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Amazing Science Tricks with Common Household Items


Using common objects around the house, you can demonstrate cool scientific laws. Here’s how:

Keeping Water Separate

keepingwatersep1.jpgFill two identical glasses with water. Add two tablespoons of salt to the water in one glass and stir well. Add a few drops of food coloring to the water in the other glass.

Cover the glass containing the colored water with a sheet of paper, turn it upside down and place it on top of the glass containing salt water. (Be sure to do this trick over a saucer or bowl.)

Gently pull the paper out from between the glasses. The colored water and the salt water will remain separate.


keepingwatersep2.jpgHow Does It Work?

Salt water is heavier than colored water, so the two stay separate as long as the boundary between them isn’t disturbed. Try turning the two glasses over, though. The heavier salt water will now be on top, so it will flow down and mix with the colored water.

A Can That Can “Walk”

walkingcanjb2.jpgPlace an empty aluminum can on its side on the floor. Blow up a balloon and tie a knot in the end. Rub a tissue back and forth on the balloon.

When you put the balloon near the can, the can will start rolling toward the balloon.

How Does It Work?

When you rub the balloon with a tissue, the balloon gets a negative electric charge of several thousand volts. When you put the balloon near the can, electrostatic induction affects the molecules in the metal. The outside of the can gets a positive charge, so it is drawn toward the balloon and starts rolling in that direction.

A Candle That Sucks Water

candlethatsuckswater1.jpgPlace a candle upright in the middle of a saucer. Fill the saucer with water. Light the candle. Place a glass over the candle. When the flame goes out, the water in the saucer will get sucked into the glass.


candlethatsuckswater2.jpgHow Does It Work?

When the candle is burning inside the glass, the heat makes the air expand, so some of the air escapes outside the glass. The candle goes out after it uses up all the oxygen, so the air inside the glass cools. As it cools, the pressure inside the glass drops. Some of the carbon dioxide formed by the flame dissolves in the water as well, decreasing the pressure even more. The water outside the glass on the saucer is forced into the glass by the higher aire pressure outside.

A Flying Trash Bag

flyingtrashbag1jb2.jpgHold the mouth of a black trash bag in one hand. Use a hair dryer to blow hot air into the bag.

Seal the mouth of the bag with tape. Tie a long piece of string around the tape so you can hold it. Take the bag out into the sun. The bag will rise slowly into the air. (It’s best to do this trick in an open area on a windless day.)


flyingtrashbagjb2.jpgHow Does It Work?

Since the bag is black, it absorbs heat from the sun. That heat makes the air inside the bag expand and become lighter. When the bag and the air inside are lighter than the surrounding air, the bag starts to rise.

Bending Light Through Water

bendinglight1jb2.jpgPunch a hole in a clear plastic bottle two inches from the bottom. Put your finger over the hole, fill the bottle with water and cap it to keep it from draining out.

Darken the room and cover part of a flashlight with your fingers to make the beam narrower. When you take the cap off the bottle, the water will flow out in an arc. Shine the flashlight at the stream from the side of the bottle opposite the hole. The light will bend with the arc and create a bright glow where the water hits the sink.


bendinglight2jb2.jpgHow Does It Work?

When the light in the stream strikes the boundary between the water and air, much of the light is reflected back into the stream. The light continues this internal reflection all along the arc formed by the falling water. The same principle is used to transmit light signals through flexible optical fibers.

Reading Through an Envelope

readingthruenv1jb2.jpgWith a black felt-tip pen, write a three-letter word in large letters on a white piece of paper. Place the paper in a brown envelope, and insert that envelope into a white envelope. The writing on the paper should now be impossible to read.

Get a piece of dark construction paper or tear out a page from a magazine that is printed on both sides. Roll up the paper into a four-inch-long tube. When you hold the tube against the envelope, you’ll be able to read the writing inside.


readingthruenv2jb2.jpgHow Does It Work?

Usually you can’t read the writing inside an envelope because of the light reflected off the envelope’s white surface. But the tube blocks that reflected light, so you see only the light coming through the envelope.

Egg Into Bottle

eggthrubottle1jb2.jpgFind a glass bottle that has a mouth slightly smaller in diameter than an egg. Pour some hot water into the bottle (be careful!), shake it vigorously and empty the water.

Peel a soft-boiled egg and place it on the mouth of the bottle. Leave it there for a while and it will get sucked inside.


eggthrubottle2jb2.jpgHow Does It Work?

The vapor from the hot water drives the air out of the bottle. Once the egg seals the top of the bottle, the air can’t get back in. As the water vapor cools, it turns back into water, causing the pressure inside the bottle to drop. The higher pressure of the outside air pushes the egg into the bottle.

Toothpick Torpedo

toothpicktorpedo1jb2.jpgDab a little shampoo on the blunt end of a wooden toothpick.

