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Write a funny caption for this photo

What’s going on in this picture? Where is that elephant going and why is he following that woman?

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. OOOOW, that hurts! Don’t be like that! Why do you have to drag me by my nose? My trunk is sensitive! …..ok, i’m coming…..

  2. Wize Cracker // November 12, 2008 at 8:08 pm // Reply

    What, You can walk your dog, but I can’t walk my elephant?

  3. Itchy Elephant // November 12, 2008 at 8:07 pm // Reply

    Could you scratch there, on my nose? AAAhh, that’s the spot. OOOH, that feels good.

  4. Wize Cracker // November 12, 2008 at 8:05 pm // Reply

    He went THATAWAY!

  5. Wow! This new guide dog seems very obedient! It also feels big, but i guess thats how they grow Chihuahuas now.

  6. Jumbo…. If you go to the dentist I’ll give you a peanut.

  7. Never sniff glue.

  8. Why cant I smell any more?

  9. star wars fan // November 11, 2008 at 4:29 pm // Reply

    “Ahhhhhh! OK! OK! You got revenge for me pulling your nose… Now let go!

  10. “Alright, sonny, this is going to be your new home.”

  11. you are going to make me sneeze

  12. RexFlameHunditer // November 10, 2008 at 10:15 pm // Reply


  13. Is the elephant trying to eat a peanut????

  14. im pulling its nose but peanuts wont come out


  16. he’s following the women because she has a peanut

  17. scarlet wolf // November 10, 2008 at 4:47 pm // Reply

    I hate follow the leader!!!!!

  18. I should have never drank that starch.

  19. I know that I said “I’ll find you your car keys”, but this is going way too far!

  20. Looks like Scooby Doo Got Replaced…

  21. why is my straw so big!

  22. Come on lady hold my hand not my trunk.

  23. I thought you said you wanted to hold my hand not my trunk.

  24. PLEASE!!! Just let me have the peanut!

  25. watch it lady i’m to beautiful to be touched

  26. Where are you taking me! HELP,HHEEEELLP. I’m Being Kidnapped .

  27. I love congo lines.

  28. Left. Right. Left right left.

  29. Bed time! But the sun is still up!

  30. Time to go back to the zoo. Only four more years until you can represent again.

  31. I dont want to take a bath!

  32. okay! okay! I know its your brithday.

  33. No more cookies for you!

  34. Don’t you know you can pick your friends nose!

  35. “Come on jumbo”.”Just a few more days till we get to the african animals convention”.

  36. Mr. Elephant thought he caught a “bug” but when he sneezed, he found out he had actually caught a person!

  37. Come with me. You’re in trouble.

  38. Uh,are you a travel agent, lady?


  40. i love the peanuts, but this pic is suposed to be for the donkey,whats his name pedro.

  41. That tickles!

  42. Almost there, keep digging!

  43. hut 234

  44. im so good, i sould enter the world wide elaphant awards!

  45. I still don’t see why you can’t use a leash when we go to the store.

  46. Don’t tell me its my time to work

  47. UNKOWN CARTOONIST // November 7, 2008 at 9:28 pm // Reply

    I Thought Elephants Always Tell The Truth

  48. come here widdle guy

  49. Come back here you little Democrat!

  50. sassi math hater // November 7, 2008 at 5:43 pm // Reply

    Hey look lady! I am so not going with you! You aren’t my mommy. My mommy has bigger ears than you. Security!!! Security!!!!

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