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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? Why are those Scouts hanging around a portable toilet, and what are they thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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Thanks to “Cubmaster” for providing this photo.

51 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. c-mon i’v gotta goooooooooo


  3. Every body wait patiently for John.

  4. Scout#1:I wonder if anybody’s in there. Scout#2: Let’s check!

  5. Now, who wants to demenstrate how to use the bathroom?

  6. Hey! Its been 5 hours ! Hurry up !

  7. so who wants to go in first.

  8. scout#1:I have a 200lb barbell, help me with this. scout#2:OKAY.BOTH SCOUTS:HEAVE!!! crash!!! scout#3:HEY!!! scout#2:I knew that was a bad idea!!!

  9. get up and go // November 7, 2009 at 7:25 pm // Reply

    Ok everyone huddle up…
    Ok. Now if he dose not get done in 30 seconds,
    we tackle the porta-john.

  10. Remember scouts,never be fooled by a portapottie’s friendly baby blue exterior…

  11. When will you be done.

  12. Alright, Scouts, who tipped over the porta-potty!

  13. you cant make me go in there

  14. Uhhh, are you ok in there


  16. Hey I bet the geo cash is in here.

  17. Are you sure this isn’t the lady’s restroom?

  18. I told jimmy to go to the bathroom when we stopped 10 minutes ago….

  19. With this much people, they should really put another one

  20. alright on three we tip it 1 2 3….

  21. This scout troop is sooo over protective,when they say BUDDY SYSTEM,they mean BUDDY SYSTEM,with a whole lotta budies!

  22. undercover jelly belly // October 19, 2009 at 1:15 pm // Reply

    Dang, how much lip gloss do they put on every four minutes??

  23. and this is where you get the call “i need to go to the restroom”

  24. we can’t wait any more. get

  25. we`ve been standing here for 9 hours

  26. You sure this is a good place for a court of honor? It barely hold four people!

  27. Do you reckon the gator’s gone yet?

  28. I’m not going in there. You go. No, you go! No siree, you go!

  29. and this children is one of mankinds greatest creations, the portable toilet a.k.a portypotty most commonly found at fairs and constructoin sites

  30. Hey Bob hurry up your, holding up the line.You know we all got to take a whiz.

  31. i gess they had to go

  32. a guitarist // October 1, 2009 at 8:49 am // Reply

    wait wait wait 2 cups of coffee I’ve been waiting an hour wait wait!

  33. Hey you! Don’t drink that much lemonade next time!

  34. I heard this is where Bigfoot lives

  35. should i go in

  36. Operation porta-potty is a go, LITTERALLY!

  37. me next, no me,me me me me me me

  38. DUDE!!! lay off the churros!!

  39. come on this is so rediculus i mean wat if the ranger comes

  40. wildscoutraving mad // September 23, 2009 at 5:34 pm // Reply

    yor telln me that this is where we get the prize

  41. We need another one of these.


  43. Come on!!!!!!!!!!! There is a line in here

  44. Ok first of all i need more tp, second of all the longer the line gets the longer i stay in here.

  45. oh, man i didn’t make it to the bathroom in time.

  46. I lock myself in the handle broke. help let me out of here.

  47. I hate the idea of the “stare-at-the-toilet” badge.

  48. “Can’t I have some privacy in here???”

  49. “Come on out, kitty, we now your in there!!!


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