Drop the toothpick in a pan of water. The toothpick will start moving in the direction of the sharp end.


toothpicktorpedo2jb2.jpgHow Does It Work?

Shampoo contains agents that reduce the surface tension of liquids. As the shampoo on the end of the toothpick dissolves, it reduces the water’s surface tension around it, thus releasing the water’s hold on that end of the toothpick. The water around the other end of the toothpick still has surface tension, so it pulls the toothpick in that direction.

To learn more amazing science tricks, check out the book “Amazing Science Tricks” by Michio Goto

536 Comments on Amazing Science Tricks with Common Household Items

  1. Wow that is good

  2. The second one is not working

  3. toothpick did not work

  4. i dont like them


  6. Piro Barry // May 9, 2023 at 6:27 am // Reply

    This is really fun and it is working

  7. Baby science // March 25, 2023 at 5:14 pm // Reply

    Dupe! I am trying this tricks.

  8. Reading through an envelope doesn’t work either. Is there something that I missed?

  9. Anonymous // May 25, 2022 at 5:28 pm // Reply

    Very exciting can’t wait to try more of them

  10. Thank you

  11. Well I really love the first experiment..I will teach my kids

  12. This is great

  13. older babysitter // July 21, 2021 at 5:21 pm // Reply

    I will do these science experiments with after-school children. Much better than magic tricks since they will learn as well as be educated.

  14. I am very excited thank you showing

  15. Roses are rose // March 16, 2021 at 11:31 pm // Reply

    Thank you so much. These are easy and fantastic. I am doing these in my talent show. Can’t wait.

  16. Very helpful thank you very much.

  17. Thank u for putting this online. It really helped me get an idea for our Science Buskers Competition.


  19. cool

  20. There has to be more………

  21. Amazing

  22. These are all simple and awesome!

  23. Bob's Sister // October 7, 2020 at 3:54 pm // Reply

    good job

  24. SO TRUE

  25. wow

  26. what kind of shampoo do we need to use for the toothpick torpedo trick?

  27. Awesome, these are really cool and fun to try.

  28. Fantastic

  29. L0ND0N C4P // March 29, 2020 at 8:48 pm // Reply

    C00l magic tricks.

  30. I shall have a blast with it!!!!
    I’ll try… keeping water separate!!!! It will be messy but its always cleanable. I’ll just do it over the sink

    • How come this isn’t on girls life we are interested on it too and we don’t just do stupid things when we are bored we want to try these out many girls won’t see this so change it

  31. Dog luver 🐕 ❤️ // January 30, 2020 at 11:39 am // Reply

    Awesome!!! The toothpick trick really works! I was a little skeptical at first, but it worked! 😄 🤨

  32. nice

  33. Wonderful i love it

  34. Its lovely and helpfull for

  35. This is cool because now i know science is fun and interesting

  36. Fantastic

  37. That was awesome 😍 💕 ❤ 😘 💕 ❤

  38. Fantastic

  39. Super Peachy // May 8, 2019 at 4:06 am // Reply

    AWESOME !!!
    It actually works !!!

  40. i love it
    great and stay


  41. depressed child // December 5, 2018 at 12:22 pm // Reply

    i like to try one of these tricks one day. if my parents let me

  42. Cool Stuff

  43. i like it

  44. Awesome experiments


  46. All are nice but i want more

  47. i love this trick

  48. Its good, wow!

  49. nicco bellic // July 9, 2017 at 10:19 am // Reply

    Thi was the best science tricks website ….. like it……


  51. Anonymous // May 28, 2017 at 5:44 am // Reply


  52. It was a wonderful experience

  53. all r very well but I want little more

  54. sabhana afsheen // April 10, 2017 at 4:05 am // Reply

    interesting facts !!!!!!!!!!!

  55. It’s amazing..!!! i really like it:-)

  56. amaziing….thankzz alot

  57. Tha was very good the egg realy went in the bottle 10x good then that

  58. wow…… It was so nice i will use it in my science project

  59. sooper amazing

  60. blackforest.. // October 12, 2016 at 5:50 pm // Reply

    what a beautiful and excelent experiment..thanks a lot….

  61. I like it very much. It is very helpful for my science fair.

  62. best experiments i have ever seen

  63. Very very helpful
    Thanks a lo!!!!!!t

  64. Love em the toothpick torpedo was great and the can tjat can walk e xceplent really love ur website add more experiments

  65. All tricks was amazing they were sensible

  66. ya this is wow. as a speaker of the science club this is wisdom to thee

  67. all these science tricks are best for kids, to understand general science concept.


  69. Awesum

  70. cool !!!

  71. It’s really interesting and fun to do!

  72. Cool.nice tricks.i could really use it for our science month.

  73. Nice

  74. Nice experiment

  75. Is there anyone who tried keeping water separate and didn’t work?

  76. Wasl Iqbal // July 28, 2015 at 1:59 am // Reply

    it is awesome. very nice


  78. Paddu miya // June 29, 2015 at 8:56 am // Reply

    I have done all the tricks to empress my friends and they work well…..

