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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? Why is that chipmunk sniffing the water jug? What is he thinking or saying?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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Thanks to Troop 125, Commack, N.Y., for providing the photo.

50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. why did fred triple dare me?

  2. Will I get some acorn juice or what?

  3. MICHIGAN RULES // January 27, 2008 at 6:24 pm // Reply

    Where is that magical drinking well Fed told me about? All i see is a twinkie with it,s filling coming out the bottom. I should of know not to trust Fred.

  4. Mabe this is where they store they’re food for the winter

  5. ahh!!! now to enjoy a sip of water hey me lad who put the soda in the acorn flavored water

  6. ahh!!! now to enjoy a sip of water

  7. bailey300111 // January 27, 2008 at 4:49 pm // Reply

    I am almost tall enough to reach the spout!

  8. is this the bathroom???

  9. Oh man! It’s only water! I wish it was lemonade, like that last couple brought. Ah, well, I hope that they at least brought salamie.

  10. Hmmmmmmmmm, lets see whats these people have supplied me today. Water, Gatorade all good things. Shhhhhhhhhh, no one can see me.

  11. mariovisto41 // January 27, 2008 at 12:11 pm // Reply

    Ello Bucket!

  12. Psssst. Joe. Get me out of here! It turns out it was only water. 🙁

  13. Hmmm Bug Juice, what a treat!

  14. No, it is from this planet.

  15. wa-wa-wa-water sir please, I need Water

  16. how can i get all that stuff out before alvin drounds in it? i got it i will pushush the butten, but how? wate i will head but it. oww!!!

  17. Man!! This thing is fool-proof!!

  18. paul nooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Thumbs, Thumbs, I wish i had some thumbs!

  20. This smells funny, i hope it’s that over concentrated and carbonated stuff from Troop 32!

    Stupid chipmunk…. click click. BANG!

  21. Hey! Who drank all the acorn cordial?

  22. I think chipmunk is a cool animal. He likes coolers and doesn’t afraid of anything.

  23. Hmm, i think this can hold me. i hope my friends are up there!

  24. man if only i could squeeze in there. I would have my own swimming pool!

  25. Can someone push the button for me?

  26. Can’t fit this thing in my cheeks

  27. lets see what is this?

  28. Delish i love this water

  29. how’s this giant bannana work?!?!?!?!?!

    AHHHH ITS A SALAMIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. “Did someone say as slow as molasses?”

  31. Sooooooooo, how do they get water out of here?

  32. I know I said I wanted a big glass of water!

  33. mmmmmmm…. tastes like chicken!!!!!!!!

  34. Charlie? You in there? You better get out of there or you’ll be in a cup of Gatorade soon. Charlie……

  35. How can I get someone to press this for me???

  36. If only I could push the thing for water!!!

  37. something smells funny

  38. He thinks it’s a giant banana slug. He’s going to get stuck to it if he gets close.


    This is Alvin from Alvin and the Chipmunks and he’ssinging into the water jug. “Can I have a hula hoop?”

  39. Water! Must get water! Hey what’s this? Hey! I see humans push this to get water.This should be easy as pie. (pushes butten)(gets sprayed)

    I didn’t want a shower!!!!

  40. Can I Squeeze an acorn up there

  41. Can I fit up this thing.

  42. got water

  43. If only I was taller!!!!

  44. Once I press this button, I’ll warp through time

  45. This is gonna be one slippery tree…

  46. I wonder if I’d fit in that hole?

  47. Hm… I WANT MY NUTS!!! I just need them. I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT THEM…


  48. I can’t wait for the dry spell to be over there has got to be a. Better way to get water

  49. I tink you just push this in and (pushes in button, force pushes him off the stand) Waaa…blub blub… Let’s do that again!

  50. I know there are nuts in there! Almost got it! almost there, man how do you open this spout thing.

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