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Write a Funny Caption For This Photo

What’s going on in this picture? What is that dinosaur doing or thinking?

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53 Comments on Write a Funny Caption For This Photo

  1. *BREAKING NEWS* prehistoric bow tie found with perfectly preserved Dino.

  2. Elizabeth M. // April 27, 2021 at 6:43 pm // Reply

    Dino becomes millionaire.

  3. One might say I’m biting through my wallet!

  4. Scooby-doo // April 16, 2021 at 3:18 pm // Reply

    Why is this not a benjamin!!!!

  5. Me billionire… we scary… me will not give money…Me destroy everything… me rich!

  6. Be prepared // April 9, 2021 at 10:34 pm // Reply

    Thank you

  7. did you get that from selling popcorn?

  8. (Rex from toy story) Finally, Ham gave me some of his money!

  9. I have… THE POWER!!

  10. BoyScoutTF2 // March 26, 2021 at 2:31 am // Reply

    When mom lets you keep the change

  11. The monster // March 22, 2021 at 9:28 pm // Reply

    This is “rawr” money

  12. hot dog head // March 21, 2021 at 2:12 pm // Reply

    im rich bro lets get a robot hand for my small hands

  13. finnaly after all these years oh my what is in my hand it is moneyyyy!

  14. CookieTruth101 // March 12, 2021 at 6:05 pm // Reply

    me to the haircut lady after my mom gave me the change

  15. Brother Wolf // March 8, 2021 at 11:43 am // Reply

    Mine, my own. MY PRECIOUS!!

  16. countthescouts143 // March 5, 2021 at 8:25 am // Reply


  17. AVENTADORKING10 // February 25, 2021 at 10:36 am // Reply


  18. Well, my mom did say I have to eat greens. :/

  19. THE BOOT GI TI // February 24, 2021 at 4:50 pm // Reply


  20. Scouts Pack 19 // February 23, 2021 at 6:05 pm // Reply

    Here goes to Root Beer!

  21. Dinosaur Needs money you know.

  22. They went that far into the future just to get money

  23. That_Guy_Jim // January 31, 2021 at 7:15 pm // Reply

    Why does everyone always make fun of my arms!?!? First they’re too short, now they look like money! Can’t I just live my life?!?

  24. Yummy money in my tummy

  25. I am RICH!

  26. The stocks are mine! Wait what are stocks..?


  28. hey! I can give this to that new herbivore family that just moved here! wait…

  29. I hate money

  30. You won’t buy another toy dinosaur.. I’m all you need!

  31. I’m going to eat some green and you can’t stop me.

  32. Lightdragon894 // January 5, 2021 at 1:15 pm // Reply

    Noooo, I don’t want to die with the money

  33. pro funny guy // January 3, 2021 at 1:03 pm // Reply

    i like it

  34. Ug ft fgdhggghdghd // December 31, 2020 at 4:25 pm // Reply

    My money not yours ha!

  35. t-robber!

  36. Chicken and waffles // December 24, 2020 at 12:03 pm // Reply

    I thought it would taste good it did not go well

  37. My mom told me to go buy a cheap bow tie, so I bought one for a dollar.

  38. finally money lets buy a lambo wait 100,000 dollars this is only 1 AHHHHHHH!!!!!!

  39. That feeling when your at target and don’t know what to buy…

  40. The tsty mrshmllw // December 14, 2020 at 11:14 am // Reply

    I am a rich-o-sauras rex!

  41. i am robber-saurus rex

  42. I hope the bank can’t recognize me!


  44. HEY! my money- i earned it!

  45. Is this yours sir?

  46. Say no to money or I will eat it

  47. money money MONEY! finally for thousands of years! FINALLY MINE.

  48. sub to eyeballs // December 3, 2020 at 3:57 pm // Reply

    Looks i got BIG money i will buy meat.

  49. THAT FUNNY GIRL // December 1, 2020 at 7:52 am // Reply

    I’M tyrannosaurus-rich!!!!!

  50. I’ve got some money now, but stores don’t exist yet, soooo…

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