    It is awesome

  79. I did the egg into bottle trick before works great

  80. awesome

  81. Sweet! Nice party tricks!

  82. Cool Projects.

  83. use to do boy scouts // May 28, 2015 at 11:03 am // Reply


  84. Helloperson // May 25, 2015 at 4:11 am // Reply

    These tricks are so cool and awesome

  85. Spider Ninja // May 7, 2015 at 3:52 pm // Reply


  86. the tricks above are simple but sensible…i like them.. 🙂

  87. ayatosakamaki // February 27, 2015 at 11:16 pm // Reply

    i like those experiments

  88. It’s really amazing.Excellent science tricks

  89. mr.intelligent // December 18, 2014 at 10:34 am // Reply

    these are simple and interesting.

  90. good but not too much

  91. good article amazing!

  92. Great experiments! The only one I have a problem with is the egg one. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO MAKE A SOFT BOILED EGG?!?

  93. I like it. 🙂 so easy to do and the materials are easy to find. Thanks for the science tricks!!

  94. Amefurashi Tsundere chan // August 16, 2014 at 5:40 am // Reply

    Sugoi!! Fantastic tricks ^u^ ne~ can you add more? I like those

  95. Its avery fantastic tricks

  96. if you fill a bowl of water then shake some pepper on top then put shampoo on your finger and put your finger in the water the pepper will “run” away from your finger

  97. Cool

  98. rajinikanth // April 30, 2014 at 10:59 am // Reply

    Unknown tricks so I like it

  99. those are real good tricks yo.

    The bro

  100. Cool tricks. Love it! 😀

  101. Happy de austin singh // March 26, 2014 at 6:50 am // Reply

    It’s really fantastic tricks.i like it.

  102. I like this this tricks and expeiments. I enjoy doing this tricks and experiment

  103. very nice and very simple

  104. I like it bro.

  105. These are the experiments that can change our life . Try and focus.

  106. These tricks are enjoyable & for doing something in life.

  107. these tricks is really fantastic i like these tricks

  108. Tha best tricks eva…I nva knew you could use everyday things to make magic…

  109. Chriss ChaneLLie // November 25, 2013 at 6:25 am // Reply

    I like those experiments, I’ve been able to do those experiments in our science project 🙂

  110. coupling stock // November 18, 2013 at 10:48 pm // Reply

    When the candle is burning inside the glass, the heat makes the air expand, so some of the air escapes outside the glass.

  111. in an bond paper type your name and give it to your partner and your partner will close her/his eyes and feel what name is in the bondpaper

  112. Science tricks is amazing! 😛 love it.

  113. fully educative and interesting..! just awesome..!

  114. COOL i love science!!!

  115. nice!!!!!!!!!

  116. i really like the “Keep Water Separate” experiment!! I’m really impressed! i’m gonna use that experiment for my project, “actual experiment”. I hope my teacher would like it.

  117. the tricks are great that will encourage new invention

  118. i liked it tooo much!!!!!

  119. tooth pick trick is rocker……………

  120. all of the above worked and I showed this tricks in my class and all girls became just fan of me 🙂

  121. i like it awesome…………….

  122. toothpick torpedo only works in open water: }

  123. Ed (Edward) // June 20, 2013 at 10:23 am // Reply

    These tricks are sick, ace and mint

  124. these are so cool, i like love science ! 😮

  125. are there more ways to keep water seperate(with different liquids)? and…how is it usefull?

  126. well !! it works
    hope you have new tricks

  127. great…

  128. these are really great

  129. whoa… amizing tricks it’s working:)

  130. whoa… amizing tricks it’s working:)

  131. Fashion Queen // January 3, 2013 at 8:20 pm // Reply

    ♥Looooooooooove it!!!

  132. Wow

  133. i love this web, its fun learning and reading

  134. Slahclaw2000 // December 2, 2012 at 9:06 pm // Reply

    These tricks are sick!!!

  135. its cool!!!!!!!

  136. not workiiiiing!!

  137. An optimistic pessimist // November 1, 2012 at 6:04 pm // Reply

    it seems nice… gonna try it… hope it works… should have more…

  138. nice!!!!

  139. nc1 i caugh a lot of sci tricks

  140. I already tried some of the tricks here and they are great..can you put more new tricks? My students will love it! Thank you

  141. I love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  142. Wow…awesum…learning is fun

  143. Cool magic tricks!

  144. keeping water separate is cool and bcoz of that, im the one who will represent it to our science fair

  145. It’s cool but old..

  146. the “Toothpick Torpedo” doesn’t work.. its fake..
    BTW, the “Egg into Bottle” is awesome.. gonna use it for
    the Sci-tricks..!! XD

  147. Well, for me, the ‘A Candle that Sucks Water’ is GREAT. And that is why I’m gonna use it in my presentation of a Sci-Trick. 🙂 Hope this will work. 🙂 Thanks anyway.

