Good thing I have this giant match!

  837. I wonder if there are any badges for doing nothing all day?

  838. Guys! If you do not finish painting the house soon Ill say your heads are made of rocks,not bricks!!

  839. Now where did i put that blueprint.

  840. It's a secret // December 9, 2010 at 11:51 am // Reply

    Where’s The troop?

  841. scout master // December 9, 2010 at 11:48 am // Reply

    Where did my house go?

  842. The Purple Martin // December 9, 2010 at 9:55 am // Reply

    Just waiting for my unit commissioner…

  843. NinjaWaffleMan // December 8, 2010 at 10:26 pm // Reply

    I’m at the archery field…but where are the targets?

  844. I knew this let’s go green thing would catch on. 🙂

  845. left or right oh wait it does not matter

  846. loock over there it’s Pedro

  847. online scout // December 8, 2010 at 8:08 pm // Reply

    ok, I think I’ve seen that patch of grass how many times?

  848. um wheres my camp??

  849. Mr. Crankypants // December 8, 2010 at 5:30 pm // Reply

    Okay, we went green. You want blue, red, yellow, or white next?

  850. Whatever happened to the buddy system? Everytime there is some work to be done……….!

  851. hello? HELLO?

  852. (10 hours later)
    so that is how…. we get lost hiking by telling stories

  853. thefunnyman II // December 8, 2010 at 3:58 pm // Reply

    do you have any ST1 for our fire?

  854. where are all the trees? i thought this was a forest hike!!

  855. Hey lego dude, I think you need animals and trees to have a successful hunt.

  856. Oops, I forgot to stay with my buddy.

  857. “Good thing I’m attached to the floor, otherwise that wind would blow me to the next green spot!”

  858. where is that geocache?

  859. Firewood? Firewood? … Hey guys!!! Can we start a fire with just one stick?

  860. And this is how you Leave No Trace!

  861. Slowly I turned … step by step … inch by inch …

  862. Looks like a community service project!

  863. Umm… boss… Where’s my stuff?

  864. Dad look, I built the farm set.

  865. The map says right…. which way is right???

  866. Dragon king13 // December 8, 2010 at 12:48 pm // Reply

    Either i’m dreming or did my farm animals just leave me here with all of this manuer?

  867. Where am I? Isn’t this the campsite?

  868. Mr. Anonymous // December 7, 2010 at 8:24 pm // Reply

    Tell me again why the Boy Scouts took us on a corn maze trip?

  869. Orangedude95 // December 7, 2010 at 8:23 pm // Reply

    “I really need my survival kit!”

  870. Wonderous Webelo // December 7, 2010 at 8:22 pm // Reply

    “Wow…I never knew hiking was hard!”

  871. Time to cut the grass again. I guess I better get started on building that mower.

  872. When they said “run a lap”, I thought they meant the archery site, not the whole camp!

  873. now where was that map?

  874. Hanstarkiller // December 7, 2010 at 4:39 pm // Reply

    Now where did that green brick go?

  875. Little did Billy know, there was a giant lego slime piling up behind him.

  876. The Man with the Banjo // December 7, 2010 at 2:58 pm // Reply

    Are you sure this is the way to the forest? It looks like a field….. Wait there’s the deer! :O

  877. Hoo Boy! This is gonna take a lot of gardening!

  878. now where did Mr.stone leave his invisible tractor?

  879. “Deer up ahead! Oh, it’s just some trees”

  880. Is that a dear? No its just a rock!

  881. Lego My Ego

  882. purplemonster // December 6, 2010 at 9:35 pm // Reply

    And I thought suvival kits were for girls!

  883. Now I understand why my mom told me to pack my survival kit

  884. Where’s the leaves?

  885. cghgvhfgh wow // December 6, 2010 at 7:49 pm // Reply

    and they say this is fun!

  886. Hey, why isn’t anything growing

  887. Why do I have this in my hand? I need a broom for all this dust!

  888. (thinking…)
    I’m not lost, i’m not lost!!!

