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Stuck Inside? 25 Fun Projects to Do at Home

Bored? Stuck at home? Even if you can’t go outside, you can still have fun. Here are some easy games, activities and projects that you can do indoors.

When you finish your project, make sure to send us a photo.

How to Grow Your Own Crystals

It might seem like magic, but all you're doing is collecting salt crystals from evaporated salt water. (It's still cool!)

How to Make Twig Pencils

Twig pencils are fun, easy and cheap to make. And the expressions on your friends’ faces when you start scribbling with a stick will be writetious!

Make a Water Drop Microscope

With just a few common items from around the house, you can make a simple microscope that's straight out of history.

Make a Paracord Watchband or Bracelet

A paracord watchband makes a great gift or can be used as a survival tool. Unraveled, it provides about 10 feet of handy paracord for fixing tent lines or tying together broken gear.

Submit a Photo of Your Project

Important Note: Please only upload photos of your project. Because of privacy rules, we can’t post any photos that show people’s faces. Always ask for your parent’s permission before uploading anything to a website.

3 Comments on Stuck Inside? 25 Fun Projects to Do at Home

  1. Such great ideas. Deffinatly going to get our Cubs in South Africa to try.

  2. i have another activity you could help save bees whith this activity you can make a bee house.

  3. bushcamper // March 28, 2020 at 6:41 pm // Reply

    I think the article 25 fun projects to do around the house is a good place to find some things to do.
    I tried it out at my place and it really worked out because my dog ate all of them and that is a good thing. It also saves time and money because we can’t go to the store because we are in isolation cause of covid-19. the article is wonderful and full of tricks to keep us intertained. Eventhough the situation of covid-19 quarantine is pretty sad, I found some positive vibes after reading your article. My favorite ideas were the dog treats and the duct tape wallet. I also really like the way it was explained. Step by step instruction and pictures made it easier to follow the recipe.

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