  148. I like it

  149. Cool but need new tricks.

  150. They’re cool but I need new tricks.

  151. awesome………………….

  152. its amazing you are great

  153. This is fantastic

  154. darksperms // July 31, 2012 at 6:35 am // Reply

    w0w amazing

  155. it so very amazingggggg!!!!!!!!!!

  156. Barbie Girl // July 26, 2012 at 5:54 pm // Reply

    This is terrific.

  157. ilove scince tricks=))

  158. whoa……!

  159. ms.alright // June 6, 2012 at 6:08 am // Reply

    awesome !! ^__^

  160. wow these are cool:]

  161. i love science and i feel like i just saw heaven !!!!!!!

  162. I am using one of these and they worked awsome i love fun experaments like these

  163. avikmagic // May 2, 2012 at 7:35 am // Reply

    science is cool

  164. wow! its really awesome. Thanks for giving an explanation it really helped me a lot. now i can use this for my science exhibit . thanks a lot.

  165. amazing

  166. ok nice!

  167. I love all the tricks! Amazing.

  168. awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  169. wow amazing

  170. it’s amazing!!!!!!!

  171. it’s Crack a’ Lakin’ baby!!!!!

  172. very funny );

  173. it is nice and adorable! how fantastic!
    It makes me happy and amazed!!
    Just continue the good work! 🙂
    😀 :p

  174. amazing tricks …n’ these will be part of “science exhibition” of my school very soon…….

  175. so cooool 😀

  176. I want to try these I love science

  177. The Toothpick Torpedo works!

  178. Wew! I can use this for school. :))
    Thank you! 🙂
    Please give more. =))

  179. it’s really awesome!!!!

  180. oh! that really happens!!!!!!!!

  181. WONDERFUL:)

  182. it is very nice that it has an explanation …so that students like me know the reason behind the experiment… keep up giving more examples so that we students, will have more options.(give easy examples so it will be easy for us to do it at school)>>> =))

  183. hottie from idk // October 25, 2011 at 4:23 pm // Reply

    i luv the egg thing

  184. its soo amazing

  185. Your real name // October 8, 2011 at 11:16 pm // Reply

    These are awesome tricks

  186. its amazing

  187. wish for more cool tricks

  188. tnx…these help me in preparation for our contest…

  189. tnx…these help me a lot!

  190. whoa!!!!very very extraordinary tricks….it will help me a lot..tnx!

  191. llednerak.akira // September 25, 2011 at 4:15 am // Reply

    wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!it is so really amazing especially the “keeping water separate” and “reading through an envelope”. i will try all of these at home…what an excellent tricks!

  192. wow….
    it is so amazing tricks and easy 2 apply……

  193. .woahh nice!! 😀

  194. Cool and simple tricks! So nice ..

  195. I Love It !

  196. it is nice it is nice magic science tricks but it has no end hahahahha joke AMAZING!!!^_^

  197. Wonderful

  198. Nice!

  199. very awsome and amazing!!!!!!!!!

  200. it was nice performing such amazing helps us much..thanks..

  201. amazing it helps a lot!!

  202. the tricks are absolutely cool:)

  203. Amazing!! 😀

  204. i like the egg into bottle because it is easy!!!! 😉

  205. does all of theis realy work

  206. i like the keeping water seperate and bending light through water

  207. i really like science

  208. more nicer than ever 🙂 😀 😐

  209. i like the toothpick one and the trash bag 🙂 i really like it ………………………


  211. i liked the eggs trick because the egg was the soap.

  212. Does the hot air balloon/trashbag really work? Please answer this question.

  213. DEEJAY CAREY // July 15, 2011 at 1:16 am // Reply


  214. no offence but this is just toooooo easy

  215. I likes this tricks

  216. reprehensible // June 8, 2011 at 5:18 pm // Reply

    Those tricks are great!

  217. it is so awesome!!!

  218. greaty-great, its fantastic, dude. the candle one was the best.

  219. i need much more, they are very interesting and fabulous.

  220. helo.. ahm that EGG INTO THE BOTLLE was so funny and its so cute when the egg was pulled into the bottle by the hot pressure but i can’t do it as my report because the only reason is that I CAN’T FIND A GOOD BOTTLE THAT WOULD FIT FOR THE EGG. HE EH HE.. ^-^

  221. These tricks are so cool! I will probably try some

  222. so amazing!! i want to try it

  223. can you add more tricks ?

  224. I love this tricks i know that science is very important……

  225. I’ve done it!!!!!!

  226. yeah right it is really amazing!!i hope that it will work….

