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Take the Summer Olympics Trivia Quiz!

Go for the gold with our Summer Olympics Trivia Quiz! From sports to history, see how much you really know about the world’s most exciting sporting event. Take the challenge and show off your Olympic knowledge today!

Once you’ve finished the quiz, check out the Olympic Mascot photo gallery, watch Team USA’s Top 10 Olympic Moments, laugh at funny Olympic jokes, and more!

11 Comments on Take the Summer Olympics Trivia Quiz!

  1. 90 percent, but most were guesses.

  2. I got a 20% is that bad?

  3. Little hard to do this for some reason.but why?

  4. GILthechamp123 // March 17, 2018 at 5:43 pm // Reply

    2022 Bejing China!

  5. When’s the next Olympics?

  6. Clash Royale a8 2686 trophies // September 18, 2016 at 11:08 pm // Reply


  7. 60%. Not bad

  8. 50 to 59 %

  9. I like cheese // August 5, 2016 at 11:08 am // Reply

    30 Percent all the ones I got right were guesses

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