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Write a funny caption for this photo

What’s going on in this picture? What is that hippo saying and why is he hanging out in all those plants?

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Ah man, mom said I have to eat all my veggies. There’s NO way. I’m never goin’ to get to leave this sea of greens!

  2. *yawn* this was unexpected…


  4. In this end….. out the other.

  5. eagle or bust // October 1, 2008 at 5:35 pm // Reply

    Are we in new york yet??????

  6. hillbillyboy96 // October 1, 2008 at 4:37 pm // Reply

    Boy, is this water polluted! It’s gross!


  8. im melting! im melting!

  9. Lego Star Wars Master // October 1, 2008 at 7:51 am // Reply

    I knew Olive Garden salads were big… but this is outrageous!!! I need some other hippos to help me eat this… this looks like a job for: SUPAH-HIPPO!!!!

  10. thats funny!!!

  11. Mom: Honey, finish your vegetables.

    Son: But mom!

  12. child of the wild // September 30, 2008 at 9:13 pm // Reply

    Where am I?

  13. i can see the light!!!!

  14. Hungry-hungry-…hey I don’t like vegies!!!!!! I am tiered … maybe I can use these desgusting vegies!!!!!!!!!!

  15. But i dont wanna eat my vegetables…

  16. Arggg! Im drowning in funny green water!! Help!

  17. I am sinking hey is that water or bluebells

  18. O.K. I heard Global Warming Was GOOD For The Earth, But This Is Rediculos!

  19. I think a plant just flew in my mouth!!!!

  20. Son Get out of the weeds thiers snakes BITE. ooh Thats gotta hurt!

  21. oh is the grass that wet and long mouth wat is it 7foot5 jeese

  22. M in Delaware // September 30, 2008 at 1:04 pm // Reply

    I NEVER thought it could be this great to go green, give me some more and I will “recycle” it for you.

  23. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Can a boy scout help me out of this green water!!!!!!!!

  24. This water feels wierd

  25. Oh my. That must have been a REALLY long nap.

  26. were’d these grasshoppers come from?

  27. I said i liked spinich,not that i wanted to be covered by 4 feet of it.

  28. Trainerman07728 // September 29, 2008 at 6:10 pm // Reply

    Whoa.First I was chillin’ out underwater and when I got out,I like,shrunk.I blame the planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I resent it now.

  29. Do we have to work on the gardening merit badge. I want to do small boat sailing

  30. I just hate mondays.

  31. I am so tried!!!!!!!!!!!!!Can please go to bed? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. PEDRO! What did you do to my beutiful water!

  33. oh! what a tooth ache

  34. I know i’m a veggitarian but this is pushing it

  35. AAAAAAH!!! scary nightmare! wait! IM STILL HERE!!!

  36. MOM..I know I said I was a hungry, hungry hippo but don’t you think this is a little much???!!!!

  37. Help! It’s Quickfood, not Fast Food!

  38. HELP ME!!!


  39. surfingturtle // September 28, 2008 at 9:05 pm // Reply

    I cant find the Water!!!

  40. I wanted my house to go green, but not this way…

  41. Yawnnnn where am I, oh no not the spinach

  42. I will never eat my vegetables. Neverrrrrr!

  43. No! I already finished my veggies, not another helping please =(

  44. For the last time mom, I am not a vegetarian and I want a burger!!!!!

  45. Aww man,I feel into my food again.

  46. Im going to die

  47. Whi did I get stuck in the seaweed agian while I was swimming. Help I got stuck.

  48. I hope I scare the tourists

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