  227. im so thankful with boys’ magazine because it helped me a lot every time i need to research about science tricks

  228. amzing!!!!! i like the candle that sucks water it’s really awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  229. amazing i like it!!

  230. cool i’m really going to try this harhar=D

  231. lucia25191215 // February 6, 2011 at 7:55 am // Reply

    some of the experiments doesn’t work like the:( can that can walk)

  232. well, i really love it!
    science really is amazing!
    that’s why i love science…

  233. science tricks here are really cool and amazing!I love it!

  234. these tricks are cool

  235. thanks! now i can finish my science project :mrgreen:


  237. love it 🙂

  238. surender ravan // January 6, 2011 at 3:14 am // Reply

    these r really cool science tricksss….

  239. cheesy banana king // December 22, 2010 at 12:31 pm // Reply

    science was my most favorite subject in school before, now, it is about one million times better than that

  240. ..i really love science

  241. thanks,I was able to make my project

  242. its so good

  243. ITS SO GOOD

  244. it will really help me in my science project…….:)

  245. I love it! im going to show it to my classmates for our science tricks in class tomorrow! thanks helped a lot 🙂

  246. most of it dont work

  247. amazing huh…..i want more…pls

  248. can’t u make easier tricks than that???? please……….

  249. WOW!!your tricks are so amazing…I use it for my project and my classmates were so amazed!!!!

  250. ok, good tricks

  251. it so interesting

  252. amazing tricks u help me A’s my experiment

  253. wow! it’s amazing and enjoyable!

  254. I’ve seen the egg in a bottle before, and it explodes when it goes in.

  255. OMG so cool 😮 :l

  256. chukchukbuchukchuk // September 26, 2010 at 8:30 am // Reply

    do u have other experiments?

  257. Wonderful for little school projects or for example to use in a sunday school lesson, especially the egg getting “sucked in”.

  258. cute!!… like it!!!…. haha…. good enough for my project!!… whew

  259. simple tricks????

  260. kinda cute! i like it…

  261. oh,truly amazing!

  262. sciencetricker // September 1, 2010 at 8:28 am // Reply

    nice one 🙂 😀 🙂 😀 🙂 😀

  263. amazing!very very very amazing

  264. these are preety good

  265. its truly amazing!

  266. nice one!

  267. it is great
    and the best part is that all the things used is present in home easily
    i just loved it

  268. awesome

  269. the tricks were nice and my students really loved them. instead of tissue for the can that can walk, they rubbed the balloon on their head and it worked better…. nice tricks….

  270. TROOP 431 // May 4, 2010 at 6:09 pm // Reply

    BILL NYE ISNT DEAD!!!!!!!!!!

  271. Brett Favre blows // April 26, 2010 at 3:10 pm // Reply

    …………… boring but will work for my project.

  272. boring

  273. i liked the tuthpick topedo

  274. i can do better than this,but i appreciate this.

  275. how do we get the egg back out of the bottle :S

    • In order to get the egg back out of the bottle, turn the cool bottle upside down until the egg seals the mouth. With a hair dryer, heat up the glass bottle causing the air to heat up and build up pressure inside the bottle. Continue heating it up until the egg pops out. If the egg breaks when it goes in, it may not have a seal and therefore not be able to build pressure inside it with a hairdryer.

  276. this is the best website ever i love the tricks i hope you add more tricks onto this website thanks alot

  277. icntbperfect // March 2, 2010 at 7:16 am // Reply

    ow!its amazing. also my younger brother was so amazed with this tricks!

  278. wow!!! I LOVE IT

    • madik trickervzz // March 2, 2010 at 3:44 am // Reply


  279. the tricks are very interesting and fun… i will try it in our house. keep up the good work guyz!!!

  280. that toothpick trick totally works

  281. thanks for some info…?,

  282. I LOVE IT.. i’m a teacher and this experiments helped me a lot!..

  283. i love it! i’m a teacher and this experiments help me a lot

  284. OMG…………. tnx. a lot for the information.. amazing

  285. DianeZkie☺ // January 31, 2010 at 3:46 am // Reply

    …tnx a lot really help for my project!!!

  286. mac_25flame_warrior_assassin 1 einstein // January 14, 2010 at 6:16 am // Reply

    thanks for this trick i will perform this trick as my project in science and technology

  287. tnx a lot…it is a really big help for my project..
    now i can present it to my classmate..
    it really works.. love it…

  288. i love ex[piraments

  289. very amazing..
    keep it uo,,!!=]

  290. thank you for your tricks

  291. Thanx You All
    Bill Nyee♥

  292. NIce i luv science R.I.P Bill Nye

  293. tnx a lot….
    it is a really big help for my project…
    now i can present it to my clazmate…..
    it really works…
    luv it…

  294. The Candle That sucks water thing really works

  295. this is a really big help for my project.. i love it!!!

