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Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
Write a Funny Caption For This Photo
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Cat: My body switcher works. Now let us have some fun. (the one out of the cage is the cat. It has just taken form of the bird with the switcher) Bird:
Yay now the humans will let me out. Cat: Oh shoot I should be a dog now. I don’t wanna be stuck in a canary cage!
Something’s not right here
Isn’t the other way around
soon my master plan will be finished! Now where did those humans go?
Ok ill make you a deal.ill get you out if you give me a life times supply of sunflower seeds
Not so funny NOW, huh?
stay in there cat!
I will get my revenge!
Pete the canary decides turnabout is fair play