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Write a funny caption for this photo


What’s going on in this picture? What are these dogs doing, and what are they thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. And I thought the Greyhound bus was slow!!

  2. Ok big guy, the flood isn’t over yet.

  3. ride em cowboy

  4. yo check out my bodygard

  5. will you dance with me

  6. Thanks,Big Guy.In payment I’ll teach you how to drink out of the toilet

  7. big dog huh? big flea on me! ah!

  8. Wait, how did I get up here?

  9. Uhhh.. little doug? What are you doing?

  10. just a little more and then we can catch that cat.

  11. Imm i paid to do this?

  12. get me to a fire hydrent before you become one fleabag!

  13. hey big dog, I can almost reach the cookie jar!

  14. hurry i need to get to the movies on main street fast

  15. what can ypu see up there?
    is there any enemies?

  16. im taller than you!!!!

  17. i can get a better look of things from up here.!

  18. What we have here is a failure to communicate, it was the other dog who saw the cat with the dog food!

  19. Can you get me to the pet store to raid the food?

  20. “Come on big guy, let me up. I want to see also.”

  21. Lets play building blocks with doggies!

  22. little dog – “dont worry bro, I got ya back covered”

  23. small dog: forward! lay siege to the cat pet store!

  24. Yup, this is my stop. Thanks buddy, here’s 10 doggie bones.

  25. Small defeats all

  26. hurry up with that masage!

  27. Yes, i am finally tall enough to ride the roller coaster

  28. Do you see it?

  29. All aboard!

  30. big dog;what?no tip?

  31. Small Dog: This is not what I meant when I said”I want a horse”!!!

  32. hey? how’s the weather down there, dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. playing is the game football is the name // September 18, 2009 at 7:19 pm // Reply

    dude move your head I cant see the hotdog stand

  34. thanks for the”doggyback” ride,


  36. Dog (The Dog on top of the black dog in the picture, never mind) // September 17, 2009 at 2:40 pm // Reply

    For all of you looking at this picture, we are not REAl dogs, just “statues”.

  37. Big Dog:”Next stop, Dog hotel.”

  38. Its a AMAZING veue from up here!

  39. Perfect now all I need is a saddle!

  40. get off my back you tiny little dog!

  41. igot your back buddy

  42. BigDog:i glad im not that small
    SmallDog:i wish i was tall and big as him

  43. their is that thing that im looking for daddy go get em

  44. half a leage,half a leage, half a leage onward!

  45. Daddy Daddy Daddy! Gimmee a horse back ride! NOW!

  46. faster faster faster!

  47. Thanks for the ride man!

  48. Hey! look thier they are. Run!

  49. giddyup little doggy

  50. Giddy up, Ya, Ya, Ya!!!

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