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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? What is that monkey doing, and what is it thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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10 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Aw great, we’re out of shaving cream again.

  2. Now, for your third task, you must find the hidden treasure of The Land of Lies and Myths.

  3. I’m now taking elections for the President of the unided states of america,I do look old enough,right?

  4. Shave and a haircut, Sir?

  5. does this make me look like I have rabbies?

  6. “Little did little tommy know that something was growing on his face….”.

  7. Linkjokesman333 // June 4, 2009 at 6:32 pm // Reply

    I am the grand imperial pubbah of the RBMGOSA (Record breaking mustach Growers of South America)
    And I’m the #1 Member…….

  8. Linkjokesman333 // June 4, 2009 at 6:22 pm // Reply

    Many monkeys may have mustaches, but this is ridiculous!

  9. Linkjokesman333 // June 4, 2009 at 6:20 pm // Reply

    Why are you staring at me?!!!!

  10. Linkjokesman333 // June 4, 2009 at 6:17 pm // Reply

    I may be small, but my mustache is large! Literally!

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