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How To Use a Shakedown Hike To Prepare for Your Next Trek

Scouts go through the gear they'll need during a shakedown hike

You don’t want to be several miles into a trek and realize you forgot a handy piece of gear. You also don’t want to realize you’re physically unable to complete your journey.

Shakedown hikes are designed to prepare you to be both physically fit and ready with the stuff you need. Before you go on a trek, plan to have shakedowns. The longer and more strenuous the hike, the more shakedowns you should do. For example, Philmont Scout Ranch recommends at least two before its treks, which can cover up to 120 miles.

Before your shakedown hike, schedule time during meetings to go over duty rosters, menus and what to expect on the trek. You can also share gear lists, which you can find on

Follow the gear list to pack for yourself and your unit. At the shakedown, review what you’ve packed with fellow Scouts and adult leaders. Work together to make sure you haven’t overpacked or underpacked. You can also collaborate on carrying shared gear and food. It’s advised you don’t carry more than 25% to 30% of your body weight.

During a shakedown hike, practice techniques you will use on your trek, like navigation, pacing and etiquette. Try to simulate what you may encounter as much as you can. If you’ll be backpacking in the mountains and you live in a flat area, try hiking up and down bleachers or a parking garage to get ready for changes in elevation. Also, during your physical, discuss with your health care provider what you will be doing and the location so they can advise you too.

The more you prepare, the more successful your trek will be.

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