  889. The groundskeepers job at the Lego football stadium is to make sure all the bumps in the turf are exactly the same height.

  890. Hello? Anyone hear, I’m stuck.

  891. this is what happens when we cut down trees

  892. I think im getting closer to water!

  893. supersmashbrother37 // December 5, 2010 at 9:20 pm // Reply

    Now I see why they can’t let you use a GPS in Boy Scouts.

  894. Okay 2 things, first ow did i get here, second where the heck did this stick come from…

  895. ohhh, I knew had to turn left at albakerkie!

  896. Now I’ll go back to my… WHERE’S MY HOUSE?!

  897. Where did everybody go?

  898. This Random Guy // December 5, 2010 at 7:22 pm // Reply

    Was I supposed to turn left or right?

  899. The map says “Turn left at the green spot.” Which one?

  900. And what am I holding?

  901. Why hello thaar // December 5, 2010 at 5:55 pm // Reply

    Ooooh so you have to build it first

  902. I wish… I could… Move!

  903. monkeyman234 // December 5, 2010 at 5:18 pm // Reply

    I could have sworn my ammo box was here.

  904. I think that bathroom was a teleporter and I’m in irland.

  905. where did all the tents go? Hello? HELLO?!

  906. How much more of this field do i have to measure?

  907. Lighting a fire would be so much easier if I could move my arms together…

  908. How can you get lost when there are no trees

  909. funkey munky // December 5, 2010 at 3:20 pm // Reply

    well I finished the 90 mile hike, now where are the other scouts

  910. what to do with all this green? oh i know lets plant some trees

  911. I’m coming Pedro!!!

  912. Brick Kicker // December 5, 2010 at 11:19 am // Reply

    Hagrid, do you need your crossbow back?? Hagrid, where are you?!?!

  913. Brick Kicker // December 5, 2010 at 11:17 am // Reply

    Hermione!! Where did my broomstick go? Did it go flying into the Whomping Willow again?? Do you know how expensive those broomsticks are!?!? Harry, mind if I borrow a few dozen Galleons?

  914. Were did Pedro go?

  915. Oh no I’m lost. Help me mommy I’m scared.

  916. KICK ME mason // December 5, 2010 at 9:05 am // Reply

    I’m in the middle of nowhere,WHERE IN THE HEAK AM I?!?!?

  917. I’m in the lego world?! So that explains the bumps on the ground and why my feet are stuck to the ground.(:

  918. “scout master, do I dig the hole before or after”

  919. No!!!!!!!!!! Someone took my unicorn and now I have to walk to my house. It’s so far. It’s 2 feet away from where I’m standing. You know how long it’s going to take!?

  920. Scout Master Guys any body?

  921. Im lost in the woods and were is mycampass? DARN! I lost it

  922. shhh i am hunting wabbits

  923. Where am I? O wait I’m lost. HELP! HELP! I’m lost!

  924. rowlf the dog // December 4, 2010 at 6:06 pm // Reply

    I wonder if the other scouts were joking when they said you need to cross the green desert to get to Pike’s Peak…

  925. Ugh, we lost the tent, we were chased by rabid raccoons and it rained. this is worse than the time we ate bean stew for dinner and had to share a tent.

  926. OK we got the food the flashlights and jimmy has the tent, uh jimmy wheres the tent?

  927. hey….DEER!!!!!!!

  928. where is the garden?!!!!! I left it right here!!!!!!

  929. Dinomite5574 // December 4, 2010 at 4:32 pm // Reply

    Ahhhh! Fishing like the old days. That’s with a spear.

  930. Halt, or i fire!

  931. where is that merit badge

  932. “Dear Santa, …”

  933. I chopped down all the trees.Wait,I chopped down all the trees?!?!?!

  934. oh now i understand!!!!!! to get to lego city i needed to turn left back there

  935. were is the nearest mini golf coruse

  936. hmmm, all i see is green circles that pop out the ground… and they say this is a hike

  937. were is the nearest mini golf corse

  938. I will hit him with this stick.

  939. Ha ha guys REAL funny, now would you give me back my boxer shorts?

  940. I love fishing don’t you guys. Guy’s?

  941. where is the den meating.oh I got a text.I am in the wrong place!?!?

