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Write a Funny Caption For This Photo

What’s going on in this picture? What are those penguins doing or thinking?

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54 Comments on Write a Funny Caption For This Photo

  1. This recreation of Penguins in Madagascar better be good. We do not get paid enough for this!

  2. This is great! We got our own seats!

  3. This is the way to Santa

  4. Child: hey mommy this plane has a zoo!
    Mom: riiiiiiiiiiiight of course.
    child: look it has penguins! MOMMY LOOK!

  5. We must be dreaming!
    I’ll smack you. If it hurts, we’re not dreaming.
    *smacks other penguin*
    *other penguin falls off* YOUUU FOOOOOOL!!!

  6. Totaly penguins of Madigascar the movie

  7. So, have you been flying long?

  8. These new ultra economy seats are terrible…

  9. sooooooooooooo, where do you guys want to go? I hear that cuba is nice this time of year.

  10. who said penguins cant fly?

  11. why is this flying iceberg so warm?

  12. And you said I can’t fly.

  13. Guys! I see Uncle Larry on top of a iceberg.

  14. Madagascar movie in real life.

  15. Ahhh! Another sucussful day at penguin airlines.

  16. …I feel like stoways.

  17. Ha!U pelicans thought we couldn’t fly…look at us now!

  18. Captain…I see land!

  19. Okay…whos going first?

  20. Where are we going again?

  21. Then Penguins can’t fly
    Me shows them this picture.

  22. New band: Zidgel and the Wing-Walkers

  23. What penguins winging’ it!

  24. I wish I could fly!!!!

  25. Who’s next for the High dive!

  26. Flying Penguin // September 26, 2023 at 6:56 am // Reply

    Who says Penguins can’t fly!

  27. penguin 1 : one ticket for a free ride to Africa.
    penguin 2 : We can finally fly yes.
    pilot : you forgot to buckle your seatbelts.🐧

  28. Wait, the window closed!?

  29. Who said Penguins can’t fly?

  30. Are we at the North Pole yet?

  31. broooooo this iceberg can fly

  32. if you look to your left you will see 5 artic peng…WAIT WHAT!?!?!

  33. Now, how are we going to get off?

  34. who needs to fly when you have PLANE

  35. I always wanted to fly!

  36. Class, it is time for our diving test.

    • AOLScoutPack1 // October 2, 2023 at 8:01 pm // Reply

      The red-tailed hawk family asked for a race to Mexico, but I think we beat them also, hey guys is it warming up?

  37. Soaring4Eagle // September 25, 2023 at 1:02 pm // Reply

    If only my mom could see me now!

  38. Just chilling! Awfully nice up here. You get to feel the breeze!

  39. Pack 3104 rules // September 25, 2023 at 11:12 am // Reply

    Guys this isn’t Antarctica

  40. MamaMiaPizzeria // September 24, 2023 at 5:31 pm // Reply

    I guess this is for the third class passengers

  41. MamaMiaZoomZoom // September 24, 2023 at 5:30 pm // Reply

    When your mom won’t drive you to the party

  42. MamaMiaPizzeria // September 24, 2023 at 5:29 pm // Reply

    Me: ZOOM!
    they get knocked over by turbulence
    Me:(frowny face)

  43. Finnally, we can fly!

  44. To infinity and beyond!

  45. Da boss totally not Finn // September 23, 2023 at 10:16 pm // Reply

    Don’t worry about us we’re just hanging around!😏

  46. Penguins:we are kinda bored in Antarctica.

    Pilot: I know what can help!

    Peguins: What?

    Pilot: Maybe this gives your spirit a lift?

  47. I thought penguins couldn’t fly?

  48. Wait a minute… This isn’t Antarctica

  49. I told you this wasn’t an iceberg!

  50. PenguinLordJKID // September 22, 2023 at 5:30 pm // Reply

    Welcome to Penguin airlines please join our flight which launches on this American airlines plane. Thank you and remember to not jump off since we can’t fly.

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