  296. kewl…. now this is where Ill get my science trick from… haha >_<

  297. princess chua // November 11, 2009 at 5:10 am // Reply

    thnks for the tricks it is very good

  298. thanks, great help for my project

  299. thanks for the tricks!

  300. nice work good job great!!!!….

  301. i cant do the keeping water seperate! i think its impossible

  302. there really amazing! i like the tooth pick torpedo

  303. _;amazing!!!,i will use this for my project,

  304. some tricks are inpossible but also some are cool and great!!1

  305. xoxo*EnEn*xoxo // October 8, 2009 at 6:16 am // Reply

    Wow really cool !!!!!Thanks now i have a science tricks i can present to my classmates!!!!

  306. lyn love of my lyf // October 3, 2009 at 9:50 pm // Reply

    …wow itz so fantastico…


  308. i like it:)

  309. cool

  310. nicee tricks. 🙂

  311. wow this is cool

  312. cool! i use that in my project lol!

  313. Wow!now i have something for
    my science trick in our science subject. tnx

  314. Wey this is so cool I’m using this for my projects

  315. Thnx now i can have my project hope i will pass

  316. wow!♥♥♥♥♥

  317. Amazing!

  318. thank for giving us an amazing science tricks!

  319. i did not understand

  320. wow!thats amazing science tricks

  321. wow this tricks r so awesome 😀 :] :[

  322. Ill use this as my Science trick its very nice and also has an explination and it really works i love it very much!>>> 😀

  323. handsome levi // September 15, 2009 at 5:16 am // Reply

    it’s really amazing. now i have something for
    my science trick in our science subject. tnx

  324. well its good…amazing..

  325. wow.thats cool..u have other tricks???…….thank you..:)

  326. nice;cool…
    thnx alot…

  327. ..thank you very much..
    it was so cool..
    now i have something new to present to our science fair
    it is very helpful to us;)

  328. it helps me a lot in my project

  329. nice, now a i have something to present to our science fair

  330. tnx for the cool trixx!! now i have something to present in our presentation^^ !!

  331. it was nice…tnxxxx

  332. “That is very amazing”

  333. hahaha
    so easy to do
    possible to do!!!

  334. thankz 4 amazing trickz @ we njoy to do thz

  335. hmmmmm its really cool…. really awesome… i learn new tricks… its really great… tnx for ur tricks michio goto

  336. …so nice tricks

  337. nice tricks

  338. awesome trick they’re so simple to do

  339. Really good tricks. One of my favorites is the first one with separating the 2 waters. Thanks for the tricks!

  340. it so difficult 2 do……amf!

  341. that was sooooo cool

  342. ,..reaLLy niCcEE!!!!!!!!!,..

  343. its really amazing yet so simple….
    nice ha,,,,

  344. very nice and’s so easy to do..thanks a lot..promise i will try it at home…..

  345. thanks for sharing this helps my project.thank you so much.:D

  346. bitterain'tsweet // August 15, 2009 at 7:30 pm // Reply

    its cool…hope no one’s gonna use them

  347. this tricks are amazing !!!! I’m sure that I’ll get the highest grade in the class !!! thanks

  348. i hope that my presentation in our school will not be disame with my classmates tricks but thank u!!!!! i will practice this

  349. wow it help me with my project thank u for giving this easy tricks

  350. Thanks! u gave me nd lil bro something to do 2day! Im so glad tht i thought to look on here! this stuff is amazing!

  351. thanks have a projest now

  352. the science tricks are all really amazing, interesting , and easy to do! im gonna try it later.

  353. it was so cool

  354. dwighthoward12 // June 1, 2009 at 3:49 pm // Reply


  355. dhgdfghdgshfdh // May 27, 2009 at 3:10 pm // Reply


  356. COOL DUDE // May 5, 2009 at 6:11 pm // Reply

    I’m so gona try the toothpick one. Iam going to tell the kids in my clas.

  357. Hamtaro ^__^ // March 31, 2009 at 12:56 am // Reply

    NIce TRICKS!!!!!!!


  359. I will try the bending lght trick.

  360. Miniracer1998 // March 22, 2009 at 12:18 pm // Reply


  361. jester_person // March 21, 2009 at 12:16 pm // Reply

    Nice tricks, i tried the toothpick torpedo and it actually works!..really nice.
    The only thing is that my torpedo doesnt go that fast..i used hair shampoo

  362. kriswater again // March 14, 2009 at 10:56 am // Reply


    I liked the Keeping Water Separate ex. ,but it did not seem to work, mabye the glass was not fill to the top, or something. It was cool. I don’t understand the toothpick one thou. What is the dir. of the sharp end? What way, i mean? And on A Candle That Sucks Water, how is that even possible. I still like your ex., but I don’t get anything. Mabye it’s not you, It’s me. I’m wierd. LOL. So thanks.