  942. were’s the scout meeting?

  943. what happend to my stick???

  944. rowlf the dog // December 4, 2010 at 9:01 am // Reply

    Hey! You reading the magazine! Can you show me how to get to the Blue and Gold Dinner?

  945. now wears my wife


  947. fire fang123 // December 4, 2010 at 8:33 am // Reply

    I’m not green hulk is green

  948. What in the world! I’m in Swittserland.

  949. I could’ve sworn the campsite was right here

  950. Um….Where is everything?And is it just me or is everything turn green or am I in Ireland?Maybe if I am I’ll go find a 4 leaf clover…..

  951. Where is th guys? This is where they told me : on a lego plain.Theres only like 10,000 more miles of this.

  952. no i put my mom’s ring in the ground

  953. Scoutmaster said to “Be Prepared”, so what is this?

  954. [tornado sirens wailing] “what’s that big grey tube thing coming
    towards me?”

  955. did they go home already…wait it’s 6:00.

  956. hum i wonder what he’s thinking…o what he can’t think.

  957. thefunnyman33 // December 3, 2010 at 4:54 pm // Reply

    uhh excuse me, do you have any ST1 for our fire

  958. S much for “yellow brick road”.

  959. WOW!!!!!!!AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

  960. where is that turkey!

  961. Man With Funny Tie // December 3, 2010 at 12:05 pm // Reply

    Wow! the teleportation machine wortked! now where am I?

  962. Man With Funny Tie // December 3, 2010 at 12:04 pm // Reply

    I wonder they were serious when they told me that if I stand here long enough the deer will right up to me.

  963. Man With Funny Tie // December 3, 2010 at 11:59 am // Reply

    Go dig a hole by the green bump he says.

  964. Where is the camp for the 100 years of scouting campout guys? Guys? Where are you guys? Help!!!

  965. better stay away because he’s gonna get you

  966. Hey where are the other scouts?

  967. is it just me or is the world gone green ; or am i in Irland

  968. HEY!This isnt Las Vegas!

  969. hay i can see my house from here!

  970. were did my troop go?

  971. Cheeze&jello // December 2, 2010 at 7:12 pm // Reply

    hhmmm… now where did that ball go…

  972. Hey, I don’t know what I am holding either.

  973. Your Worst nightmare // December 2, 2010 at 4:51 pm // Reply

    Where did my farm go! All I did was go to my scout meeting and my farm was gone!

  974. this is boring, standing on a empty lego platform!

  975. Beatlesunion // December 2, 2010 at 10:35 am // Reply

    I wish I had fun like those Boy Scouts over there.

  976. CrazY colbmister // December 2, 2010 at 8:31 am // Reply

    And they said I was lost. Wait a second.. I AM LOST!

  977. jeff? Um jeeff? where’d you go?

  978. hmmmm…. why are there holes all over me?!?!?

  979. I finally finished cleaning this field of all the trash!

  980. “ok guys, very funny,now where’s my tent?”

  981. Tell me where the bathroom is, or I’ll shoot!

  982. I think my wife sent me to rake the leaves to get rid of me.

  983. Oh….this is what they call going green?

  984. My wife is going to kill me when i tell her that i buried her dimond ring.

  985. azumarill1211 // December 1, 2010 at 6:49 pm // Reply

    seriously? my troop deserts me? at least i still have a stick…

  986. There`s gold in these fields!

  987. webelos1rocks // December 1, 2010 at 5:47 pm // Reply

    ummmm….where did my troop go?

  988. is that a penguin in a bungee jump machine?

