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Write a funny caption for this photo

What’s going on in this picture? What is this Lego Scout doing and what is he thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

Thanks to “Lego-Dude” for this great photo.

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54 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. help any one well i guess i can hunt for scouters or be laze

  2. OK, I’ve been hiking for 40 HOURS, and I haven’t found a single squirrel or a tree. What kind of nature reserve is this?!?!?!?!?!?

  3. How did this happen? I’m surrounded by circles!

  4. hello,I uh,can’t see how good I look,there’s no mirrors out here.

  5. “good news is im in the middle of no where ” shoot!

  6. Huh, I have a green thumb, a green hat, green pants, oh and a green world!

  7. Hey guys im camping out in the woods with my friend bob. Hey, bob wheres the tent? BOB! oh great my mom took me to the WRONG campsite. you probly think i can just go home but my MOM left.

  8. Pedro? is that you? oh yeh they havnt made u as a lego yet

  9. UH OH GOTTA PEE!!!IS THERE AN OUTHOUSE?!Wait, I got tons of white LEGOs. I’ll build a toilet!

  10. Aw,great. How do I make a campfire without wood. Who cares, I don’t have a hachet anyway. Where’s home?

  11. Hello! hello! theres a lifeless object just standing there!!!

  12. dude wheres all the fun in being lifeless when your a scout???????

  13. cheerleadergirl204 // January 23, 2011 at 2:59 pm // Reply

    ok,here i am standing here with my troop..wait..Scoutmaster?hello?great i am lost again

  14. if only i can walk

  15. going on a hike…. hey! GUYS! BEAR!!!!!!!!

  16. gamemaster101 // January 20, 2011 at 11:07 pm // Reply

    shhh! Andys coming! places everyone! what where are you guys!

  17. …and now for the fun part of shooting a bow!Bring in the targets!

  18. Huh… how come I always wake up as a lego?

  19. Aten-Hut….. hey were did my other scouts go.

  20. chub rub man // January 19, 2011 at 8:32 pm // Reply

    Now where are those dang woodchucks chuckin’ my wood!!!

  21. “Hey! I think I finally found camp!”

  22. After many long hours Bob finally noticed that the shovel wouldn’t work on the ground made of Legos.

  23. Not again! When ever I go to the bathroom I get lost.

  24. BSA TROOP 13 // January 18, 2011 at 3:42 pm // Reply

    Hey look, Bob is playing with a wild kitty, oh crud

  25. I should have showered before coming on this campout…

  26. Where the heck am I?

  27. hykmlngfkmfgksjojngf // January 18, 2011 at 7:44 am // Reply

    hey the camp is missing, i must be geting old

  28. what happened to STRAWBERRY fields forever? this is just grass!

  29. I think I saw Bigfoot.

  30. Where oh Where did the other guys go, Oh where oh where could they be!?!

  31. So…much…lawn…to…cut!

  32. I’ve come in pieces.

  33. sonic the armadillo // January 16, 2011 at 11:10 pm // Reply

    get off my lawn you *bleep*in kids or i’ll shoot your *bleep*in head off

  34. “Where is the tent?Wait, HELLO? ANYBODY?”

  35. Not again!

  36. Heh, they don’t know what there missing.

  37. super dooper1234567890 // January 16, 2011 at 7:38 pm // Reply

    were the heck am I =<

  38. ultrasonic2000 // January 16, 2011 at 4:32 pm // Reply

    Okay….Where did I put my tent?

  39. I wonder how much a bushel these green lego’s will bring on the open

  40. when does this field end i have been walking for two hours and found nothing

  41. I knew I should’ve taken that left turn in Alberquerque.

  42. DaffyDopey452 // January 16, 2011 at 2:55 pm // Reply

    Where did everybody go????
    I’m a lost toy!!!!!!!!!

  43. Tiger=Awesome // January 16, 2011 at 2:53 pm // Reply

    With this stick, I shall create fire!!

  44. grate I lost harry again voldamorst going to be real mad at me! ware is the troop?

  45. That brick is getting closer

  46. Where did everybody go?

  47. Wow, a field of green ! Let’s explore! Green, green, green and more green? This is boring. Buh- bye!

  48. im confused wat do i do? um guys?………………..

  49. Oh Boy! Archery is fun! I bet I could shoot a mountion lion from here!

  50. weres the camp

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