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How to Use an Ax to Chop Wood

The ax is one of the best tools for gathering wood. But to chop effectively and stay safe, you must know what you're doing.

How to Do Pushups Correctly

Pushups strengthen chest, arm, shoulder and stomach muscles. Watch this video to learn how to do pushups correctly.

How to Sharpen an Ax

To keep an ax safe and effective, it must stay sharp. Here's how to properly sharpen your ax.

How to Tie a Square Knot

Tying a square knot is as easy as right over left, left over right. Watch our tutorial to learn how.

How to Build Your Own First-Aid Kit

What should you include in your first-aid kit? Be prepared with advice and checklists to help you get the best first-aid kit for your next adventure.

Poisonous Plants Quiz

Whether you're on a backcountry trek or a walk in the park, how aware are you of dangerous plants? Take this quiz and find out.

Preventing and treating blisters

boots-200x148Q. I'm going to the 2013 National Scout Jamboree, and I've been told that there's tons of hiking. That might be a problem because my feet sweat a lot and give me blisters. Any suggestions for preventing and treating this?

Preventing and treating rattlesnake bites

snake-200x148Most snake bites occur in the summer months when both snakes and humans are most active outdoors, with the greatest number of venomous bites occurring in southern and western states with warmer climates. Here's how to prevent and treat a snake bite.

Advanced first-aid kit

Q. I’m looking for an advanced first-aid kit that has everything I will ever need at a low cost with quality stuff for wilderness, desert, cave, boat, home, camper, car, etc.

Compact first-aid kit

How can I make my first-aid kit small enough to fit inside a fanny pack but still have all the stuff I need?

How to avoid frostbite

front-pic1.jpgFrozen flesh won't kill you right away -- but the pain might make you wish you were dead. Know the symptoms and how to treat them.

Basic First Aid Treatments for the Trail

No matter how well-prepared you are, injuries can strike anywhere on the trail. Know what to do when they strike. The next time you see one of these five common problems, you can spring into action.