  989. HHmmm…now wheres the camp.Wait,hello…anybodyyyy.

  990. Why am i smiling when im lost?

  991. legosruletheworld // December 1, 2010 at 11:08 am // Reply

    and another thing is the thing he is holding is a bow

  992. legosruletheworld // December 1, 2010 at 11:07 am // Reply

    were did the archery range go?
    and were did bob go?

  993. I knew trees could move long distances, but this is ridiculous!

  994. awesomeperson2 // November 30, 2010 at 9:48 pm // Reply

    Arrgh! Where did I put my compass?! I’d lose my Boy Scout handbook if it wasn’t on me!!!

  995. One acre down, eighty-four more to go!

  996. In a box one moment,right here now.

  997. monkey man999 // November 30, 2010 at 8:51 pm // Reply

    do you attach the grass to the broom or the engine to the broom to make a lawn mower?

  998. I got the fire wood. Hey where is everyone?

  999. How to survive in the wild with, a hat, some clothes, and a Lego dude.


  1001. I wish I had joints on my body parts

  1002. Now where did the scout master say the snack bar was?

  1003. jawa crazy head // November 30, 2010 at 6:43 pm // Reply

    i am in the wilderness wilderness wilderness

  1004. Now where did that deer go…

  1005. Im going to need a lot more legos.

  1006. this is not the daddy get together!

  1007. Did my den leader give me the right map?

  1008. Is this the right map?

  1009. echo ma ma ma ma n // November 30, 2010 at 2:33 pm // Reply


  1010. Hmm… I knew my tent was around here somewhere, but where?

  1011. you were right. bear bags are not effective unless they are hung up.

  1012. where’s the mower? I’m sure I left it right here.

  1013. this is a strange place to have a dessert

  1014. …9 10! ready or not here I come. There you are Frank, Joe, Mike… …this isn’t very fun, there aren’t any places to hide in this place

  1015. Scoutmaster? Isn’t that the snake from the handbook wrapped around your legs?

  1016. Sooooo….. I carried this stick for ten miles with a permanent smile because why?

  1017. Where am I? I know I should have thought twice about getting my compass from the ninety-nine cent store. 🙁

  1018. hurry up daddy, our dinner’s getti’n away!

  1019. Where did I park my car?

  1020. Heeeeey. I wonder if I can jump in the lake without the scoutmaster noticing….

  1021. Next time I STAY WITH MY TROOP!

  1022. Filbert Fopkins // November 29, 2010 at 7:57 pm // Reply

    “Hey! Where’s the rest of the troop? Come to think of it, where’s the camp!?!

  1023. What is that thing?

  1024. Awesome dude // November 29, 2010 at 7:44 pm // Reply

    Where am I ? Maybe I should break out the old handbook!

  1025. No Bill, don’t make funny faces at the lions!

  1026. just me and my frie… ahh!!! im lost again and i need to find the tent (geeerrrr)

  1027. They say if your lost hug a tree. WHERE ARE ALL THE TREES!!

  1028. ive heared of strawberry feilds forever, but whats this?

  1029. Well that guy was wrong! This grass is not greener on the other side!

  1030. jeeze, i wish i was sleeping on my king size bed……..wait there are no beds in our tents…….i wish i was sleeping on my cot…

  1031. now where did that deer run off to.

  1032. crazydude3434 // November 29, 2010 at 5:31 pm // Reply

    Let’s see point A is there point B is… Hey!Where is it? Great,back to the drawing board.

  1033. um guys maybe they whent looking for me but i found a tool to put up my tent

  1034. I’ve never seen such little crop growth ever.

  1035. just great now im never gonna get to the scout meeting!

  1036. this is a strange place to have a dessert

  1037. darn it I should have not of keeped those 4 hyenas.They stole my tent,food,water,and campfire.

  1038. I should have never signed up for Man vs Wild

  1039. I KNEW i should have bought the small size paper…..

  1040. All that time planting but no plants!!!

  1041. LEGO SKELETONS!!!!!!!:O RUN

  1042. Oops, I forgot my map back at camp!

  1043. I’ve got a bow but where are the targets ?

  1044. drunk monkey // November 29, 2010 at 6:44 am // Reply

    only 60 more rows of cutting.