    By: Kriswater

  363. it’s too easy for me….

  364. wow amazing ithink its one of the awesome things i saw

  365. nice.

  366. WOW! tha was amazing

  367. amazing..nice tricks.

  368. amazing tricks…;

  369. Wow Guys I Liked it!It The Best.Im Going to visit here every time I need tricks!Ciao!

  370. now I can show a trick in my science class

  371. bea 21 humility // January 3, 2009 at 2:22 am // Reply

    hey ur science tricks is cool actually ive done the candle that sucks water its cool hope you can post more tricks tnx. ^-^

  372. _^marista^_says: // January 2, 2009 at 1:30 am // Reply

    nice tricks..


  373. wow………

    it’s amazing……..

  374. •†•KhAeL•†• // December 9, 2008 at 7:32 pm // Reply

    NiCe TrICkS,!!!!!ahhhhh!!

  375. it,s really amazing!!!!!!!! but i think u can put some more good tricks

  376. this are really cool!!!!!!

    but they look impossible to really happen!!!!

  377. perfect

  378. something,awesome!

  379. simple easy but impressive and nice i love your tricks thanks guys,

  380. these are cool things to do.

  381. its really nice…

    i’m going to use it in my class ^.^

  382. i need an exciting trick for my project…

  383. Thanks it’s a great help……


  385. nice tricks!!!

  386. i dont like science but i like its tricks!!!

    Yeah men!!!!

  387. its relly nice….thanks a lot

  388. these are very simple tricks

  389. nice,cool and very amazing…..

  390. ngindot kay sya..hahaha shocking

  391. mhaldhitah_21 // October 6, 2008 at 4:15 am // Reply

    the can that can walk…i don’t think that it will work but I’m going to try it…so good luck to my self..

  392. please add some more tricks that are easy and can be done in a seconds

  393. thanx it really helps a lot

  394. thanks 4 da information

  395. can post more. the tricks are good. but i hope there are still more to come. and more exciting. but easier

  396. wow..your tricks are coOl…

    i already try the toothpick torpedo…

  397. please give me an experiment that easy

  398. that was so cool

  399. very beautiful in this science tricks

  400. ’twas very cool so informative

    i can used it in our school….

    ty ^^

  401. Hey,

    Cool tricks ive done the egg one before though thanks for the help im gonna use the toothpick one for my science projet it was help.

    anyways im off to try out the experiment torz xx

  402. thanx for the was a great help for my physix experiment in our school.

  403. thank you very much for this site! It really helps me in our group project!

  404. the tooth pick tornado stinks!!!!!!!!!!

  405. Nice experiments! But sadly, I can’t perform some of them for our Science Trick in school. But, totally cool!

  406. heheh>>. please add more tricks!! its fun reading the tricks

  407. cool

  408. these are cool sicience projects

  409. nice to see a wonder struck classroom!!

  410. amazing… helped me alot in mah project

  411. onLi gRrLL.. // June 30, 2008 at 6:23 am // Reply

    nice…but not enough for a 10th graders sci. project…

  412. Please give more science tricks. Need it for my school project. =)

  413. this is sooo kwl!!!! man last term i got 4 science needs attention but this term i got and A+ n i passed it… lol now all i need 2 do this term is try n pass RE… LOL

  414. TARAJI BOY^^ // June 11, 2008 at 7:58 am // Reply

    please give more tricks, want many to try for science project:-)

  415. wow!these experiments are really great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  416. yes i tried the trick of “seperate the water”. it really worked. it was an amazing trick.

  417. I tried the toothpic one but it doesn’t work

  418. this was an interesting experience.This very informative also.

  419. dont m3ss wh1t m3 // May 3, 2008 at 8:40 pm // Reply


  420. wow great i love it !!!

  421. this stuff is horible // March 18, 2008 at 6:19 pm // Reply

    all this stuff is for beginners and it is really bad to simple and not much happens i have seen more amazing stuff from kinder garnder students

  422. its amazing tricks

  423. jazz III-diamond // March 8, 2008 at 9:41 pm // Reply

    it is very nice because i have learned many things in this tricks and i proved that science is alwals in our lives

  424. Drama Queen // March 6, 2008 at 8:43 pm // Reply

    I think its intersting about poking a hole through a balloon without popping it!

  425. the drawings were good. I liked the way the tricks are presented.

  426. the tricks are really good and very educational as well. nice to know things…. and it is really amazing!

  427. wow those tricks were totally amazing 🙂

  428. IV-mars BCSAT // February 23, 2008 at 2:52 am // Reply

    nice tricks….

  429. ahhhhhhhhhh those tricks are scary

  430. bac'S BCSAT-MARS // February 20, 2008 at 7:51 am // Reply

    nice its so nice the tricks was so cool and amazing… i want more so i can try it…

    (:- 🙂 <-:

  431. wow it works

  432. science is great!!!

