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Write a funny caption for this photo



What’s going on in this picture? What is the helicopter pilot doing and what is he thinking?

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53 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. There’s a difference between “parking” and “landing”, so I think we’re good.

  2. Lemme guess, “don’t tell capt.”

  3. swagnonworshiper123 // November 20, 2013 at 4:45 pm // Reply

    im never going to pass flying school

  4. likeaninja26393 // November 20, 2013 at 4:43 pm // Reply

    dang, i stink at parellel parking

  5. Pretty sure this doesn’t count.

  6. Did you you put that sign up just so we couldn’t stop you from robbing the bank?

  7. I could have sworn I landed in this park yesterday!

  8. i’m hovering

  9. Uuuuuuhhhh . . . Let’s not tell base about this . . .

  10. I”m not on the grass, I’m still an inch of the ground

  11. And here we see the wild illiterate helicopter in its natural habitat.

  12. i am still in it so it is technically it`s not parking

  13. Couldn't think of name // November 19, 2013 at 11:08 pm // Reply

    Hmmm, this is a GREAT spot to LAND

  14. Does this green stuff count?

  15. um bill the sighn says no parking on grass bill well it does not say anything about landing

  16. doctordavidtennant // November 19, 2013 at 8:58 pm // Reply

    Isn’t it funny how no-one can break the law…
    Except the police themselves.


  18. Hmmm…. I think I’m going to move…

  19. Don’t worry, they can’t tow us away!

  20. A park rule not a us federal agency rule;)

  21. Hurry! Fire the laser at the sign!

  22. If it says ”no parking on grass” what is the helicopter doing there?

  23. troop 310 is awesome // November 19, 2013 at 5:22 pm // Reply

    get awf mah lawn

  24. we do not listen to park rules,park rules are for weirdos

  25. Meow Meow Kitty Face // November 19, 2013 at 4:41 pm // Reply

    I’ll move once I finish my big mac!

  26. Ok soldiers, our first attack is at that sign so that we don’t get yelled at.

  27. were deep into enemy territory now.

  28. Are’t you going to sue them, Mr. President.


  30. There’s a difference between “parking” and “landing”, so I think we’re good.

  31. I told you so Todd. No parking means no vehicles, including helicopters.

  32. I had to go do some quick business.

  33. yoda-chocolate // November 18, 2013 at 8:48 pm // Reply

    This is just some motivation to follow the rules

  34. yoda-skittles // November 18, 2013 at 8:47 pm // Reply

    sorry, we’re out of gas

  35. Hey, this sign wasn’t here yesterday! But, now that I think about it, didn’t we land on it?

  36. yoda-is-awesome // November 18, 2013 at 8:45 pm // Reply

    uh…..Bob, go check the GPS

  37. Of course NOW the Invisibility device malfunctions

  38. I lost my glasses, I’m pretty sure this is the landing pad.

  39. Mister Pilot, when I asked you to take me here, I sort of meant the parking lot.

  40. Sir, when you said we would return from the moon, did you mean this?

  41. relax, this is just the security

  42. Private, move that sign over to that other patch of grass. NOW.

  43. Quick, No one is looking

  44. Don’t try this at home kids! Ya’ll here!

  45. cooldude3000 // November 18, 2013 at 7:40 pm // Reply

    “Uh, captain? —– I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  46. I wonder what that sign says?

  47. Hey cut the grass while your on the grass with those chopper

  48. this a very green battle field.wait! we are giants!those tanks are so small they look like blades of grass.wait.they are!I thought you were supposed to look at the map!

  49. the grass is not a battlefield dude!

  50. I wonder if this will ruin my perfect flying career.

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