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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? Why is that iguana wearing sunglasses? What is he thinking or saying?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Agent double-0-lisard over and out

  2. i’ m a gansta. i’m a straight up g. the gansta life is the life for me

  3. I’m starting a new band it’s called the Super Cool Lizard Loungers. Since were cool we need to wear sunglasses

  4. I’m cool to the bone!


  6. Ohhhh my gosh I look so preaty in these shades

  7. shut that camera off!!!!!!!!

  8. …………………….. What are you looking at!

  9. No one move! I lost my cane.

  10. um,I LOVE THIS!! But I can’t see!

  11. I’m just a cool dude.

  12. im just an iguana chillin unda the sun

  13. yo homelizard i like the color change skills yo

  14. What I’m dion’?? I’m just chillin’.See, my skins blue!

  15. I am now in the animal, super, hip, jazzy ,funk club. Doood!

  16. cool glaasses but you are still not in the cool club HANSOME sorry I really am

  17. Dang,there’s no Mickey Mouse part in theplay):

  18. I can’t see here!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. This is not a place for me, dude.

  20. “singin i got nowere to go ,no-one to love, ooohhh”

  21. whats hangin hip-dog

  22. (raspy voice) Yeah baby…It’s the iguana’s blues

  23. sushi man411 // October 23, 2007 at 7:12 pm // Reply

    theres a new sheriff in town!!!And his glasses are tinted!

  24. This way I can look cool in any scene.

  25. Iguanas are notoriously bad at making disguises…but this cat is a master.

  26. the_burninator // October 21, 2007 at 6:25 pm // Reply

    Suddenly overwhelemd by Maurice’s aura of anger, the tourists realized that maybe putting sunglasses on his head wasn’t so funny after all.

  27. Heh! That’s funny. I wonder if there’ll be one with a fish eating liver and onions…

  28. Is it just me, or, I feel like that Mario guy wearing sunglasses in Super Mario Sunshine with A LOT of Shine Sprites.

  29. Thank you thank you very much 🙂

  30. passing lizard: you look like weird al yankovic


  32. Yes those who predicted a totalitarian government take over are correct. Now even iguanas are being recruited.

  33. secret agent pedro… on the case…mission: escape boss

  34. specgoalie717 // October 19, 2007 at 4:08 pm // Reply

    You didn’t see anything..

  35. WalksWithMoose // October 18, 2007 at 4:59 pm // Reply

    Don’t laugh! I just saw Angelina Jolie wearing these!

  36. Yeah! Now the chicks will be hitting on me baby.

  37. this is so funny i cant belive it

  38. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Somebody put sunglasses on me!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. Ahhhhh……… nothing like relaxing in the beach…. er, grass.

  40. I’m cool to be wering sun glasses.

  41. I’m as hot as my home.

  42. Dude, whers the sun? I had to steal these from an old lady so this better be some good sun.

  43. “That’s IT! I’m changing Travel Agents… this ain’t no IGUANA PARADISE……

  44. Eagle Wannabe // October 14, 2007 at 9:05 am // Reply

    Hey who put these things on me?!

  45. What a nice place to sunbath.

  46. I’m Mr. Cool Blue now!

  47. I’m glad I entered those sweepstakes(can you belive it? woo-hoo!!!!).

  48. Oh, Very funny dressing in black so I cant see you [eyeroll]

  49. maybe i can blend in with these shades

  50. oh where oh where did hollywood go….

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