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Scouting Around

Does your unit have a cool outing coming up? Tell us about it and it could appear in Scouting Around!

Yum! The BSA Now Has An Official Protein Snack

Scoutin-With-SasquatchThe Boy Scouts of America and Jack Linkā€™sĀ® have teamed up on a multiyear partnership that will make Jack Linkā€™s ā€œThe Official Protein Snack of the Boy Scouts of Americaā€ and the organizationā€™s four national high-adventure bases.

What Does Scouting Do For Kids?

The staffers at Boys' Life were thrilled when the nice folks who run the Reading Rainbow website asked us to write a guest blog post. Check out what we came up with.

Photos of 40-mile backpacking trek through the Wallowa Mountains

wallowa-promoTroop 224 from Sherwood, Ore., trekked more than 40 miles through the Wallowa Mountains in northeastern Oregon. Along the way, they survived one of the most difficult descents in the Pacific Northwest, swam in a pristine mountain lake and made it to the summit of Eagle Cap peak.

Grab A Parent And Talk About This Movie

troop-491-posterThere's a new movie out on DVD this month about the positive effects of Boy Scouts on kids. Grab a parent, watch the preview and then decide if you want to see more.

Bringing Comfort To Kids With Cancer

LayersOfLoveOpenThe Cub Scouts from Bear Den 2 in Pack 800, Kissimmee, Fla., contribute regularly to Layers of Love For Children, a charity that provides no-sew blankets to children who are battling cancer.

BL Workshop In Action

TwigTableSmallTwo New York Boy Scouts used an item they built based on instructions found in a BL Workshop article to represent their counties at the New York State Fair.

Eagle Scouts Cycling Across America

ESCAASmallerThis summer, a group of Eagle Scouts from Troop 165 will bike from San Francisco, Calif., to Virginia Beach, Va. Fifty days; 3,691 miles, for an average of nearly 74 miles per day. And they're inviting any Eagle Scout out there to ride with them for any portion of the trip.

Mining In Society Requirements Released

You may not know it, but mining is kind of a big deal. From communications, transportation, power, construction, MiningOpeneragriculture, and medicine to education, entertainment, and recreation, nearly every aspect of society relies on mining. Learn more by earning your Mining in Society merit badge.

Video of a day at the West Point Camporee

westpoint-200x148The West Point Camporee is held one weekend each spring near Lake Frederick, N.Y., not far from the United States Military Academy. Actual West Point cadets -- most of them former Scouts -- put the thousands of Scouts, Venturers and Girl Scouts through some basic training at dozens of stations.

Eagle Tells How Town Has Recovered From Tornado

In the March issue of Boys' Life we told the story of Scouts from across the country rushing to help the community of Moore, Okla., after a devastating tornado ripped through the town last summer. Now, almost a year later, Eagle Scout Davin Ferren offers the following update on the recovery in his hometown.

It’s Cold Out There; Get Outside!

The Northeastern Pennsylvania Council's Klondike derby featured 1,000 Scouts and parents participating in events from winter survival skills to sledding. KlondikeOpen

Photos of winter activities at Camp Wilderness

Last February, more than 250 Scouts participated in a search-and-rescue training session at Camp Wilderness, the Northern Lights Council's 2,400-acre wooded campground in Minnesota's Paul Bunyon State Forest.