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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? Why is that iguana wearing sunglasses? What is he thinking or saying?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. they said these things make you cool. but look at me now they even put me in the funny captions section!

  2. woah!Man Im chillin!

  3. Now I’m a real spy. I blend in and have the glasses for it.

  4. Ahh! Pedro. Close your mouth, your teeth are way to shiny!

  5. Man! they said these things make you cool. but here I am out in the desert hotter than ever!!!


  6. Hola ninitos! It’s Joe Coolmeleon!!(…or should I say iguana…)

  7. These are way to big!!! 😯

  8. You guys know where the other two bilnd Iguanas went?

  9. All right, this isn’t funny guys! Turn the lights back on!!!!!!!!!

  10. Okay,who turned the lights off ?????!!!!!

  11. MagickHat4992 // September 14, 2007 at 2:44 pm // Reply

    People say I never stood out. Look at me now!!!

  12. “It’s the newest look comelian said’s the key to survial is camofolge so I ordered these on ebay so I chould become rich at the poker table

  13. this is why you dont litter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Wait a minute, wait a minute! These ugly glasses were not part of the deal! Oh yeah, Mr. “Owner of Animal Planet”? You can’t fire me! I quit! Someone get my agent on the phone!

  15. I’m all ready for work.

  16. I finally made it into the movie Grease, any questions go to my agent

  17. harry potter rules 87 // September 12, 2007 at 4:08 pm // Reply

    Man I hate it when people loose there glasses

  18. man with these i’m i find shad evrywer

  19. Aslan Him-self // September 12, 2007 at 11:32 am // Reply

    good mornig world and all who inhabit it! 😀

  20. okay i took the picture now con i take the glasses off? seriously,

    this is embarssing.

  21. i am the cooooolest on my block!

  22. it’s 2:30 in the morning I got half a pack of easy mac and im wearin sunglasses

  23. Ok… now this is embarresing, womans sunglasses on the most handsom reptile!?!

  24. Gandalf's apprentice // September 10, 2007 at 10:28 am // Reply

    someone switched glasses on me!

  25. * iguana shady buisness dealings*

  26. Hola, amigo!

  27. I must disguse my self.

    Aha! this will work!

  28. yawwwn i don’t feel like sleeping yet…but how come this day has gone by so fast?

    is it 24 hrs or 1 second?

  29. is that piece of food burnt or what,if it is i won’t eat it

  30. am i blind or it’s just a prank?

  31. am i nocturnal?

  32. just chillin on my new shades….

  33. yo pedro can u hire me please i look so cal don’t I?

  34. yo pedro look at my new fashion trend….

  35. hey girls

  36. i’m camoflauged like my homies…

  37. hey!now heres a way to atract ladies.all i need now is a leather jacket

  38. Hey whats up dog it is so bright out hear do you now what I mean. This global warming thing really is heating things up if you no what I mean.

  39. “My future’s so bright, I gotta’ wear shades.”

  40. Lizard Lover // September 8, 2007 at 5:54 pm // Reply

    “Just chillin out”

  41. Only cool iguanas figure out ways of not seeing.

  42. Al Gore was right it is getting hotter

  43. what up peeps

  44. Go get Elvis for me will ya?He promised to show me how to attract the ladys in the diner……!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHAT A LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  46. Don’t smoke or you’ll look like me.

  47. Don’t do or you’ll look like me.

  48. I used to be an abnormally large mouse… After smoking came into my life, I looked like this.

  49. Bluescale’s attempts to modernize camouflage seemed to get Nature’s attention.

  50. Redscale’s attempts to modernize camouflage seemed to get Nature’s attention.

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