  433. it is nice i hope you add some more

  434. I’ve seen cooler…

  435. _…..just make more amazing tricks………

  436. They’re really great! Science is amazing and fun!

  437. it was fun

  438. they are awesome! please do more.

  439. Using the water to “bend” the light is much the same principles that fiber optics cables work upon.

  440. futurelegend // January 16, 2008 at 4:37 pm // Reply

    Great, the tricks were Amazing just as you said ,but were also fun and very intresting.

    Thank you

  441. cool…….. I …… … ………a …..lot………..! 🙂

  442. please add more science tricks

  443. Crazy Funk28 // January 11, 2008 at 5:52 am // Reply

    wow…. The TRICKS was so great…….. All your Tricks worked…. It so amazing

  444. its too nice……i want more for my project

  445. gisele bundchen // January 7, 2008 at 6:17 am // Reply

    it’s great and awesome those tricks amazed me…………….cool!!!!!!

  446. it’s good

  447. it is very good

  448. I liked it, it’s very nice

  449. it is domb

  450. it is domb

  451. nice tricks… love it… it really helps me a lot enx…

  452. so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!

  453. wow!!cool,i tried your tricks and it all worked!!!:-]

  454. thats amazing you should do more

  455. nice tricks………………!

  456. gir man cool 771 // November 1, 2007 at 6:03 pm // Reply

    need more!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 :} :]

  457. I love the candle and water one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can you do any more


  458. too good!!!!!

  459. If only I was allowed to do it!!!

  460. I want to see a trick that it amazing and really easy to do that will amaze my friends

  461. nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  462. Hosni scientist // September 22, 2007 at 4:43 pm // Reply

    wow…. it is so fantastic

  463. butterfly gal?? // September 19, 2007 at 6:36 am // Reply


    i like your tricks

    its cool

  464. really great and so helpful to educate kids and adult too

    Greeting from Egypt

  465. other tricks

  466. i like ur tricks

  467. vlutzzz...-cutie // September 10, 2007 at 11:23 pm // Reply

    I really like your tricks!!!!!!

    Can you do another amazing tricks?????!!!!

    I like a trick that is harder but unexpensive tricks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  468. suberb yo

  469. Lightning Mcqueen // August 16, 2007 at 5:07 pm // Reply


  470. Hey JJ! In my science book it says to don’t sprinkle pepper BUT put shampoo on your finger. And you use paper as a torpedo

  471. I know how to do the toothpick torpedo except that you put pepper into the water and shampoo on the end of your finger. And say “now you see all these scouts at camp”, then stick your finger in the middle of the bowl and say ” this is what happens when a skunk comes into the camp

  472. Lightning Mcqueen // August 3, 2007 at 7:11 pm // Reply


  473. shortyandyouknowit // July 30, 2007 at 6:21 pm // Reply

    These science projects were AWESOME!!!!!!!

  474. i tried the water seperater and it fun after wards i sprayed it on my sis!!!!!!=)

  475. sience man // July 6, 2007 at 1:26 pm // Reply

    ilove the baloon trick


  477. Coolio!!!!

  478. ssssssssssssssssssssweet

  479. science is fun and interesting…….i really love science………….

  480. sciencefreak // June 16, 2007 at 3:06 am // Reply

    science is really nice.. those tricks are really interesting.. luv it

  481. these science expierements are so cool.

  482. You can put a needle thgough a balloon by not overinflating the balloon putting a piece of tape on the balloon then inserting the needle through the area were the tape is.

  483. Science is very cool, and i figuerd out how to make a rock shooter with a firecracker. I also know how to make a potato shooter. Its all phisyics.

  484. hi i poster 17

  485. Nope 😐

  486. monkey. yes im a girl. // June 6, 2007 at 11:07 am // Reply

    science is very cool, but do you know how to put a needle through a baloon without popping it?

  487. Einstein2000 // June 3, 2007 at 10:40 pm // Reply


  488. it cool

  489. MasterZapper // June 3, 2007 at 7:27 pm // Reply

    Science is fun,cool,and amazing!It`s fun to LEARN science too!

  490. its my life

  491. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ // June 3, 2007 at 2:37 pm // Reply


  492. speedster // June 2, 2007 at 5:08 pm // Reply


  493. speedster // June 2, 2007 at 5:07 pm // Reply

    23g+63a+9u=science is super cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  494. marine war mashine // June 2, 2007 at 2:54 pm // Reply

    seen it

  495. good work, this will be helpfull our small kids to get a good interesting about science

  496. sounds Cool, I’m gonna try it.

  497. Deathknight // May 31, 2007 at 12:51 am // Reply

    Go sceince! 🙂

  498. lolzorz that was awesomezors

  499. tj stonner // May 30, 2007 at 6:50 pm // Reply

    n2+u3=science is cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  500. Neat

  501. i love since.

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