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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? Why is that iguana wearing sunglasses? What is he thinking or saying?

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Here Come The Men In Black

  2. (scratchy voice) WHOA dood i just came from the 60’s and well this place is not hip enough for a lizzard

  3. Okay the eye Doc said that i can’t take this off for another two hours, owie darn cactus if i knew i couldn’t see for 10 hours after my laser eye surgery i wouldn’t have done it, now where is my car?

  4. Do these sunglasses make me look fat?

  5. They call me iguana, James iguana. 007.

  6. Wait till mom sees this.

  7. Hey!!! why is it getting dark at 12:00 P.M.?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!

  8. OW!!! My eye’s really hurt!!! OWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!

  9. OMG!! What did you just say?????!!!!!!

  10. heh. heh. I’ll scare people by camoflauging myself and they’ll just see a floating pair of glasses…

  11. i went through all this work to sneak these sunglasses from that campsite,now where are the girls iwastrying to impress?!

  12. He saied She saied I saiedcThis but yuo cant get away in the bliss // January 14, 2008 at 1:10 pm // Reply

    Whats up dude

  13. YO wat up my homie

  14. Man the limelight is really bright.

  15. Dude, do these sunglasses make me look fat?

    Sereously,my agent will not be happy if it makes me look fat! 🙁

  16. Sonic the Hedgehog // December 31, 2007 at 5:25 pm // Reply

    Ah, these new glasses really work well. I can’t see a thing.

  17. Rock on, dude!

  18. wow its hot out hear and wow its sunny

  19. “Please, No Autographs.”

  20. WOW!!! Being A Rock Star Sure Beats Life In The Forest!

  21. Ohhhhhh… it’s a movie camera!!!!! Whatch my moves.(the camera is from the person who took the picture)

  22. hollywood here i come im ready to be a star!

  23. the lizard wkes up. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! I’M BLIND! I oh slept with my sunglasses on oops.

  24. Hollywood, here I come!!!

  25. hay you,yay I am taking to you,could you point me towerds the beach?

  26. awesome

  27. “I just got my eyes dilated.”

  28. Its dark! Where is the moth dear!

  29. hmmm. it seems darker . Ahhhhhhh i’m blind , why didn’t anyone tell me

  30. Hey, what you looking at?!?

  31. everthing is darker!! i think im going blind!!! omg, im dying!!

  32. i’m an alein iguana,and i’m here to DESTROY YOU!…i mean i come in peace!

  33. …orange… green…way to many colors to choose from.

  34. should i have gotten the purple ones?

  35. Dabomb Dan 5682 // November 15, 2007 at 5:29 pm // Reply

    Actin’ cool for the ladies! Come over here pretty mama!

  36. i love cheese // November 15, 2007 at 3:20 pm // Reply

    do you think this makes my eyes look flashy.

  37. The ladies love me for some reason.

  38. i guana know if you’d like to go to lunch?

  39. blind iguana walking

  40. i guanna know if the futures so bright that i gotta wear shades?

  41. i guanna know, do the glasses make me look like a nerd?

  42. I guanna know if these glasses go with my scales.

  43. Sup. like my new style?

  44. LLWS MIDWEST // November 13, 2007 at 4:03 pm // Reply

    I like cheese.

  45. i’m cool i’m cool right please tell me i’m cool NOW i said NOW

  46. Ahhhhh….. young people…… they don’t know the hardships of life…. they don’t know what to enjoy either….

  47. Have I seen my shadow?

  48. he is blind and looking for food

  49. He’s bliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind!

  50. dude, with these sun glasses im now a chick magnet

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