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Write a funny caption for this photo

What’s going on in this picture? What is this Lego Scout doing and what is he thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

Thanks to “Lego-Dude” for this great photo.

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52 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. where did all the tents go? Hello? HELLO?!

  2. How much more of this field do i have to measure?

  3. Lighting a fire would be so much easier if I could move my arms together…

  4. How can you get lost when there are no trees

  5. funkey munky // December 5, 2010 at 3:20 pm // Reply

    well I finished the 90 mile hike, now where are the other scouts

  6. what to do with all this green? oh i know lets plant some trees

  7. I’m coming Pedro!!!

  8. Brick Kicker // December 5, 2010 at 11:19 am // Reply

    Hagrid, do you need your crossbow back?? Hagrid, where are you?!?!

  9. Brick Kicker // December 5, 2010 at 11:17 am // Reply

    Hermione!! Where did my broomstick go? Did it go flying into the Whomping Willow again?? Do you know how expensive those broomsticks are!?!? Harry, mind if I borrow a few dozen Galleons?

  10. Were did Pedro go?

  11. Oh no I’m lost. Help me mommy I’m scared.

  12. KICK ME mason // December 5, 2010 at 9:05 am // Reply

    I’m in the middle of nowhere,WHERE IN THE HEAK AM I?!?!?

  13. I’m in the lego world?! So that explains the bumps on the ground and why my feet are stuck to the ground.(:

  14. “scout master, do I dig the hole before or after”

  15. No!!!!!!!!!! Someone took my unicorn and now I have to walk to my house. It’s so far. It’s 2 feet away from where I’m standing. You know how long it’s going to take!?

  16. Scout Master Guys any body?

  17. Im lost in the woods and were is mycampass? DARN! I lost it

  18. shhh i am hunting wabbits

  19. Where am I? O wait I’m lost. HELP! HELP! I’m lost!

  20. rowlf the dog // December 4, 2010 at 6:06 pm // Reply

    I wonder if the other scouts were joking when they said you need to cross the green desert to get to Pike’s Peak…

  21. Ugh, we lost the tent, we were chased by rabid raccoons and it rained. this is worse than the time we ate bean stew for dinner and had to share a tent.

  22. OK we got the food the flashlights and jimmy has the tent, uh jimmy wheres the tent?

  23. hey….DEER!!!!!!!

  24. where is the garden?!!!!! I left it right here!!!!!!

  25. Dinomite5574 // December 4, 2010 at 4:32 pm // Reply

    Ahhhh! Fishing like the old days. That’s with a spear.

  26. Halt, or i fire!

  27. where is that merit badge

  28. “Dear Santa, …”

  29. I chopped down all the trees.Wait,I chopped down all the trees?!?!?!

  30. oh now i understand!!!!!! to get to lego city i needed to turn left back there

  31. were is the nearest mini golf coruse

  32. hmmm, all i see is green circles that pop out the ground… and they say this is a hike

  33. were is the nearest mini golf corse

  34. I will hit him with this stick.

  35. Ha ha guys REAL funny, now would you give me back my boxer shorts?

  36. I love fishing don’t you guys. Guy’s?

  37. where is the den meating.oh I got a text.I am in the wrong place!?!?

  38. were’s the scout meeting?

  39. what happend to my stick???

  40. rowlf the dog // December 4, 2010 at 9:01 am // Reply

    Hey! You reading the magazine! Can you show me how to get to the Blue and Gold Dinner?

  41. now wears my wife


  43. fire fang123 // December 4, 2010 at 8:33 am // Reply

    I’m not green hulk is green

  44. What in the world! I’m in Swittserland.

  45. I could’ve sworn the campsite was right here

  46. Um….Where is everything?And is it just me or is everything turn green or am I in Ireland?Maybe if I am I’ll go find a 4 leaf clover…..

  47. Where is th guys? This is where they told me : on a lego plain.Theres only like 10,000 more miles of this.

  48. no i put my mom’s ring in the ground

  49. Scoutmaster said to “Be Prepared”, so what is this?

  50. [tornado sirens wailing] “what’s that big grey tube thing coming
    towards me?”

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