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Poisonous Plants Quiz

16 Comments on Poisonous Plants Quiz

  1. AlicornGirl // August 16, 2024 at 9:35 am // Reply

    I got an A! if you read up on nature guides when you get bored, it can really be a help when it comes to this kind of quiz!

  2. I got a D. I guess I’ll never go outside again and leave Boy Scouts 🙁

  3. Informative I got 100% easy if you remeber the saying about leaves of three.

  4. Got an A on my first try let’s go

  5. A+. Easy.

  6. I got a c

  7. Ω HORSESHOE // May 3, 2021 at 6:46 am // Reply


  8. I got a 100%! I can’t believe I got an A.

  9. got D

  10. I gota C-

  11. 5/7 · Scored 71%

    Result: B I cant beleive it

  12. I got an a plus 100

  13. 81% i got posion oak wrong, but that was because the pic wasnt poison oak!

  14. A i guessed mostly all of them hehe

  15. I got an F, I just gussed

  16. 14% I got one right the poison ivy

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