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Scout Life Table Tennis Cup

Compete in a ping pong game across the country in the Scout Life Table Tennis Cup.
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Play a full-screen version of the Scout Life Table Tennis Cup

Play a Ping Pong game
Compete in a ping pong game across the country in the Scout Life Table Tennis Cup.

61 Comments on Scout Life Table Tennis Cup

  1. jaykey52 (a.k.a ace_2000) // February 17, 2021 at 4:29 pm // Reply

    I won 11-0. YAY!

  2. jaykey52 (a.k.a ace_2000 // February 17, 2021 at 4:29 pm // Reply

    I won 66-64. That was a lot of work!

  3. How do you win in this Game

  4. How do you win?

  5. VisionedMedal55 // January 27, 2021 at 10:44 am // Reply


  6. its hard

  7. I_make_comments // January 17, 2021 at 9:27 am // Reply

    Its rigged. The controls don’t work, the a.i is unbeatable, and there are WAY too many levels.

  8. This is rigged!

  9. 6th yay

  10. When I hit the puck it doesn’t hit

  11. I like it

  12. This is impoossiable

  13. I love this game_123 // November 20, 2020 at 2:04 pm // Reply

    I love ❤️ this game because even though we can’t win a match all the time, the important thing is to have fun 🤩 when you are playing the game, that is why I give this game a 10%! 🤩🤩😝😝

  14. I love this game I won 50 trophies

  15. Blue_Bandicoot // November 6, 2020 at 1:35 pm // Reply

    sound effects are spot on

  16. this is hard.

  17. For those who are skilled: hit the ball on the top of the paddle and it will curve to the opposite way you hit it.

  18. love boys life or die // November 5, 2020 at 10:22 am // Reply

    the game is fliping rigged score 11 the game keeps on going the AI scores 11 and its over fix it or i leave boylife good day

  19. love boys life or die // November 4, 2020 at 8:36 am // Reply

    fixxxxxxx the game it is first to score 14 when the player has 11 but it is first to score 11 for the AI
    fix it plz

  20. love boys life or die // November 2, 2020 at 7:53 pm // Reply

    it no work why I cant click next to it then on it

  21. I feel like they should put up a game like pokemon but instead of actual pokemon it is farm animals and pedro is the legendary and pee wee harris is your rival and alex in the pedro comics is the professor but what would the game be named?

  22. if you make flicks on the left or right side you can get a boost for the ball

  23. Tip: push the racquet all the way toward the net while hitting the ball this will make it hard for the other person to time the shot

  24. I beat it

  25. Tip always aim for the corners

  26. videogameaddict // July 22, 2020 at 12:33 pm // Reply

    Here’s a trick for beginners. If you right click next to the ball when you are serving, then click on the ball after, the game will think that you hit the ball really hard, and you will always get the point (If you do it right and are on a PC). Coment if this was helpful! 🙂

  27. hard

  28. I love this game but it has some bugs in my 2nd Mach

  29. I kinda like the table tennis I guess

  30. I luv this game the best game I am at is that car game Pedro’s drift derby

  31. Love it!!!!!!!!!

  32. The system is rigged and they’re trolling me.

  33. I’m so bad at it but it’s fun.

  34. i like it but am bad at it.

  35. 20 mins completed

  36. Can you Plz make a new region

  37. can you make a new regions


  39. it is really easy

  40. The girl @ home // May 29, 2020 at 11:22 am // Reply

    Dude, it easy. If you can’t do it, you’re a alien.

  41. Now I am getting the hang of it!!!

    it is so fun!!!!

  42. Brings nostalgia from wii sports

  43. It’s slow

  44. Agree

  45. anyonnamus // May 7, 2020 at 2:21 pm // Reply


  46. Anonymous // May 1, 2020 at 5:24 pm // Reply


  47. hello?

  48. Kylerdśdda // April 20, 2020 at 6:30 pm // Reply

    So fun bro

  49. Best game

  50. Love it

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