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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? What are these dogs doing, and what are they thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. cant….reach…treats

  2. I have to stop massaging you we have to pose for the picture

  3. Next time I’m taking a cab.

  4. number 1234567890 // August 30, 2009 at 10:54 am // Reply

    we need to get higher to reach the burritos, come on.

  5. giddy up doggy ye ha!

  6. will you please get off my back

  7. its 9:30 ive been waiting 5 hours when is this ride going to start

  8. Is it me or is there a rat on my back?

  9. I can see my doghouse from here!

  10. Look, over there, a cat!!!

  11. I’m giving you this piggy back for the money.

  12. ride’m cowboy!!!!!

  13. chicken-tenderson // August 29, 2009 at 3:39 pm // Reply

    giddy-up, doggie!

  14. big dog:I need a new best bud that will get off of my back

  15. “If I could reach you, I would SO swat you off my back!”

  16. I told you,it is not a piggyback ride it is a dogback ride!!!

  17. This is how dogs do the national anthum.

  18. I knew I sould have taken the train.

  19. Little Dog: Mommy, are we there yet?

    Big Dog: Don’t make me turn around young man.

  20. Big Dog: Ready or not here I come!

    Little Dog: I am the hide and go seek champ!

    Big Dog: Come out , come out where ever you are.

    Little Dog: Tsk…

  21. Big is to small as the personalty do not work togather

  22. oh boy another flee

  23. your on the game show ride dog taxi!Fist question,for three dog treat.

  24. Then, like a coiled chiuaua, he strikes!

  25. little dog: can you give me a lift?
    Big dog: ok but you have to pay me in biscuits

  26. “Best Hide And Seek Hiding Spot”!

  27. planedesigner // August 28, 2009 at 6:59 pm // Reply

    Who’s top dog now?

  28. Can you reach the poodles room yet?
    Almost th-squirell!!!

  29. thanks how much do I owe you

  30. I am knot a pig! Then why are you giving me a “piggie back ride?

  31. I,m to tired to walk so i improvised

  32. little dog: I want that bone get it for me! big dog: Yes Master

  33. Little dog: Think Outside the BUN!
    Big Dog: OK I get it! I’ll think outside the bun!

  34. Weeeee! Mom i need another quarter for the kiddie ride!

  35. go bubba go

  36. ride em cowboy

  37. Come on, Underdog, get those cats! we’re watching!

  38. Underdog’s newest partners! (They’re not so smart, though)

  39. Perfect, now all I need is a saddle.

  40. I’ve heard of a human riding a horse, but not a dog riding a dog!

  41. donald mcdonald // August 28, 2009 at 11:36 am // Reply

    hey where is the coinslot?

  42. Noowww, the price of the massage is usually 150 but today you get for a very special price.


  44. The ultimate edition of “Underdog” v.s. “Superman”!

  45. Next time i get a ride.

  46. ptcruiser089 // August 28, 2009 at 6:20 am // Reply


  47. Root'inforwooten // August 27, 2009 at 10:47 pm // Reply

    Hey muchacho that’s the guy who’s been picking on me! He doesn’t look so tough now when he messes with a dog his own size

  48. Sorry you need more cash

  49. Theowner12345 // August 27, 2009 at 8:52 pm // Reply

    Darn it….. Why doesn’t the photographer pay me to do this? Seriously, I hate having little yapping chiuahuas on my back! It gives me migranes!

  50. Next stop 49th street fire hidrent

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