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How to Build and Fly a Box Kite

Most altitude records for kite flying are held by box kites. Here's how to make a high-flying box kite with easy-to-find materials.

How to Tie a Square Knot

Tying a square knot is as easy as right over left, left over right. Watch our tutorial to learn how.

How to Get a Player’s Autograph

It’s not as easy to get an autograph in person as it used to be. Here’s how to attract your favorite baseball player’s attention.

Scouts help raise puppy to become a guide dog

puppy-200x148For almost one year, Life Scout Quinn Schneider and his family had a black Lab puppy named Kajsa. They helped to raise her and train her to become a guide dog and help others. Then they had to say goodbye.

How to build a bug board

They might annoy us or amaze us, but there's no question about it: Bugs are an essential part of the natural order of things. Here's how to make your own nature museum to display them.