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How to Fix a Flat Bicycle Tire

Flat tires are no fun, but they shouldn’t ruin a cycling trip. You can fix a flat tire by following these steps: 1. Inspect the valve to see if it might be the culprit to

Bike Blitz

Experience the thrill of competitive cycling! Customize your bike and race through Italy, France and Spain in this fun game.

Mountain bike or road bike?

I need a new bicycle but I don't know if I should get a mountain bike or a road bike. What are the pros and cons of each type?

Stuff We Like: WD-40 Bike Chain Lubricant

wd40-200x148You've probably heard of WD-40. It's a spray-on lubricant that has been around forever and is useful on nearly everything -- except bike chains. Now there's a WD-40 made specifically for bikes.

Budget BMX bike

Q. Hey Gear Guy, I have a problem: I’m getting a little too “old” for my BMX bike. I’ve had it for three years, but now I need a new one. My saddle is too low, and when I stand on the pedals for a while, my back begins to hurt. There’s one big problem: I’m kind of low on the green stuff (if you know what I mean). Any suggestions?

How to maintain your bike

bikerepair-200x148.jpgMaintaining your bike is your responsibility, both for your safety and that of the friends you ride with. Luckily, tuning up your bike isn't as hard as it might seem when you first try. Here's how to maintain some of the components on your bike.