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How To Clean Your Lantern

Q. I have a lantern that has a removable glass covering, and it has soot all over it. How can I get it off?

Stuff We Like: LED Lenser H7

If you follow the Gear Guy, then you know I LOVE headlamps. They're definitely one of the handiest things you can carry in your pack. And I've really been digging a new one I've been testing called the LED Lenser H7.

Stuff We Like: Gerber Omnivore Flashlight

Ever been scrambling before an outing for fresh flashlight batteries but never have the right kind on-hand? If you’re like me, the answer is a big fat yes. In fact, I have a great flashlight sitting in my drawer right now that requires a CR123 Lithium battery but I never remember to get one of those at the store and I definitely don’t have one just lying around the house. But that’s exactly the type of situation where the Gerber Omnivore Flashlight really shines -- pardon the pun.

Waterproof headlamps

Q. Dear Gear Guy, I was on a hike last weekend with my troop and accidentally dropped my flashlight in a stream. By the time I fished it out of the water it was dead and still doesn’t work. I need a new one and am wondering if anyone makes waterproof headlamps?