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Write a funny caption for this photo

Write a funny caption for this photo

What’s going on in this picture? What are those raccoons thinking and why are they on that pole?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Help im falling! i gottch ya

  2. I’ve always wanted to be on a totem pole.

  3. STOP KISSING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Anonymous // June 5, 2008 at 6:36 pm // Reply

    why no elevator,bro

  5. Ha! big dog no reach us up here.

  6. angeleyes // June 3, 2008 at 9:08 pm // Reply

    “o boy!” says Ricky the racoon to Rebecca the racoon. “I know I know”!!!!

  7. motormonkey // May 30, 2008 at 10:40 pm // Reply

    wow your right tom! you can see my house up here. to bad i dont know how to get down.

  8. Wow! Look how high we are.

  9. dude scoot over your hogging the tree

  10. starpilot14 // May 17, 2008 at 11:04 pm // Reply

    Okay, now that we are at the top of this tree, what did we come here for?

  11. I am a raccoon, not a kitty so don’t call the firefighters to get me down!!!

  12. (left) this would be so much more fun if we had a bobsled

  13. hellofrom626 // May 2, 2008 at 10:11 am // Reply

    “This is the perfect spot, isn’t it, Earl?”

  14. tannerscooter // April 4, 2008 at 6:46 pm // Reply

    Now i know that forest fire wont catch us because fires can’t climb trees!!!!

  15. [right] Dog go away[left] no no i like it up here

  16. now the only problem is getting down…

  17. run for your lives, the brittish are coming, the brittish are coming

  18. twister 48 // March 24, 2008 at 3:21 pm // Reply

    man! thats the last time i’m going to try to steal the kid’s food!!

  19. [left] i wonder when those funny looking kids in blue shirts will drop some food……[right] we have been up here a long time, and those kids are very clean and polite.And it is a long way down. *gulp*

  20. [left] you’re it! [right] nooo, you are! [left] stop arguing and why don’t you be it?!?!?

  21. (Left) I’m going to fall! (Right) Well, let me grab you over here so I can help you!

  22. Its my post ! No its my post !!

  23. Okay, when mom passes by us, run the opposite way. Then we will hide in that owls nest. Next we will run over and hide in that old bear den. Then we will catch a taxi to burger king to steal a happy meal. Got it?

  24. Just be patient. That dog will go away…I hope.

  25. Well, two is better than tree!!! Ha. You don’t get do you?

  26. looks like their hiding from sasquatch

  27. Im fluffier than you

  28. Lucky Charms // February 2, 2008 at 6:02 pm // Reply

    [racoon on left]I beated you up here[racoon on right]Well I,m going to beat you down.

  29. I am now afraid of bears


  31. Man i guess Jim was right, we shoud’ve bought a new bungie cord. Jim DON’T GO INTO THE LIGHT!!!

  32. racoon#1:Do you see a way down?racoon#2:Not yet!

  33. Im never going to try to steal peach cobbler from those scouts ever again!

  34. “Did you seeTHAT Bobby? YIKES!!!!

  35. Man, look at that grizzly go! Think he got mad because we ate his fish?

  36. I pledge allegiance, to me.

  37. {one on left} Ahhhhh! My eyes!!!!!

  38. nice view, huh? Now, how do we get down?

  39. oh! Now What!

  40. hey babe!

  41. Is the mouse gone yet?

  42. How did we get up here? We must have been sleep climbing. we can’t climb.we can’t?…

  43. pat298 and patrick438 and mom154(lego) // November 28, 2007 at 1:49 pm // Reply


  44. How’d you get in there?

  45. Mine !!!

  46. leave us alone

  47. Call the fire department!!! We can’t climb down!!

  48. man now look what you’ve done!

  49. We’ll be safe from the bears here.

  50. Markmaniac456 // November 2, 2007 at 5:45 pm // Reply

    I told you we can go around this and still be safe! Now we look like the three stooges!

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