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Write a funny caption for this photo

What’s going on in this picture? What is this Lego Scout doing and what is he thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

Thanks to “Lego-Dude” for this great photo.

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57 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Im going to need a lot more legos.

  2. this is not the daddy get together!

  3. Did my den leader give me the right map?

  4. Is this the right map?

  5. echo ma ma ma ma n // November 30, 2010 at 2:33 pm // Reply


  6. Hmm… I knew my tent was around here somewhere, but where?

  7. you were right. bear bags are not effective unless they are hung up.

  8. where’s the mower? I’m sure I left it right here.

  9. this is a strange place to have a dessert

  10. …9 10! ready or not here I come. There you are Frank, Joe, Mike… …this isn’t very fun, there aren’t any places to hide in this place

  11. Scoutmaster? Isn’t that the snake from the handbook wrapped around your legs?

  12. Sooooo….. I carried this stick for ten miles with a permanent smile because why?

  13. Where am I? I know I should have thought twice about getting my compass from the ninety-nine cent store. 🙁

  14. hurry up daddy, our dinner’s getti’n away!

  15. Where did I park my car?

  16. Heeeeey. I wonder if I can jump in the lake without the scoutmaster noticing….

  17. Next time I STAY WITH MY TROOP!

  18. Filbert Fopkins // November 29, 2010 at 7:57 pm // Reply

    “Hey! Where’s the rest of the troop? Come to think of it, where’s the camp!?!

  19. What is that thing?

  20. Awesome dude // November 29, 2010 at 7:44 pm // Reply

    Where am I ? Maybe I should break out the old handbook!

  21. No Bill, don’t make funny faces at the lions!

  22. just me and my frie… ahh!!! im lost again and i need to find the tent (geeerrrr)

  23. They say if your lost hug a tree. WHERE ARE ALL THE TREES!!

  24. ive heared of strawberry feilds forever, but whats this?

  25. Well that guy was wrong! This grass is not greener on the other side!

  26. jeeze, i wish i was sleeping on my king size bed……..wait there are no beds in our tents…….i wish i was sleeping on my cot…

  27. now where did that deer run off to.

  28. crazydude3434 // November 29, 2010 at 5:31 pm // Reply

    Let’s see point A is there point B is… Hey!Where is it? Great,back to the drawing board.

  29. um guys maybe they whent looking for me but i found a tool to put up my tent

  30. I’ve never seen such little crop growth ever.

  31. just great now im never gonna get to the scout meeting!

  32. this is a strange place to have a dessert

  33. darn it I should have not of keeped those 4 hyenas.They stole my tent,food,water,and campfire.

  34. I should have never signed up for Man vs Wild

  35. I KNEW i should have bought the small size paper…..

  36. All that time planting but no plants!!!


  38. Oops, I forgot my map back at camp!

  39. I’ve got a bow but where are the targets ?

  40. drunk monkey // November 29, 2010 at 6:44 am // Reply

    only 60 more rows of cutting.

  41. Now I’m lost! I’m such a blockhead…

  42. I have been working this garden for months and these crops still look the same!

  43. What…I’m a LEGO!!!and what am I holding.AH!!a GUN!!

  44. (yawn) I’m ready!…Uh…HELLO!! our den leader IS GONE!!!!

  45. Fianally.I get the “Clean up a field of dog poop” badge.Man.I stink!

  46. um,I think I went to the wrong address.

  47. Snipe…snipe…WHERE’S THAT SNIPE?!?!?!?

  48. Am I at lake sylvia or the grassy desert?

  49. I thought the tent was around here someplace!?

  50. If I’d have known I would’ve gotten lost, I would have at least brought some matches!

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