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Write a funny caption for this photo

What’s going on in this picture? What is that hippo saying and why is he hanging out in all those plants?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. WHO UNPLUGED MY ALARM CLOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! third time this week!

  2. YAWN. What a lovely nap in the marsh.

  3. Chocolate Chip // September 22, 2008 at 7:24 pm // Reply

    Come Closer I DARE YOU

  4. I knew this spinidge would eat me.AHHHH!!!

  5. i knew all those veggies would come back to get me

  6. i guess this makes up for all the vegetables i fed to the dog…

  7. i said one scoop!!!!!!

  8. yawn… more vegetables.

  9. Waaaaaaahh! I do wanna eat my sawid!

  10. when the sky turns blak and cows fly i’ll eat that

  11. “Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do”…………Please don’t tell anyone… mom wants me to practice for The Pond singing group.

  12. MOM what we are having ouion bagels again

  13. MOM what we are having fish again

  14. …ahh…aaahhh…aaaAAHH…CHOOOOO!

  15. we’re sinking! abandon ship!

  16. ”now my rolls to scream”,”I’m in the top horror movie in the world

  17. Aw MAAAMM! Not salad again!!

  18. When did they put GRASS in the ocean!!!??!!! WHEN!!??!!

  19. Why are there all these leaves here!?!?***

  20. I hate salad!

  21. Every body relax it will only kill you faster

  22. Aw come on I hate salad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! I stubbed my toe on the rock again!!!!

  24. you know the pea soup? you better eat it before it eats you!

  25. *Yawn* can we go now??????????????????????

  26. ah man im being cooked

  27. Dad now you see why I want moms cooking, now we have to move again.

  28. But Mom I don’t Wanna eat my veggies!!!!

  29. Salad!? Again!?

  30. MOOOM i’m eating !!!!!!!! please do not pu. ROCK ON

  31. this happens at the beginning of the school

  32. HELP!HELP! I’M STUCK IN SPINACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. NOOOOOOO! I`m sinking!

  34. MOM! i’m getting swallowed by living plants!

  35. HELP!! Nature is all over me!!

  36. What did i do to deserve being eaten by cabbage?

  37. Will someone PLEASE brush my teeth?

  38. The dentist said he’d be with me shortly.

  39. help I am stuck in saled!

  40. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOME FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST A LITTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIGHT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. AHHHHH!!!! It’s Devil’s Snare!!! Where’s my wand??

  42. is the salad convention here yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  43. This salad is real cool. I want to do this again! Please, mommy!

  44. Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not so much salad next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. 5 more minutes mom!

  46. Where did the dentist go?

  47. Uh! I should not have went on the Sizzler!

  48. They told me about quicksand, no one mentioned quickleaves.

  49. I’m just not used to waking up in this new “vegetable patch” bed mom made me.


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