Go on a Virtual Safari to See Wild Animals
Even if you can’t travel to Africa or visit a world-famous zoo, you can still watch wild animals in action. Many zoos, aquariums and nature parks provide live web cameras with 24-hour video feeds so you can do your animal watching at home on your computer, tablet or smartphone.
There are dozens of live animal cameras on Youtube and other websites, but here are some of our favorites:
Scout Life managing editor Paula Murphey loves penguins because who doesn’t love penguins? They’re sleek in the water and hilarious on land as they waddle around in formal evening attire.
The Kansas City Zoo has one of the best penguin cams around. It’s especially fun to watch at feeding times, 10am and 3pm CT, or underwater!
For another great penguin cam, check out the San Diego Zoo.
Elephants are one of digital editor Bryan Wursten’s favorite animals. They’re huge but still graceful and it’s amazing to watch them manipulate objects with their trunks.
Various national parks and games reserves in Africa have installed webcams. You can often see elephants coming by for a drink, along with other animals like lions, rhinos and antelope. The cameras even have nightvision when it’s dark outside.
For another great elephant cam, check out the Houston Zoo.
Built on a mountainside overlooking Colorado Springs, the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is one of the nation’s best zoos. They have two live webcams where you can watch giraffes being fed by visitors and zookeepers.
For another great giraffe cam, check out the San Diego Zoo Safari Park or look for giraffes and other African animals on this live camera along the banks of a river in Kenya.
Otters are known for being playful, which makes them super fun to watch. The sea otters at the Seattle Aquarium can often be seen spinning, twisting and diving on this live camera. Check out both cameras to see all the action.
For more great otter cams, check out the Monterey Bay Aquarium or the Clearwater Marine Aquarium.
This nest near a trout hatchery in Iowa is one of the best places to watch bald eagles, but there are plenty of other interesting eagle cams like this awesome nest on Catalina Island.
We also love this backyard camera in Ohio. You won’t see eagles here, but sometimes backyard birds and squirrels can be just as fun to watch.
Make sure to tell us about it in the comments below!
The Penguin cam and Baboon Cam at the San Diego Zoo!
Wild Earth safaris are the best. South Africa