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Write a funny caption for this photo

What’s going on in this picture? What is this polar bear doing and what is it thinking?

If you can think of a funny caption for this photo, just post it in the comment form at the bottom of this page. After we approve it, your funny caption will be on this page for everyone to read.

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52 Comments on Write a funny caption for this photo

  1. clubpenguinguy // February 6, 2010 at 9:27 am // Reply

    Yummy! Cherry flavored fish.

  2. wait a minute this is not ice cream

  3. Man, this ice is thick! It’ll take FOREVER to make that olimpic swimming pool I wanted to dig.

  4. Some weird Guy // February 5, 2010 at 10:30 pm // Reply

    Can’t… finish… ice cream cone!

  5. “must. GET. SLEEP. NOW”

  6. ice actually tastes pretty good

  7. I’m so hungry

  8. I have to get that ice because the sonic down the road is closed!

  9. What I
    have to do to get water these days, sheesh

  10. ohhh! I am so hungry I could eat ice!!!

  11. PEE WEE !!! I found the fish !!! ( Please get my tounge unstuck !!!)

  12. Should of learned fom the guy on A Christmas Story

  13. That seal is here somewhere. I know it!

  14. Ugh… I thought that lemon snowcone didn’t taste right.

  15. Hey! Mr. Salmon! I only wanted to play!

  16. I knew I shoudn’t of taken those sleeping pills.

  17. Must……chase…….flea…..

  18. barrel o' laughs // February 4, 2010 at 7:37 pm // Reply

    Just a little more digging and I can grab that Wii!

  19. Why am I not still hibernating?

  20. charlie brown // February 4, 2010 at 6:25 pm // Reply

    hmmmm I guess your toung can also stick to icebergs to.

  21. Mmm, can I get cherry snow-cone flavor please? Anybody? Rats.

  22. Must…(grunt) get…(wheeze) speck…(gasp) of dust!!!

  23. Darn! He triple dog dared me!

  24. “So you can’t get your mouth around the world.”

  25. AwEsOmE PeRsOn // February 4, 2010 at 4:38 pm // Reply

    Yuck The seals said this icecream would tast better than this!

  26. were did you go fishy fishy//??? i thought you were in my hand fishy fishy:) ;0)

  27. come back to papa !!!!????!

  28. The Fish Is Rotten! So I Decided To Chew On This Ice!!!

  29. “Come on seal do I have to dig”

  30. That’s what I get for trying to juggle…

  31. It is trying to brush it’s teeth!

  32. now where did i drop my keys?

  33. Instead of chewing gum, chew on ice!

  34. I could have swore this was a seal when I started…

  35. my teeth are stuck!

  36. duke of earl // February 4, 2010 at 3:14 pm // Reply

    I envy humans,with their apposable thumbs and their little silver tools. they just make fishing look sooo easy. don’t they now?

  37. barrel o' laughs // February 4, 2010 at 2:46 pm // Reply

    Hufff Puffff!! Why are those math books so heavy?

  38. Frostbite: defenition- this

  39. wow 42 pounds lost and i am still to heavey

  40. Ooh ooh come on come on sooooo close!!!!!FIshy!You will be mine!!!!

  41. Oohh come on come on!Almost there!!!!

  42. i cant eat the ice cream

  43. This ice taste so good I could althere is in the world!

  44. yum. yummy. what flavor is this.

  45. this is “ground hog” day in the north pole it deffinetly saw its shodow

  46. i lovee ice soooo much i loveee too lickk iceeee!

  47. I am never eating 599 pounds of fish cream in a day again

  48. this ice is delicious.

  49. I like to eat cheese!!!!

  50. That bird sure is strong!Look what he did!!!:[

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