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Write a funny caption for this photo

What’s going on in this picture? Where is that elephant going and why is he following that woman?

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50 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. Mommy said to always hold hands-er trunks, or whatever appendage when crossing the street

  2. dallas cowboyz fan // November 30, 2008 at 7:42 pm // Reply

    ow thats my trunk your pulling on

  3. That’s it! Bring the elephant into the bathhouse and get yourself a shower!

  4. I can’t pick my nose, I can’t pick on my friends, but I can pick my friends nose.

  5. Elephant:I want peanuts.
    Woman:I don’t have any.
    Elephant:I see peanuts in your hand, don’t make me call the other elephants.

  6. GIVE ME BACK MY PEANUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Ma’am if you do not have peanuts in your hand you are under arrest.

  8. Do you have peanuts in your hand?

  9. Can I be on a leash? My nose hurts!

  10. woman;i know well win first for “most likely to hold your hand” at the pet show today!

    elephant; Im leaving first chance i get!

  11. cool! my trunk stretched 4.5 feet!!

  12. oocha oocha oocha boom // November 29, 2008 at 8:45 pm // Reply

    lady:and now the new clothes trunk…
    elephant:(thinking) why am i the clothes line?

  13. can we stop at a restroom

  14. And on your left there is the other Elephants are

  15. I. Havnos Killz // November 29, 2008 at 3:12 pm // Reply

    Patty cake patty cake, baker’s man
    bake me a cake as fast as you can

  16. Elephant: *thinking* The things I do for peanuts…

  17. Ichi Man (10,000) // November 29, 2008 at 12:23 pm // Reply

    When will she stop hiding?

  18. Hay give me back my trunk

  19. now be a good boy and shake hands errr paws jumbo , umm no , no , arrgh!

  20. Oh, man I have to sneeze!!!!!

  21. are we there yet?

  22. I love you

  23. ow that hurts my nosie poo!

  24. Hunny hold my hand while we cross the street.

  25. And you’ll see here, sir, is where you live. After living here for the rest of your life, you’ll be in the zoo’s morgue for a week, and then buried. Do you have any other questions about life for the third time in a row, Mr. Elepant?

  26. hey get your hand out of my nose woman!!!!!! ooh peanuts!!

  27. I told you that you weren’t allowed to get a nose piercing! Now lets go get it removed.

  28. Why are you picking my nose?!?!

  29. You DON’T want a frozen trunk.

  30. Heeeey, why do I have to be the one who got caught? Tiger’s done this a million times!

  31. Wait ’till mom see what I won in the circus!!!

  32. HEY STOP!! I…want…to…run…away…from…her…

  33. “My finger’s stuck”

  34. Where ever the peanuts go I go!

  35. Ready, Aim…FIRE!

  36. Pull my trunk! Ha ha ha!

  37. OH WOW!!! I love peanuts!!!!! NOM NOM NOM!!!

  38. Oh, No! Not another bath!

  39. Man, do I HATE losing tug-of-war!

  40. Hey! You are not my kid!

  41. why is she sticking her hand in my nose? im sure she wouldnt like it if i put my hand in her nose!

  42. Women:Here comes the elephant to come and save the day….

  43. follows-the-cow // November 26, 2008 at 12:12 am // Reply

    Wait… you said 5 bales of hay, your NOT making me go out in public without 5 bales.

  44. I’m not lying, so stop calling me Pinocchio!

  45. Are you sure you have peanuts in your car?

  46. Lead the way, seeing-eye human.

  47. Woman: “Will you accompany me to the dance floor?”

    Elephant thinks: “Ooh I’ve never danced before! This is going to be exciting!”

  48. Why they don’t allow retrievers in the zoo.

  49. Uugh, I hate taking care of these stupid, stinky elephants. Time to put on a cheesy smile for that kids show. Man, I hate my job…

  50. Wize Cracker // November 12, 2008 at 8:11 pm // Reply

    But I don’t wanna go to the family reunion… I don’t know anybody there… YOU CANT MAKE ME GO!!!! NOOOO!!! WAAAAAH!!!

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