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Write a Funny Caption For This Photo

What’s going on in this picture? What is that dinosaur doing or thinking?

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50 Comments on Write a Funny Caption For This Photo

  1. This is what I call predatory lending.

  2. I am rich! I am rich! I am extinct, but I am rich!

  3. Maybe I can get bigger arms now

  4. Little hands hold big cash

  5. Insert My Name Here // September 26, 2020 at 6:22 pm // Reply

    Who says George Washington had to be on the 1 dollar bill? How about me, and call it Dino Dollars!

  6. No money for you buddy

  7. money money money!!!!!

  8. Greenosaurus Rex or Green-Rex

  9. Um… can you give me a claw?

  10. Money! What do you mean I have money in my tiny arms?

  11. Yay im rich!!!

  12. me when i want to buy apple watch

  13. I’m rich

  14. Greeeen moneyss yummmm (red robins reference)

  15. im gonna get some money from the dinoco

  16. Now I can get more Boyslife magazines!!

  17. Peter Cottontail // September 24, 2020 at 1:58 pm // Reply

    get stuck in a snowdrift, thats what happens to robbers

  18. Hey come get me I’m the money-o-sours 🤣

  19. What turtle I ate the turtle. SAVE THE DINOS!!!!

  20. When your finical advisor tells you to start investing

  21. Say goodbye to George say hello to me.

  22. Kidwithausername // September 24, 2020 at 8:58 am // Reply

    Find out how this Dino got rich quick! (Governments hate him!!!)

  23. I think I figured out what happened to my piggy bank.

  24. Don’t worry you’ll financially recover.

  25. BiggVeldhuizen // September 23, 2020 at 4:59 pm // Reply

    OH NO! The asteroid is going to burn my money!

  26. I think I’ll just eat some fruit from the dollar tree

  27. cheetah hunt 2019 // September 23, 2020 at 3:21 pm // Reply

    someone mind uncrumpling this! i need it

  28. dino was like hmmm ooo a bank! i must rob it and make sure theres no money left my money only!!!

  29. #dinomoney

  30. someone was jealous of are period

  31. More fancy money please!

  32. Aha! counterfit!

  33. When you think your bill gates

  34. i found a dollar i wish i had pockets

  35. dat funny kid who makes lame jokes // September 22, 2020 at 12:17 pm // Reply

    my doller is crunkeled like me in the snow

  36. I found your dollar and I am keeping it.

  37. One pair of boots, please.

  38. I heard that the penny is going extinct soon, so…

  39. Bob the Rutabaga // September 22, 2020 at 6:30 am // Reply

    I’m rich! GLORIOUSLY rich!

  40. When u get your allowance.

  41. After 200 million years, I finally get raise!

  42. I want ice cream

  43. give it

  44. I can’t do push-ups but at least I’ve got this money 💰

  45. a giant bill! NOOOOOOOOO!

  46. Do ya like my bow tie?

  47. When mom lets u keep the change

  48. When mom lets u keep the cash

  49. #dinomoney

  50. This guy is as old as me.

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