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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? Why is that chipmunk sniffing the water jug? What is he thinking or saying?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

Click here to write captions for more funny photos.

Thanks to Troop 125, Commack, N.Y., for providing the photo.

50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Man what happened to that waterfall; I just saw it when that scout was here.

  2. Not my usual bottled spring water, but it will do!

  3. “I need the water, if I don’t get the water I’ll explode! that happens to me some- times…”

  4. I NEED water to play with the water ballons the other chipmunks tease me about!

  5. wow, no wonder people are so big, its to carry their water containers!

  6. i'm a good lil boy // December 12, 2007 at 2:03 pm // Reply

    Man!!! Why am I always the one that has get water for the family!?!!

  7. hope no one sees me

  8. How do you turn this thing on?

  9. Hey! Turn the water back on!

  10. aaaaaaaaah, man i just got muncked

  11. anybody home????

  12. O holy nut! where may I find more of you?

  13. hm, whats this? A Boy Scout jug?!? HEY MA, GET THE KIDS! IT’S TIME FOR THEIR SHOWER!!

  14. Hello? Hello… HELLO!!!!????? I’m thristy and i have kids.. we need some water before wedie…oh no… we are dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. heh,the people get water how about chopliver over here

  16. If only I had thumbs I could push this stupid water button

  17. 438skatomatic // December 8, 2007 at 6:43 pm // Reply

    hey open openup i now you got my nuts

  18. Mr. Heat Miser // December 8, 2007 at 5:53 pm // Reply

    Oh mann! First I get rejected from that new Alvin and the Chipmunks movie, but now I have to steal water from unsuspecting Boy scouts? What a day!

  19. When is my shower water coming out?

  20. water water were is that water, what I drank it all!

  21. Hey were did my shower water go.

  22. Nw, if only I could turn it on, I’d take my shower.

  23. Fossinator 12765%$!@ // December 8, 2007 at 10:21 am // Reply

    “There’s Kool-Aid in”………………”Where’s the Kool-Aid again????!!

  24. SpyroScout13 // December 7, 2007 at 10:32 pm // Reply

    Dang! Iced-tea again!

  25. How……..I…..push..this ….BUTTON!!! ARRRRGH!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Water…………Water………Sooooooooooo Thirsty Please spare some water!!!!

  27. If I push this button maybe a genie will come out!

  28. um, can i get some help here, i didn’t follow the height rules…

  29. Man, if only i could press this button. dangett. dangett

  30. AHHHHHH Why did the rockz slip! Hey why did you slip the rockz COME HERE YOU. Boy: AHHH MOMMY DADDY

  31. Can someone pass me an acorn cap?

  32. mom, i think my pet cricket crawled up the tube.

  33. i must get more water than these little trincles

  34. I love water, oh wait it’s gatorade lemonade flavor. Ohh, if I only had thumbs.

  35. You Know,I never quite thought it would come to this…

  36. Watch closely as the chipmunk’s curious feelings send him drowning…

  37. Wow, I didn’t think a waterfall would have to be open activated!

  38. The water fall of water

  39. why do birds make such weird looking nests?

  40. Hang on just a little longer! I’ll get you out of ther soon!

  41. Is this the pool?????????????????? Hey ooooooohhhhh Mr. are you awake?

  42. My Mom always told me never to eat yellow snow! And This Igloo looks like its made from yellow snow! Hummm doesn’t smell half bad…Maybe just a little taste…

  43. when are they gonna turn this shower on?

  44. After I drink this water i’m going to see what is in that tent.

  45. “Igloo?” “This is not an Igloo.” “I knew there was no such thing as an yellow Igloo.”

  46. Must….. Drink…….Water!………

  47. hmmmmmmmm

    oh so you think you could just ignore me eh?

    well bring it on wise guy!

  48. MMMMMMM! Smells like almonds! (poisoned water). Who cares, it looks good anyway!

  49. Hmmmm… Wander whats in here?

  50. planb:push that biiig white buttton[i wonder what it does any way]

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