  1045. Now I’m lost! I’m such a blockhead…

  1046. I have been working this garden for months and these crops still look the same!

  1047. What…I’m a LEGO!!!and what am I holding.AH!!a GUN!!

  1048. (yawn) I’m ready!…Uh…HELLO!! our den leader IS GONE!!!!

  1049. Fianally.I get the “Clean up a field of dog poop” badge.Man.I stink!

  1050. um,I think I went to the wrong address.

  1051. Snipe…snipe…WHERE’S THAT SNIPE?!?!?!?

  1052. Am I at lake sylvia or the grassy desert?

  1053. I thought the tent was around here someplace!?

  1054. If I’d have known I would’ve gotten lost, I would have at least brought some matches!

  1055. LOST!!!!!! I’ve got wood, but where are the matches?

  1056. Cheezpuffs101 // November 28, 2010 at 6:15 pm // Reply

    Man, first a bear takes my food and survival kit, I’m in the middle of nowhere, AND squirrels are using my Blackberry Torch!

  1057. is it just me or do I see Santa Claus…wait SANTA CLAUS!

  1058. My feet are stuck to the floor

  1059. Hey, scoutmaster! Why do all the blades of grass have the word “LEGO” on them????

  1060. Ok, so I lost my neckercheif, why did you drop me in a feild of studs?

  1061. Weres my gun ahhhhh a bear

  1062. Maybe I can lose them over the next hill…

  1063. Hello? Hi mom OH! so we were going to camp at the lake.Oh i’m fine just stuck in the middle of a Green Desert!

  1064. Guys this is not funny, where is my tent!

  1065. No, wait! It was right here I swear! The thirty pointer was right here!

  1066. Literally, why is everyone staring at me? What did I do? Why are you looking at me like I’m guilty?

  1067. I can not belive I had to clean up the Grand Emporium by myself… all 2,182 pieces finally I will get my clen up merit badge.

  1068. …Just sweeping the studs…

  1069. Where did he say that porta-potty was?

  1070. Hey, how do you like my deer skin coat?

  1071. I wish I would of remembered my compass!

  1072. hey wait a sec,they said the fire was here I have my stick but no fire. I’m mad!!!

  1073. WHERE IS THAT CAR!!!

  1074. O.K, so they scout master said meet by the green stud on the green grass. Maybe it’s that one. Or maybe that one…I’M LOST!

  1075. Man, i cant believe they dumped me here…. is this the best you can think of??? next to a whole lot of grass??

  1076. Ya I’m going to get one the old merit badge’s.The turkey keching merit badge!


  1078. Momy did i have to go to camp?

  1079. i wonder what mom is going to say when she hears i got a deer for dinner

  1080. the whole Army is COMING! Run! fire!DO SOMTHING!

  1081. I know I saw at least one crop circle here…

  1082. Why the heck am I smiling?!?THE 7-11 IS GONE!!!!!!

  1083. opps wrong target

  1084. bassman4ever // November 27, 2010 at 4:29 pm // Reply

    “FINALLY I finished raking all those leaves can i get my community service badge now?”

  1085. i am a hiker and i am bored

  1086. man this field goes on forever!

  1087. Where is everybody?

  1088. hhhmmmm….im kind of bored just waitng for the deer

  1089. bear scout is bear // November 27, 2010 at 3:11 pm // Reply

    Is it just me or did a bear just eat the scout master?

  1090. mysterious monster // November 27, 2010 at 2:13 pm // Reply

    I wonder if I should eat lunch now. I think I will. Hey! What’s the big idear I’m stuck to the grass!

  1091. well,i don’t like yellow-faced characters.but thats alright.

