Scouting Around
Does your unit have a cool outing coming up? Tell us about it and it could appear in Scouting Around!
Photos from the BearPaw winter camp experience

Video and photos of the snow-skiing Florida Scouts

Scouts Chip In After Yosemite Rim Fire Disaster
The recent Yosemite National Park fire, which began in late August and wasn’t fully contained until earlier this month, burned more than 250,000 acres of High Sierra
Trekking in Style
When braving the rugged White Mountains, you deserve a nice place to sleep.
Discover the fun and adventure of Florida Sea Base
At the Florida National High Adventure Sea Base, you can explore the clear waters of the Florida Keys and the Caribbean.
Sea Scouts on Lake Huron photo gallery
Check out these photos from the Lake Huron High Adventure Cruise, an event in which Sea Scouts, Venturers and Boy Scouts sailed nine vessels for five days and 281 miles across Lake Huron from Mackinaw City, Mich., to Port Huron, Mich., to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the BSA's Sea Scout program.