Best place to buy a bike
Q. Where is the best place to get a bike?
— Jack B., Bowling Green, Ky.
A. In my opinion, J.B., the only place to buy a new bicycle is at a local bike shop. These are places that specialize in bikes and have knowledgeable sales people, great quality stuff and generally excellent support. If you go to an LBS — as local bike shops are known in the cycling world — you know you’ll get the best bike for your size, riding style and budget. It might not be the cheapest bike, but in the long run it will be a better value. Sure, you could go to the local superstore and pick up a cheap bike off the rack. But it won’t last nearly as long or be nearly as enjoyable as a custom fit from your LBS.
I want to buy a good bike for my 10 year old grand son. I’m talking about a street bike. I purchased a Schwinn bike at a Schwinn store about 30 years ago and still works great and now my grand son is using it. So where should I go for a good bike and what brand should I look for. Also this old Schwinn has coster brakes and no grears, do they stil make this type of bike or shouldI stay away from this type of bike. Thanks for any help Tom
one of my dad’s friends gave me a way nice bike it’s a red North Woods bike and it can fold up it is way Gnarly
P.S. Gnarly is skateboarder slang for awesome
wow thanks! I was wondering because i might get a new bike this summer and i wanted to know where i get one that is cheap in price but good in value. P.S my sister says that when i rid my old bike I look like this : mrgreen: :p
man that didn’t work! 😡
hope this works! :p
It depends on what you want to use your bike for. If you want a bike to use on the street and to do tricks with, then i strongly recommend a haro bmx. Just go to and click on bmx. Yes, I know they are expensive. But it’s worth the money because it will last for a while. If you want a bike to ride off-road then I’d look at getting a haro, mongoose, or a gary fisher mountain bike. If you compete in biking then i would recommend a litespeed or a salsa mountain bike. Also the best place to buy a bike is your local bike shop, although it’s a little more expensive.
It depends on what you want to use your bike for. If you want a bike to use on the street and to do tricks with, then i strongly recommend a haro bmx. Just go to and click on bmx. Yes, I know they are expensive. But it’s worth the money because it will last for a while. If you want a bike to ride off-road then I’d look at getting a haro, mongoose, or a gary fisher. If you compete in biking then i would recommend a litespeed or a salsa. Also the best place to buy a bike is your local bike shop, although it’s a little more expensive.
I buy bikes at pawn shops because my 12 year old son tears them up so fast and they are cheap. Since Hurricane Ike hit our town, he collects bikes from the neighborhood trash piles and tries to put them back together. He calls them “Ike Bikes”.
good job