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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? What is that horse neighing about? What is he thinking or saying?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Eek!!!!!! You look worse than me!!

  2. “Hey,who stole my toothbush!”

  3. Say what!!

  4. Uhhhhhhhhh?! Where’s my room service?!

  5. The Brtish are coming, the British are coming!

  6. I said I wanted OATS! NOT HAY!!!

  7. monkeyman123 // November 4, 2007 at 4:08 pm // Reply

    Tell me the truth. Do I look super-cute or what?

  8. yes people are eating turkey not horse this year

  9. someone in nj // November 4, 2007 at 3:11 pm // Reply

    hey stop puting this thing on be I’m only being a horse for halloween

  10. someone in nj // November 4, 2007 at 3:08 pm // Reply

    this is how hot dogs were invented horse yuck they give this to horses this kind of food this should be given to humans. human good ideal i’ll call it the hot dog. ten days later human not only is the hot dog affordable it gives us natral gases.

  11. ha ha ha I got a kick out of that

  12. wartortlefreak // November 4, 2007 at 2:20 pm // Reply

    Eletric meter: Don’t worry! I saw everything! How would you like it if someone squished your back 24/7? Huh? No? That’s what I thought.

  13. Who took my toothbrush!!!

  14. Do re me fa sa la ta do

  15. What are you lookin’ at? I’ve got something in my teeth don’t I?


  17. that was so scary!!!!!!!!!!

  18. TRICK OR TREAT!!!!!!!

  19. and people wonder why horses kick people

  20. Ya real nice. Somebody put a chain in my hay expresso.

  21. ya,thats right. you better run!

  22. What? Do I have something in my teeth?

  23. Wehah feeding time and I want extra oats.

  24. Someone get this accursed saddle off me!

  25. Man! The crow in the morning are really annoying me!!!!!

  26. Markmaniac456 // November 2, 2007 at 5:38 pm // Reply

    See if I can catch the grape in my mouth now!

  27. Hey! Whats with the harness!

  28. Watch out everybody i’m a rabbid horse!!!!!!! Beware.

  29. Did I miss Halloween? what I put this stuff on for nothing

  30. HEY! How does my mouth look? I tried the mouthwash you bought for me. Is it shiny?

  31. some one get this darn chain out of my mouth!!!!!!!

  32. I can’t see help help

  33. Say Cheese!


  35. “WHAT! WHAT”S WITH THE LONG FACE! Hey, it’s in my genes!”

  36. …Mom!…I am still sleeping!…(snort…yawn…)

  37. OH NO! Not that medicine again!

  38. scuba dude 642 // November 1, 2007 at 5:13 pm // Reply

    HAHAHA… do it again, do it again!

  39. Clean that hay before I hurl.

  40. Ahhhhh! Not the Horse-Shoe Fitters!!

  41. Hey!! What are you staring at, I’ve got something in my teeth don’t I…

  42. Nasty lemons, they taste like dry grass.

  43. GET IN MY BELLY!!!

  44. BLAH! Spinach for dinner again!!!!!

  45. “Whoa, one at a time, please. I know I’m wonderful, but I gotta have space.”

  46. “There is no way I’m going out there! I’m claustrophobic! Or was it agoraphobic?”

  47. “Hey, no laughing! This stuff was expensive!”

  48. “What? You took me out of the race? After all I went through getting all this junk on?”

  49. I told you I was allergic to peanut butter!

  50. All right, all right, i’ll move, just no more pinches!

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