  1092. Ah! man look at the scoutmasters heated air mattress RV how unfair

  1093. I knew I should have listened to Hansel and Gretel more carefully.

  1094. Dang,i can’t find deer and I been here for a hour

  1095. Wow, this trail is bumpy!

  1096. I thought there was an all you can eat buffet in Lego land.

  1097. Where’s my mommy? I got a fox!

  1098. cool dude XD // November 27, 2010 at 2:14 am // Reply

    16,457,638 done 9,453,472 more to go “WHEW” here i go

  1099. i dont get paid for mowing hard grass

  1100. shadows armato // November 26, 2010 at 7:57 pm // Reply

    huh, where am i and what am i holding?!

  1101. i am going to slise you to bits

  1102. “I must have grown! Those bumps look like hills!”

  1103. !?!?!?!?!?!?!?! // November 26, 2010 at 6:14 pm // Reply

    Why are you staring at me like that!?

  1104. Wait. Were did all the animals in the zoo go?

  1105. WHOA! Where did every thing go. And i see a light in the sky wait thats not the sun theres an angel there

  1106. WHOA! Where did everything go!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1107. Where is all the trees?And the deer are gone to!I can’t do anything!

  1108. dock o boats // November 26, 2010 at 5:26 pm // Reply

    ah giant bear

  1109. dock o boats // November 26, 2010 at 5:23 pm // Reply

    is everyone still sleeping we are supossed to be hiking

  1110. 47 dollars an omce // November 26, 2010 at 5:19 pm // Reply

    I’m board. Wait a minute….. I’m on board!

  1111. Look out scouts he doesnt have a nose.(bum bum bum music)

  1112. ug .I just knew they would leave me behind. they need to slow down.

  1113. Dang. The troop left me again!!!

  1114. bear scout is bear // November 26, 2010 at 4:07 pm // Reply

    This gun.. in my hand… it’s stuck… I can’t seem to “Lego” of it…

  1115. bear scout is bear // November 26, 2010 at 4:06 pm // Reply

    Dude,that bear is like, so weird

  1116. the red dragon // November 26, 2010 at 3:48 pm // Reply

    Why (shiver) oh Why did (shiver) I forget(shiver)my Jacket (shiver).

  1117. Gee. It sure is boring around here.

  1118. Whoa, the desert is a lot more green than I thought!!

  1119. Ahhhh! Alone at last, those cub scouts are really annoying.

  1120. I think my GPS may be wrong. Just maybe.

  1121. My dad was right. Never trust a GPS or you’lle find yourself in a neverending green field

  1122. who has been eating my markers, it’s time to go!

  1123. This part of Legoland is SO realistc, it makes me think I am a Lego! Wait…I am!

  1124. you will never defeat the dark side, park ranger.

  1125. I knew i should’ve brought my ‘HOW 2 BUILD A LEGO FOREST’ kit.

  1126. Hey! Didn’t I just see that brick a minute ago?

  1127. grass,grass,grass,grass,deer,grass,grass,wait DEER!?!COME BACK!!

  1128. jcancerhelps // November 25, 2010 at 9:54 pm // Reply

    Dude look at that speck over there, it is yellow, not white. That is awesome!

  1129. Uh……. which way was camp

  1130. um… ya, where are the trees supposed to be again???

  1131. Lawn’s cut!!!!

  1132. Lost Again? I told my mom to get me a GPS.

  1133. thers alot of grass to mow.

  1134. i need to call hero factory. BUT THERE IS NO ELECTRICITY! WHAT DO I DO!?

  1135. The brochure said Great Forest not Great Plains. I should’ve paid more attention because the photo said it was taken in 1992.

  1136. where the heck am i, and where is that cabin? WHERE IS THAT CABIN?!

  1137. Now where are my keys and that blasted kid or ill shoot.

  1138. “MR. BOB? HELP! I’M LOST!”

  1139. Throughout my whole entire life, I’ve wondered one thing. And now that I’m alone, I can address that subject. WHY THE HECK AM I YELLOW?

