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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? Why are those Scouts hanging around a portable toilet, and what are they thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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Thanks to “Cubmaster” for providing this photo.

50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. some body hiding in the poty and the rest are trieing to figure out who it is or the bathrooms realy stinky and they are figuring out were to go

  2. Hurry up billy we all have to use the bathroom !!!!!

  3. Only Jake could clog a porta potty.

  4. C’mon, ‘fess up and give the cookies back.

  5. Ok, so who wants to see what’s kept Robert in there for 2 hours?

  6. Erm… heheh. Ladies first?

  7. Ok, why did the map we found in the attic take us to this?

  8. Hey, you got any toilet paper out there?

  9. On a count of three, push it down. 1… 2….. and…..

  10. Good thing there’s a hospital right about three blocks from here… Fred seems to have eaten a bowl of hot chilis for lunch.

  11. The person in the port-a-potty’s thinking……..There’s no toilet paper, what will i ever do?

  12. darn monopolies… there’s only one bathroom in this whole town.

  13. Hydration is the most important thing on this trip…

  14. Are you renting that?

  15. who wants to earn their “bravest scout to got into the bathroom after Timmy” merit badge

  16. Get back here with my copy of Boy’s Life!

  17. Alright Bob, no more cooking for you!

  18. Ok scouts, let’s stand in line from tallest to shortest. If we’re lucky, they’ll air this on an AT&T commercail.


  20. coolguyman // March 3, 2009 at 6:58 pm // Reply

    get down guys!theres some nuceular radiation in there!is it clear?yeah, its clear.

  21. Okay, who wants to go in next after Scout Master Bob has been in there for twenty minutes?

  22. Why did tey let bob have that burrito

  23. ok, why did the treasuremap lead us to this?

  24. Ok, it may go off any second now

  25. Akela Is he ever gonna finish? That’s the only bathroom in the area!!

  26. Anyone else need to go?!?

  27. Get your gasmasks reddy boys.

  28. Next up, the Porto-Potty 2000 in its natural habitat.

  29. It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s nature’s calling

  30. I’m not going in there. lets get mikey he’ll do it.

  31. I didn’t earn my Shotgun Shooting Merit Badge for nothing, so get out now!

  32. do tou think i really smell that bad ! the city turned off my water

  33. Open up-I know you took my Boy’s Life to read in there!

  34. I have to go really bad-I just got back from summer camp!

  35. I love the fresh scent of a new port-a-potty

  36. Get out of there already! Everyone needs to go really bad!

  37. ”Bob, c’mon. you’ve been in there all day!”

  38. captaincaption // February 27, 2009 at 8:24 pm // Reply

    I am never letting the tenderfoot scouts cook ever again!

  39. To tip or not to tip-that is the question.

  40. Here’s the plan, when he comes out, everyone go tackle him!

  41. Now, it’s a scoutlyoporta-potty.

  42. What are those noises?

  43. Cubscoutcool // February 27, 2009 at 3:38 pm // Reply

    Good job at waiting in line boys, here is your merit badge for waiting line to go to the bathroom.

  44. O.K John hide-n-seeks over!

  45. peanut butter and jelly // February 27, 2009 at 2:10 pm // Reply

    and heres the porta potty great place for lunch gather round

  46. My credit cards going to expire before you are done!!!

  47. Okay,who goes next? Eeny, meeny,miny,mo…

  48. Has anyone seen my keys?

  49. stand back it is natuer time to take the rest

  50. Pedroestrian // February 25, 2009 at 7:54 pm // Reply

    Do you think the methane has killed anyone yet?

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