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Every three years, boys Troop 746 of Baltimore, Maryland, travels far from home for an awesome adventure. It has been a troop tradition since the 1980s. This past year, they and girls Troop 647, also of Baltimore, visited Wyoming before heading to summer camp at Island Park Scout Camp in Idaho.
John Shell developed an ambitious plan to install 100 miniature reefs in Alabama coastal communities to attract fish and other sea life. Not only could anglers and nature lovers enjoy these reefs, but they’d attract barnacles, oysters and other filter feeder species that could filter 10 million gallons of water a year.
Let’s see your ‘helmet hair’ in the Polaris photo contest!
Happy Mother's day to your mom, grandma and/or any other important women in your lives!
Explore the world, like an Eagle Scout does, using the 2025 Almanac from National Geographic!
Selby Chipman, a member of the inaugural class of female Eagle Scouts, addressed more than one thousand volunteers yesterday at Scouting America's National Annual Meeting.
Go whitewater rafting, and you and your friends will likely hop into a large inflatable raft. These vessels provide a smooth ride over fast-moving water, plus the elasticity to bounce off half-submerged rocks. Rocks might do more damage to a hard-shell kayak, but the smaller kayak would be easier to maneuver in the rapids.
Learn to tie the overhand knot in less than a minute! All you need is a single strand of rope.
The tie-dye tutorial of your dream is linked in our bio! Check it out. 😎☀️🏖️