  1140. As soon as I came out here with a bow and arrow, all the turkey flew away! whats the big idea??!!

  1141. I could of SWORN that I had corn here 10 seconds ago!

  1142. I cant believe I fell for that. Whoever heard of a lego mountain lion?

  1143. Nice grass. How to make a fire?

  1144. oh boy,first my patrol left me and now i am stuck with this lame old stick!

  1145. I cant find A turky for Thanksgiving but that squral wuld taste just fine

  1146. cooltobeascout // November 25, 2010 at 8:02 am // Reply

    enough service hours, i want to go home! But witch way is it??? I want my mommy!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1147. Ahhh what a lovely morning

  1148. Now where did the troop go?

  1149. If anyone gets to close I’ll shoot them, piece by PIECE!!

  1150. where is the troop?

  1151. HEY! Where DID the tree go?

  1152. I never knew the ground had bumps in it!

  1153. Here is where we set up dear camp.

  1154. where is my car i parked it right here

  1155. aww man i forgot to bring my laptop to play roblox c mon hey dude give me your lap top….. I SAID GIVE ME YOUR LAAAP TOOP… sorry

  1156. And I thought poetry was beutiful!

  1157. what happened to my ammunition oh i put it the turkey feed bag and fed it to the turkey

  1158. Ahhh… not a weed in sight!

  1159. The Bunnyman // November 24, 2010 at 5:41 pm // Reply

    Clearing a trail in this flat field for my Eagle Scout Project has got to be the smartest idea I’ve ever come up with.

  1160. Thats one bumpy trail

  1161. Look, im a real wizard now

  1162. super dude 101 // November 24, 2010 at 4:58 pm // Reply

    Aw man I just lost my group and the worst part is NO TURKEY DINNER!

  1163. Its hard to bow hunt without bending your elbows.

  1164. Aw man!!! I ran out ofthings to shoot… wait, I still have my hat…

  1165. were are the campers.

  1166. wheres all the game?

  1167. Mom, tell Daddy never to throw me in the dryer as a punishment EVER again!

  1168. I wish I could walk in a circle……squares are so boring…

  1169. I’M SO LOST!!! I wish i would have come with accessories so this kid could build me a landmark.

  1170. i gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night // November 24, 2010 at 2:23 pm // Reply

    Hey, bub. Can you spare an ammo? I spent mine shooting at this dumb turkey. I kept telling him I would dress him and put him to good use.

  1171. Where is that dang deer!!!!!!

  1172. omg lego santa!!! awsome

  1173. I thought this this was lego army Not lego city!!!

  1174. maby I should go over there-I smell marshmelloes.

  1175. …now where did that deer go…

  1176. Where is my s’more?

  1177. i need HELP

  1178. where is my troop?

  1179. how do I fire this thing???Maby I just pull it back and let go…Ops sorry Mr.bear!!!

  1180. here turkey turkey!

  1181. This is so not worth a merit badge.

  1182. I’m just brickin it.

  1183. What!?! More bricks!?! I just cleaned all of those up!

  1184. I’m stuck to this wierd grass! HELP!

  1185. ejragon 2000 // November 24, 2010 at 9:30 am // Reply

    what the hay. the scout pack said we were going to be on litter patrol near the highway. but this is a field. I wonder who made the map to get here

  1186. all right who stole my grass?

  1187. where’s the campsite? I was gonna guard the place.

  1188. Friend of Martin J. // November 23, 2010 at 11:55 pm // Reply

    The grass on this field are all round!

  1189. up steam 844 & 3985 // November 23, 2010 at 10:47 pm // Reply

    a can you direct me to the 2011 natinal scout jamberee. I have amo ready to fire at you if you don’t show me the way.pritty plese

  1190. Is that a lego UFO?

  1191. I followed the rainbow-now where’s the pot of gold?

  1192. where in the blazes are the turkeys??? I need to shoot something for my bow and arrows patch!!!

  1193. this grass is quite circular

  1194. This has to be where Mr. McLegos gone!