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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? Why is that bear hanging out in a tree and what is he thinking?

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Ugh, I’m getting airsick…!

  2. now how do i get down

  3. Tree’s can give good a massage

  4. Bear:Hmmm… I should get down…. nah, I`m too lazy…

  5. I BOARD!!!!!

  6. Tree I could eat your tastie bark off right now!But im to tiered.

  7. This puts a new meaning to,”Stuck between a branch and a hard place.”

  8. Uhhhhh, I should have never tried to get that bear bag.

  9. whens that honey coming down no not you bear i have to do everything myself

  10. I should have bought the hammock.

  11. Man this is awkward. I shouldn’t of eaten all those berries.

  12. I shouldn’t of eaten that whole turkey.

  13. I give up! My big brother King Kong always gets all of the attention!

  14. This is the what happens when Winnie-the-pooh eats too much honey!

  15. Lolz chezbrgr // December 24, 2008 at 4:03 pm // Reply

    ~Living christmas ornaments~
    on sale at a retailer near you!

  16. ok ok but you didin’t need to hit me.

  17. Eating 24 dozen dutch oven cobblers can really wipe you out.

  18. “Hey I can see the pizza guy from here”

  19. when will my harry potter poster come?

  20. 2ndclassrules // December 23, 2008 at 7:53 pm // Reply

    I’m protesting against homework.

  21. Hah! I am the master of hide and seek! You can’t find me! Hey, where is everyone?

  22. funnyguy1222 // December 23, 2008 at 5:35 pm // Reply

    I fall asleep in Alaska and wake up in a tree. Is this one of dad’s “field trips” again?!!

  23. funnyguy1222 // December 23, 2008 at 5:33 pm // Reply

    This tree goes, and I go too! I am an enviromentalist!

  24. Man, I sure am glad that Grizzly bear can’t climb. Finally, a moment of peace and quiet. Oh snap, that grizzly’s coming back! He’s not gonna, wait, he’s gonna knock down the tree! Oh great, here we go again! Next time I’ll climb a thicker tree!

  25. ahhh this the perfect tree hey wait a minute is that a man holding a CHAINSAW!


  27. My mom said to find a beehive for honey. Oh, BREAK TIME!!!

  28. turtle master // December 22, 2008 at 8:38 pm // Reply

    Oh, this isn’t where i parked my car!

  29. Man, I’m outta shape!

  30. Those hunters lied there’s the food in this easy to see place!

  31. A hunter walks by and sees the bear.The bear gets scared and screams”I’m to young to die.” The Hunter gets scared and runs away.He shouts”Leave me alone and I will spare your life.””Stuiped bear on the tree.”added the hunter.”Get lost bub.”says the bear leafly!

  32. Ronald McDonlad // December 22, 2008 at 6:47 pm // Reply

    i guess i’m not as flexible as i thought!

  33. The Irishman // December 22, 2008 at 3:34 pm // Reply

    Bruno misunderstood Requirement 8 of the Wilderness Survival Merit Badge…

  34. Maybe this will make that science teacher think that I am a killer bee swarm

  35. “That’s the third tree this week without a beehive in it!”

  36. “I’m getting to old for hive-hunting.”

  37. coonor the man // December 22, 2008 at 1:11 pm // Reply

    don”t take pictures of me.GO AWAY!ROAR!

  38. can’t a bear get some sleep around here?!

  39. What’s that guy doing with that camera.

    Can I get some privacy please.

  40. That’s the last time I let Pedro touch my teliporter!!

  41. I shouldn’t have taken that bet!

  42. That’s the last time I’ll let them turn me into a paratrooper

  43. What I wouldn’t give for a ladder right now…..

  44. mama mia mario // December 20, 2008 at 8:27 pm // Reply

    how can bees take there hive, i mean they`re weak!

  45. How did I get Here!!!!!

  46. No, I don’t want to be a tumbler at the circus!

  47. TheZachBeast // December 20, 2008 at 5:00 pm // Reply

    I can see my den from here!

  48. Blue Trition // December 20, 2008 at 3:01 pm // Reply

    Some were over the rainbow there is a ocean of honey!

  49. go away, just leaf me alone

  50. Im apart of the big green help.I will not let you teardown this tree!!!

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